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McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:09 pm
by Heisenberg123
Source: posted by angelafogo
I will write this post fast & hard so the message sticks.

The McMartin abuse scandal was the flag of the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic in the 80s. The case was delegitimized intentionally in order to install the idea that there was a paranoid witch hunt in the american society with no real evidence. Abused children showed real signs of abused corroborated by experts. Also they spoke of tunnels below the school which were never corroborated by the police, though the media used the statement to further reinforce the theory of all being fabricated fantasies of the children. Fact is there are tunnels, the families of the abused children dig them up in the 1990s."The tunnels are extensive, include a large room just as the children said, and lead to further sites off the property. The tunnels were found in an archeological dig under the pre-school conducted by Dr. E. Gary Stickel, archaeologist and director of Environmental Research Archaeologists, a Scientific Consortium." Here is the link ... artin.html

And now, the most important part of my findings. Paul and Shirley Eberle were the authors chosen by the Cabal to dismiss the McMartin abuses as fantasies and paranoia, bringing down the entire SRA panic to a mockery. He wrote "The Abuse of Innocence" which is basically a lie and established the idea that children were forced to declare fantasies. The Eberles also wrote the Politics of Child Abuse (Secaucus, N.) Lyle Stuard Inc., 1986) which centers on the McMartin case as the bellwether of the nationwide “child abuse witch hunt” (p. 285) “resulting in the devastation of innocent peoples lives and families (p, 283). Both books lionized defendants and defense interests while defaming everything and everyone associated with child protection. Such polemics also illustrate the gospel of the dual attack on child protection. Ritual abuse cases are first debunked as de factor frauds, then all sexual abuse complaints are tarred with the same brush..” We believe that every molestation case in which there has been a conviction should be reopened and reviewed.” (The Politics of Child Abuse, p. 284). The Eberles have been cited as experts in sexual abuse trials. They were featured speakers at a conference of the Victims of Child Abuse Laws, a group formed to protect accused parents.

** Now, who were the Eberle?** This is where it gets interesting. The Eberle were publishers of and Underground magazine called FINGER (a word easily recognizable by the pedocommunity and widely used in the Elsagate videos). This magazine featured zoofilia, scat, S&m and yes, pedophilia. So i found a cover of the mag. And check the title "Masters, Slaves, Babies, Dog, etc" Editorial by Paul & Shirley Eberle. (if somebody can archive this image please) ... id=1&pid=1

I also found this issue complete. It features a lot of hardcore stuff.

Check this out ... (4).jpgJPG
So basically what you have just read is evidence that the writers that wrote the book which summarised and delegimitized the McMartin case (which mas the most important case of the SRA panic in the 80s) and which were later cited for counsel on how to make the McMartin movie (Indictment) which was based, of course, on their book, yes, they were publishers of the most important pedo-magazine in USA.

“the Eberles were the most prolific publishers of child pornography in the United States” a statement made by Sgt. Toby Tyler, a San Bernadino deputy sheriff who is a nationally recognized expert on child pornography. The Tampa Tribune-Times, July 25, 1993, p.10.

Please help me spread this like wildfire and archive everything.
Paul R. Eberle and Shirley Eberle are American authors. Paul Eberle is a former writer for the Los Angeles Free Press.[1]

In the 1970s, the Eberles published an Adult publication called Finger.[2]

In 1972 they wrote The Adventures of Mrs. Pussycat, a children's book.

In the 1970s, They Published and sold the paper "LA Star" in news racks throughout Los Angeles and other states .[2][3][1]

They published The Politics of Child Abuse in 1986. It discusses false allegation of child sexual abuse in the day care sex abuse hysteria.[4][3][1]

In 1993 they published The Abuse of Innocence on the McMartin preschool trial.[5] Alan Dershowitz called the book, The Abuse of Innocence, "... a wake-up call to those who believe that prosecutors and their experts can be trusted to do justice in the emotional context of child abuse."[6][7][1]

In 2006, Paul Eberle published a book on road rage.[8]

Finger: ... id=1&pid=1 ... 155501.jpg ... 1/mode/2up ... %20(4).jpg

La Star: ... 913924.jpg

This hit piece tried to completely clear Eberles of all accusations but in my view it failed to do so by mentioning stories of child sex abuse being sent to Finger magazine:
Finger rejected the slick editorial trappings of standard sex magazines in exchange for non-commissioned articles, illustrations, and photographs by readers describing their sexual fantasies and histories. Professional models, photographers, and writers were rarely used, according to Moritz, and readers' stories were printed as received, complete with typos and misspellings.

