Frank Giustra given green light to sue Twitter over Pizzagate tweets

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Frank Giustra given green light to sue Twitter over Pizzagate tweets

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Not the newest news, but this is pizzagate subverse so it fits ... -1.5874201
West Vancouver billionaire Frank Giustra has been given the go-ahead to sue Twitter in a B.C. courtroom over the social media giant's publication of a series of tweets tying him to baseless conspiracy theories involving pedophile rings and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In a ruling released Thursday, Justice Elliott Myers found that Giustra's history and presence in British Columbia, combined with the possibility the tweets may have been seen by as many as 500,000 B.C. Twitter users, meant a B.C. court should have jurisdiction over the case.

It's a victory not only for Giustra — whose philanthropic activities have earned him membership in both the Orders of Canada and B.C. — but for Canadian plaintiffs trying to hold U.S.-based internet platforms responsible for border-crossing content.

Frank Giustra was heavily covered on Voat and in general research as person connected to Bill Clinton, child refugees in Greece and Haiti orphans efforts with Bill Clinton. Elpida refugee organization operating under him was using pedophile Boy Lover symbol. He was also founder of Boys Club Network who are interested in mentoring 12-18 year old boys which was interesting for researchers.

Links: ... zagate&p=1

This was covered in Mouthy Buddha's last video of Pedogate trilogy documentary which reached its climax with showcase of suspicious facts about Frank Giustra, Canadian billionaire:

I covered it in video compilation with no sound: - YT link [recommended for better quality], - Bitchute link

Also I use this topic as reminder for people who are still researching this person. Keep doing that people, there are no coincidences with this guy, this is way beyond coincidence.
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