The Luciferian Philosophy & the Fall of Man

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The Luciferian Philosophy & the Fall of Man

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Man existed in a state of primitive felicity, in complete harmony with nature in the Garden of Eden until a serpent tempted them to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, by telling them that God had lied to them, and that the fruit would make them be "as gods, knowing good and evil". After his disobedience, Man's eyes opened; he realized his own nakedness, he knew good and evil. But this enlightenemnet barred him from the garden of Eden. Only through the promise of a redeeming Messiah will he be able to return to this idyllic garden, while retaining his own knowledge.

This fall of Man can have many interpretations. Some see it as man's fall to the physical, material plane of existence from a superior spiritual realm. Others think of it as the loss of a true religion or timeless wisdom, which gave Man answers to all his questions. Some see it as the downfall of an enlightened civilization or the end of a long-forgotten golden age.

The luciferian philosophy sees it as a positive event. Man, in his original state, was an irrational animal; living in accordance with nature, in liberty and equality, without laws, governments and religions and in a state of innocence, but without intellect; without a rational, discerning mind that allowed him to distinguish between good and evil. This is the Garden of Eden. Along came the Serpent, Lucifer or Prometheus; the light bringer, who brought him the light of intellect, knowledge, reason. The principle of Mind. Man, now enlightened, had awakened from his primitive state, but now he became capable of evil. He had free will now. However, this "fall" only served to further his enlightenment. By means of this gift he could be as gods. It is through his mind that he can reach to the divine, through meditation, philosophy, introspection, knowledge of himself and the world, conquering his passions and material attachments and elevating himself to perfection. Mind is the mediator, the savior, the redeemer of Man which reconnects him with his Divine source, thus making him as God. Ultimately, Mind is the messiah which will bring about the utopia and restore the whole of humanity to its primeval golden age. Enlightened men who have already perfected themselves and reconnected are to lead the way.

  • In Gnosticism, the god of the Old Testament is seen as an evil, lesser god known as the "Demiurge"; which fashioned the imperfect and evil material world, in which the divine spark of Man is trapped. Through gnosis, knowledge; a mystical experience of the divine, man reunites with the divine and becomes one with everything, losing his ego. The enlightened few united with the divine mind from which all individual minds come, and became thus a vessel for the divine will to act upon. He is incapable of sinning and he is god. The serpent, according to some sects like the Ophites, is the same as Christ; the true God which intends to give man the possibility of returning to his original source through gnosis. The brazen serpent of Moses on the cross is the same as Christ himself.
  • According to Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, and Jean Jacques Rousseau, Man lived in a primitive state of nature, without any worries. As society developed, private property, nationalism, the creation of governments and religions made him lose his utopian state of Liberty and Equality. Weishaupt says It is through reason that man can return to this state in which he would need no government, and Rousseau says it is through the republic that he can enjoy his original rights while preserving private property and modern civilization. This thesis is similar to Marx's view; there was an epoch of primitive communism and man will return to it through the dictatorship of the proletariat, in which all means of production become collectivized; put in the hands of the socialist state led by the proletariat, in order to abolish social classes and inequality, which would in turn render the state unnecesary (since it serves to exert the domination of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat and manintain the status quo) and lead to the communist utopia.
  • In Plato's view, the ideal ruler were the men which could, through their own intellect, know true reality (the world of ideas) and know the Form of Good. They were Philosopher-kings, self-enlightened men, dettached from family and material possessions and fit to rule others.
  • "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High" - Psalm 82:6
  • "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" - John 10:34
  • "There is no god but Man" - Aleister Crowley
  • "Man is a god in the making" - Manly P. Hall
To be continued...
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Luciferian Philosophy & the Fall of Man

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: The Luciferian Philosophy & the Fall of Man

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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