The sexual subject matter of those articles covered a wide range: heterosexuality, homosexuality, transsexuality, transvestism, bestiality, S & M, urination, and exhibitionism. Readers also occasionally sent in stories about their childhood sex experiences or fantasies with incest and pedophilia. The theme that anyone can enjoy sex without shame ran throughout its pages. ... 2.htm#en21

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:43 pm
by MercurysBall2
They wrote a book The adventures of Mrs. Pussycat, illustrated by Anthony de Rosa who went on to become an animator at Disney.

The adventures of Mrs. Pussycat ... 0130141267

DeRosa, Anthony
The adventures of Mrs. Pussycat by Paul Eberle( Book )
Anthony de Rosa, Disney

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 4:33 am
by MercurysBall2
Two of their books, The Politics of Child Abuse and The Abuse of Innocence: The McMartin Preschool Trial were published by Prometheus Books
Prometheus Books is a publishing company founded in August 1969 by the philosopher Paul Kurtz (who was also the founder of the Council for Secular Humanism, Center for Inquiry, and co-founder of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry).
Paul Kurtz
Paul Kurtz (December 21, 1925 – October 20, 2012)[2] was a prominent American scientific skeptic and secular humanist. He has been called "the father of secular humanism".

He was co-chair of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) from 1986 to 1994.[4] He was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Humanist Laureate, president of the International Academy of Humanism and Honorary Associate of Rationalist International. As a member of the American Humanist Association, he contributed to the writing of Humanist Manifesto II.[5] He was an editor of The Humanist, 1967–78.

..In 1999 Kurtz was given the International Humanist Award by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). He had been a board member of IHEU between 1969 and 1994, and in a tribute by former colleague at both IHEU and the Council for Secular Humanism Matt Cherry, Kurtz was described as having "had a strong commitment to international humanism — a commitment to humanism beyond US borders never seen matched by another American. He did a lot to expand IHEU as a member of the IHEU Growth and Development Committee (with Levi Fragell and Rob Tielman) and then when he was co-chair, also with Rob and Levi. He always pushed IHEU to be bigger and bolder."

In June 2010, the State University of New York at Buffalo announced the establishment of the Paul Kurtz Lecture Series. The series will bring notable speakers to the University's campus in Amherst, New York, to speak on topics relevant to the philosophy of humanism and philosophical naturalism. Kurtz had made the bequest and charitable gift annuity to the University, where he taught from 1965 to 1991, to help promote the development of critical intelligence in future generations of SUNY at Buffalo students. On November 5, 2010, the University announced that cognitive scientist Steven Pinker would inaugurate the new Paul Kurtz Lecture Series on December 2, 2010.
Of course we know about Pinker's connections to Jeffrey Epstein ... er%22&b=on

Paul Kurtz is mentioned in this post: cleared of all charges, UK Anti Pedo Vigilante Group free to continue their work enacting citizen arrests
‘During our investigations, a speaker at a Sex Education Symposium in Liverpool outlined tactics of sex education saying: ‘if we do not get into sex education, children will simply follow the mores of their parents’. The fact that sex education was to be the vehicle for peddlers of secular humanism soon became apparent.

‘However, at that time the power of the network and the full implications of its activities were not fully understood. It was thought that the situation was confined to Britain. The international implications had not been grasped.

‘Soon after, a little book was published with the intriguing title The Men Behind Hitler—A German Warning to the World. Its thesis was that the eugenics movement, which had gained popularity early in the twentieth century, had gone underground following the holocaust in Nazi Germany, but was still active and functioning through organizations promoting abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, mental health, etc. The author urged the reader to look at his home country and neighbouring countries, for he would surely find that members and committees of these organizations would cross-check to a remarkable extent.

‘Other books and papers from independent sources later confirmed this situation. . . . A remarkable book was also published in America which documented the activities of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). It was entitled The SIECUS Circle A Humanist Revolution. SIECUS was set up in 1964 and lost no time in engaging in a programme of social engineering by means of sex education in the schools. Its first executive director was Mary Calderone, who was also closely linked to Planned Parenthood, the American equivalent of the British FPA. According to The SIECUS Circle, Calderone supported sentiments and theories put forward by Rudolph Dreikus, a humanist, such as:

· merging or reversing the sexes or sex roles;

· liberating children from their families;

· abolishing the family as we know it’

In their book Mind Siege, (Thomas Nelson, 2000) Tim LaHaye and David A. Noebel confirmed Riches’s findings of an international network. ‘The leading authorities of Secular Humanism may be pictured as the starting lineup of a baseball team: pitching is John Dewey; catching is Isaac Asimov; first base is Paul Kurtz; second base is Corliss Lamont; third base is Bertrand Russell; shortstop is Julian Huxley; left fielder is Richard Dawkins; center fielder is Margaret Sanger; right fielder is Carl Rogers; manager is ‘Christianity is for losers’ Ted Turner; designated hitter is Mary Calderone; utility players include the hundreds listed in the back of Humanist Manifesto I and II, including Eugenia C. Scott, Alfred Kinsey, Abraham Maslow, Erich Fromm, Rollo May, and Betty Friedan.

‘In the grandstands sit the sponsoring or sustaining organizations, such as the . . . the Frankfurt School; the left wing of the Democratic Party; the Democratic Socialists of America; Harvard University; Yale University; University of Minnesota; University of California (Berkeley); and two thousand other colleges and universities.’...

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:06 am
by MercurysBall2
Pseudoskeptics Strange CSICOP connections to pedophilia ... edophilia/
The lifelong dedication of pseudoskeptics to irrationally attacking religious and spiritual institutions and ESP is so gross and organised and widespread and so robotically repeated by thousands in lockstep, that one suspects it’ some kind of undiagnosed illness. Or orchestrated. Or both.

Website subversive thinking has put some effort into researching this and come up with some surprising connections between ardent atheism in its various forms and a publishing empire called Prometheus Books that has the same founder as CSICOP the peak organisation for irrational skepticism and atheism. (James Randi, Richard Wiseman, Michael Shermer etc)

Just the first few paragraphs are presented here about the type of material coming out of the Prometheus Publishing empire. ...

Well if you enter the Prometheus books website and see the section on Human Sexuality, you’ll see titles explicitly or implicitly endorsing promoting and justifying with pseudo-scientific and “rationalistic” jargon pornography, prostitution, pedophilia, sado masochism, zoophilia, and other sexual aberrations and perversions.

In other sections you’ll see titles supporting abortion an infanticide, or weird behaviours like transvetism.

The original “Human Sexuality” section of Prometheus Books catalog was edited CSICOP/CSI Fellow and International Academy of Humanism Secretariat Dr Vera Bullough who according to Wikipedia was a “member of the editorial board” of Paidika: The Journal of Pedophilia

The pseudo-scientific and immoral journal (PAIDIKA) was a pro-paedophilia journal.

According to Wikipedia The Journal of pedophilia (1987 – 1995) was journal published by the Sticjting Paidika Foundation. Articles drawn from it are available from a number of pro pedophile websites. Its editor was Joseph Geraci, and the editorial board included articles by writers Fritz Bernard, Edward Brongersma, prof Vera L Bullough and DH (Donald) Mader, some of whom campigned as pro-pedophilia activists.

In this link Bullough is mentioned as someone “who accepts the conclusions of Wilson & Cox (1983) that people with pedophilia are quite normal people who should not be demonized. Some behaviour might be socially incorrect, but that is not the same as pathological. As long as these people limit themselves having fantasies, nothing is wrong. If some people have to change their behaviour, this is a case of re-educating those people, not of treatment or curing an illness”.

People with pedophilic feelings are normal people? Would YOU swallow such nonsense?.....

According to an article by Dr Judith Reisman commenting on World Pornography Conference ” The conference featured Paidika The journal of pedophilia editor Vera Bullough and his pedophile editorial colleagues John De Cecco, daniel Tsang and Wayne Dynes– all professors at major American colleges.

Chairing the CSUN “Erotic” section on ” Child pornography” was Harris Mirkin an associate professor of political science at the University of MIssouri, Kansas City. Mirkins 1999 article “The Pattern of Sexual Politics, Feminism Homosexuality and pedophilia (Journal of Homosexuality Vol 37 ) describes the steps the pedophiles need to take to gain social acceptance. He advises pedophiles to advocate for the elimination of phrases like “child molestation” and “child abuse”. (This is political correctness at work.)

Why was a Secular Humanist (Professor Bullough) a professional atheist, a member of the editorial board of a pro-pedophilia journal like Paidika? Why does the “skeptical” atheist and materialist publishing house Prometheus Books endorse this kind of behaviour with its books? Is that part of a materialist and metaphysical naturalist agenda to destroy the values of society? I’ll attempt to respond to some of these questions later. Keep in mind Prometheus Books publish other titles about different topics, including philosophy and science (and I don’t doubt these titles have some value, but it doesn’t justify promoting of sexual aberrations like pedophilia...

In his book on Uri Geller, journalist Eric Margolis wrote” One book on the Prometheus book list is a British academic book on child abuse. Children’s Sexual Encounters with Adults republished in the US.with a bright red jacket on which the title is printed in bold black letters three quarters of an inch high presumably for the benefit of short-sighted researchers into child sex.

The book consists of hundreds of detailed case histories of adults having sex with children. Other Prometheus texts have little claim to being academic.

Cannibalism: from sacrifice to Survival

The Horseman: Obsessions of a Zoophile (animal sex obsession)

The breathless orgasm: A love map biography of Asphyxiophilia

Death Dealer The memoirs of the SS Kommandant of Auschwitz

How are we to explain these titles? Remember that metaphysical naturalists, secular humanists, and materialistic atheists ( militant atheists) don’t believe in objective values (bear in mind this point because it’s absolutely essential to understand the psychological and ideological motivation behind such titles) They have a purely negative philosophy (ie a philosophy based on the negation of traditional relgion and its values) If they are consistent, they have to embrace relativism and subjectivism in moral topics. According to Richard DawkinsNow if you then ask me where I get my “ought” statements from that’s a more difficult question. if I say something is wrong, like killing people,I don’t find that as nearly as defensible a statement as “I am distant cousin of an orang-utan

If its true then, pornography, pedophilia, infanticide, sado masochism, rape, zoophilia suicide, drugs and killing people are not intrinsically bad or wrong. In fact. Dawkins conceded the latter, when complementing the above quote, he said, The second of those statements is TRUE I can tell you why it’s true – I can bore you to death telling you why it’s true. It’s definitely true. The statement “killing people is wrong”, to me, is not of that character. I would be quite open to persuasion that killing people is right in some circumstances....

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:41 am
by MercurysBall2
Paul Kurtz and Esalen Institute ... salen.html
Joe K. Adams and Dell Carson led an early conference on psychic phenomena. (Anderson, pg 59). In their first seminar on Human Potentiality, led by Willis Harman, every program leader was involved with LSD research: Adams, Harman, Gregory Bateson, Gerald Heard, Paul Kurtz, and Myron Stolaroff. (Anderson, pg 72)

Other drug-culture luminaries, such as Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert, taught at Esalen, and various psychedlics were used by the staff and students, although drug-use was not officially endorsed. Strangely, the Institute was never raided by the authorities. (Anderson, pg 108)

Charles Manson and members of his family played an impromptu concert at Esalen three days before their massacre at the Sharon Tate house. (Anderson, 239)

In the late 1970's, Esalen became involved with an Englishwoman named Jenny O'Connor, who claimed to be in psychic contact with the Nine (probably the same Nine that Andriah Puharich claimed to be in contact with). Dick Price and other members of the Esalen staff became increasingly dependent on the Nine, to the point of listing them as program leaders and members of the Esalen Gesalt Staff in brochures.
Willis Harman ... arman.html
[Note: for some reason, Harman's name has been spelled Harmon in many places]
President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Co-founder of the World Business Academy. Former consultant to the White House's National Goals Research Staff. On Board of Directors of the Albert Hoffman Foundation. Director of the Center for the Study of Social Policy at SRI International. Former Director of the Educational Policy Research Center at SRI.
Post re Harman : The Body And Ritual Abuse: Comparing Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, Maria Abramovic's Method and MKULTRA
Gurdjieff is directly linked to Marina Abramovic, as well as Bartlesville. His 'Fourth Way' is intimately tied to the development of Abramovic's 'Method' and her 'spirit cooking' via Abramovic's repeated description of Gurdjieff as her spiritual "father." The common denominator between Abramovic's Method and Gurdjieff's Fourth Way is the use of the body, body movement, and physical experience as a medium for "spiritual development" /mental and emotional change and altered states.

Gurdjieff's 'Fourth Way' can accurately be described as a literal predecessor to Abramovic's sprit cooking and ritualistic, bloody practices. Many individuals tied to Gurdjieff (Idries Sha, John G Bennet) are also linked to Tavistock and intelligence agencies in both the UK and the US...

Ichazo's acolyte Claudio Naranjo was also a member of Gestalt groups centered in the Human Potential movement. Naranjo apparently became an "apprentice of Fritz Perls and part of the early Gestalt Therapy community, where he began conducting workshops at Esalen Institute as a visiting associate. ...

Further, Naranjo was "a consultant for the Education Policy Research Center, created by Willis Harman at Stanford Research Institute." The Stanford Research Institute is notorious for its involvement in MKULTRA type programs, much like its British cousin, the Tavistock Institute.

Willis Harman: " taught for several years at the University of Florida before joining the Stanford faculty in 1952.[2] He eventually left Stanford to become a senior social scientist at SRI International where he initiated a futures research program, exploring the national and global future. In this capacity he worked on long-term strategic planning and policy analysis for an assortment of corporations, government agencies, and international organizations.[4] He then served as president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences from 1975 until his death in 1997."
Institute of Noetic Sciences (INS) or as I like to call them.. 'the woo woo crowd' of the intelligence services.. see the current crop of influencers such as Sacha Stone, Magenta Pixie, Russell Grant, Laura Eisenhower, Deepak Chopra et al.. and includes.. the Parvati Foundation and the Green Movement which was infiltrated and co-opted long ago..
See : Boris Johnson's father Stanley , Parvati Foundation and NXIVM's Rainbow Cultural Garden viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2258

Lawrence Bloom is on their advisory committee and has extensive connections to the United Nations, WHO, the royal family, Finchley Road etc.
INS is also, connected to the Camelot Project with Scientologists John Mappin and his wife ... 78623.html

Nigel Farage has just gone to work for their Dutch Green company ... nance-firm

One of their major projects is reforestation which is connected to the Eden Reforestation project which connects to the World Preservation Foundation which is also the Supreme Master Ching Hai cult and connected to the Hampstead case and Richard Branson.. ah, the webs we weave..

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:28 am
by MercurysBall2
Noetic Leadership Taking Its Place in the World ... -in-world/
As part of IONS partnership with the AITIA Institute and the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, I was invited to the program launch of Quantum Leadership—the impressive joint creation of Chavalit Frederick (Fred) Tsao, Chairman of IMC Pan Asia Alliance and AITIA founder, and Chris Laszlo, Ph.D., Professor of Organizational Behavior, Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.
The Laszlo Institute is connected to Lawrence Bloom's organization Dakia Global : viewtopic.php?f=50&p=8782#p8782

Quantum Leadership: https://quantumleadership.octaveinstitu ... index.html

Chavalit Frederick Tsao , Chairman
Chris Laszlo, Ph.D.
Daniel P. Brown, Ph.d, Harvard Medical School
Ronald E. Fry, Ph.d, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Organizational Behavior
Dustin DiPerna
Ronald E. Fry, Ph.d at the Taos Institute ... ronald-fry

Revisiting a VOAT post about The Standard Hotel and Adam Schiff ... te%22&b=on
Roughly a half-decade later, Epstein approached David R. Gergen, a Harvard Kennedy School professor, to inquire about making a donation to the school. In an interview Sunday, Gergen said the encounter — which he said took place around 2004 or 2005 — marked the first time he met of his brothers, Kenneth J. Gergen, is a psychologist and professor at Swarthmore College. ..the Chairman of the Board of the Taos Institute..

The name of the Institute was derived, in part, from the fact that one of its founders, Diana Whitney, lived in Taos, New Mexico, and provided a geographic center for possible meetings. In 1993, the Institute held its first international conference in Taos.
Diana Whitney
She is President of the Corporation for Positive Change (an international consulting group that she founded);[2] a Fellow of the World Business Academy;,[3] a Founder and Director Emeritus of the Taos Institute [4] and a founding advisor to the United Religions Initiative.
World Business Academy
Founding the World Business Academy by Rinaldo S. Brutoco, Founder & CEO

In early 1986, I was introduced to Willis Harman, a distinguished global thinker, by a mutual friend, Joan Steffy. This introduction turned out to be a game-changing event that led to the founding of the World Business Academy (the Academy).

At that time, Willis was the chief futurist in residence at the then prestigious Stanford Research Institution (SRI), which was hosting a quadrennial event that was the precursor to Davos. Prior to SRI, Willis, who was a tenured professor of electrical engineering on the Stanford University faculty, had begun exploring the interface between consciousness and artificial intelligence. Willis was the first professor in the world to design a course on artificial intelligence, which he taught at Stanford along with his advanced engineer studies. In those twin capacities, he was one of the pioneering Stanford-based intellectuals who ultimately gave rise to the miracle of Silicon Valley

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:28 pm
by MercurysBall2
< In the late 1970's, Esalen became involved with an Englishwoman named Jenny O'Connor, who claimed to be in psychic contact with the Nine (probably the same Nine that Andriah Puharich claimed to be in contact with). Dick Price and other members of the Esalen staff became increasingly dependent on the Nine, to the point of listing them as program leaders and members of the Esalen Gesalt Staff in brochures. > ... -nine.html
The Nine, aka The Council of Nine are alleged channeled beings who claim to be the extraterrestrials that the ancient Egyptians worshipped as gods. It's not entirely clear if they are wholly discarnate or computer intelligences, since they've been described as both. The man of the center of the story-- at least for its first 25 years-- is Andrija Puharich, a mad genius in the Nikola Tesla mold who worked for the military and the CIA and "discovered" Israeli psychic (or fraud, depending on your personal inclination) who himself seemed to be involved with Israeli intelligence...

Long before meeting Geller, Puharich would fall in with a group of rich occultists in Glen Cove, Maine, who formed an organization they called The Round Table in 1952, that fateful year of years. Opinions differ but seems to be the goal was contacting alien intelligences on behalf of the burgeoning Military Industrial Complex, a goal which not coincidentally is also that of the Starship Enterprise, as you can hear in the opening credits of Star Trek. A look at some of the players involved gives you the score fairly quickly. From Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces:
Andrija Puharich expanded his circle of like-minded associations by surrounding himself with select members from his Round Table Foundation, who would ascend in occult prominence as, The Nine. This impressive roster of the US’ earliest pedigreed families included Henry Jackson, Georgia Jackson, Alice [née Astor] Bouverie, Marcella DuPont, Carl Betz, Vonnie Beck, Arthur Young [Bell Helicopter], Young’s wife, Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Puharich himself.

Considering that these people were all deeply involved with the military and/or the Establishment, it should be no surprise at all that they would keep their activities secret. They surely knew of rocket scientist Jack Parsons, whose occult work had been a factor in the loss of his security clearance, and I doubt any of the Round Table group could afford to be on the receiving end of a witch-hunt in McCarthyite America...

The idea of a "Nine" was not new to the occult underground, particularly that rich and loamy corner where occultism and pop culture met. Popular pulp writer and practicing Theosophist Talbot Mundy wrote a novel called The Nine Unknown based on an ancient legend from India. This would have no small effect when Paris woke up from its Existential nightmare to enter a new occult dream in the early 1960s.

..Because as much as it's anyone's, Esalen is a Rockefeller project. Rockefeller money helped build it, sustain it and grow it. It helped rebuild it after various crises. The Rockefeller in question is the late Laurance Rockefeller, whose very, very deep pockets helped build a New Age Empire in California, including Esalen, the San Francisco Zen Center, the Lindisfarne Association, the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the California Institute of Integral Studies.

.. The legendary Jenny O'Connor. The Rasputina who seduced Dick Price into a world of UFOs and psychics and extraterrestrial nonsense and took control of the fabled institution, hiring and firing people at will, bringing the world to the brink of annihilation, if you believe the fevered rantings of Lynn "Long Live Lucifer" Picknett.

..In 1978 Sir John Whitmore introduced Englishwoman Jenny O’Connor to the Esalen Institute...(i)ncredibly, not only did the Nine give seminars at Esalen through her, but from 1979 until at least 1982 they effectively took over the Institute.

This period was particularly significant for Esalen. Many of those who attended O’Connor’s seminars became prominent in political circles both in America and the USSR (through the Institute’s Soviet Exchange Program), as Jack Sarfatti wrote (his emphasis): "The fact remains… that a bunch of apparently California New Age flakes into UFOs and psychic phenomena, including myself, had made their way into the highest levels of the American ruling class and the Soviet Union and today run the Gorbachev Foundation. "

It was through O’Connor that the Nine reached Washington, including the circles from which Al Gore – an unashamed fan of the paranormal – was to emerge...It’s a chilling thought that if Gore had become President, who – or what – would have influenced him?
Re Sir John Whitmore:

From the The Psychosynthesis Trust to Teens & Toddlers and ARK to Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI)
Connections between Psychosynthesis Institute, Teens & Toddlers and ARK (a part of the Clinton Foundation) with Tavistock, the Huxleys and Military Intelligence in Britain and the US. Psychosynthesis’ founder then ties back through Alice Bailey to Lucis Trust and finally returns to the occult foundations of the UN...

Ex-wife of Sir John Whitmore is a trustee for The Psychosynthesis Trust ... e-trustee/ ... a_Whitmore
"Lady Diana Whitmore, author, and founder and CEO of Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI); on reaching vulnerable socially excluded young people with a human potential orientated approach, i.e. Teens and Toddlers programme."
Re Gorbachev Foundation:

Moving company Momentous Relocation of the Hampstead case changed its name from Baxter International after a court case with the Ministry of Defence. Some coincidences..
Christ Church School trustee Paul Evans runs an upmarket moving company Momentous Relocation which specialises in the fine art market. Its clients range from the main auction houses like Sothebys and Christies, to major museums, to members of the Royal family to Thatcher and to the Clintons, too. Through its umbrella company and the affiliations of the company directors it is really part of a much wider network of logistical companies like DHL and SIVA. ..

Going back through the company records, this pdf document shows that on 6th June 2014 Baxters International Removals Ltd changed its name to Momentous Relocation Limited ...Christ Church school trustee was made a Director on 12 May 2014. ... ory?page=2 The next month company changed its name. Interesting, this was all around the time the Hampstead case was breaking in the UK.

Baxter International: ... nformation
Our long - term relationships with M&S Shipping and The Ministry of Defence underpins our reputation for quality, integrity and our ability to manage sensitive senior staff relocations.
A coincidence? >>>>Baxter International was once based in Potters Bar, Cranborne Road EN6 3JN.. Just 2 minutes away from the company of pedophile British Airways pilot Simon Wood: Simpon Wood Pilot Services: ... 0/officers

Director of M&S Group Shipping Ltd - GLUCK, George Anthony ... pointments

George Gluck has his foundation and a nu,ber of other companies registered at 4 Hill Street, London, W1J 5NE
The Lebedev Foundation is of course the pet project of Tulloch’s employer Aleksandr Lebedev and he and his son Evgeny are its trustees along with their solicitor. The main donors are the Lebedev family and the charity largely supports the work of the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation. Indeed Lebedev first foray into the “British social scene” was marked by a fundraising dinner for the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation in 2009. This allowed him both to make contacts among the British elite while associating himself with a name naively associated in the west with benevolent reforming politics. The Mamut foundation bears the name of its patron oligarch Aleksandr Mamut and while supporting cultural activities in Russia it made a donation of £100000 to Eton College for the renovation of the library. Mamut has a residence in Kensington.

Tulloch is listed as the contact for the Khodorkovsky Foundation which had long term investments of £413m against expenditure of £8.8m in 2017.

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 1:36 pm
by MercurysBall2
< Baxter International: Our long - term relationships with M&S Shipping and The Ministry of Defence underpins our reputation for quality, integrity and our ability to manage sensitive senior staff relocations..>

Company information for MOMENTOUS RELOCATION LIMITED ... y/01366728
Previous company names

BAXTER REMOVALS LIMITED 31 Dec 1978 - 15 Feb 1994
LETHOUSE LIMITED 05 May 1978 - 31 Dec 1978
Yesterday I came across this 2009 article, about the then managing director of M&S being made a Lord by Prime Minister Tony Blair to the surprise of everyone : Was Lord Stone of Blackheath made a peer in an embarrassing case of mistaken identity? ... ntity.html

Lord Stone was a director of The House of Rumi ... mi-limited
So was our 'woo woo' friend Lawrence Bloom of the Parvati Foundation and WEF
House Of Rumi Limited : Address -Broughton Hall, Skipton, Yorkshire BD23 3AE

Lord Stone Andrew Stone, Baron Stone of Blackheath ... Blackheath
Andrew Zelig Stone, Baron Stone of Blackheath (born 7 September 1942) is a Labour member of the House of Lords. He retired as joint managing director of Marks and Spencer plc in 1999.

He is chairman of Sindicatum Climate Change Foundation and chairman of The DIPEx Charity, a charitable health organisation. He is a governor of the Weizmann Institute of Science and honorary vice president of The Movement for Reform Judaism. He is a patron of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, the Gauchers Association, the New Israel Fund, the Jewish Chernobyl Children, the Orphaids charity, The Forgiveness Project (as of 2004) and LEAD Nepal – Development for the future of Nepalese Youth. He is a trustee of Prism the Gift Fund and formerly a trustee of the Olive Tree Educational Trust (now The Olive Tree Scholarship Programme at City University).[2]

He is also the host and convenor of the annual awards of the International Media Council (now part of the International Council for Press and Broadcasting) based in London.
House of Rumi at Broughton Hall now calls itself Avalon Wellbeing

Vision for the Broughton Hall Estate from custodian Roger Tempest and his partner, director and co-founder of Avalon Paris Ackrill.

Paris Ackrill is a photographer and anthropologist.. Her Flickr page:
Paris has also been a featured artist with Gallery Elena Shchukina in Mayfair and Unit London, Soho, London. ​
2018: London gallery owner facing death threats after Russian oligarch father charged with extortion ... ch-father/
A leading London gallery owner has been dragged into one of Russia's biggest corruption scandals after her father, a Siberian tycoon, was charged with extortion over control of a coal mine.

Elena Shchukina, a patron of the prestigious Royal Academy, says she has received death threats over the case, implicating not only her father but six officials including two deputy governors of a remote Siberian province. The FSB, Russia’s notorious secret service, is said to have taken a keen interest in Mr Shchukin’s business affairs while one key protagonist has vanished, presumed murdered.

Ms Shchukina, 35, a mother-of-two, has received million of pounds from companies and family trusts that channel huge profits made by her father Alexander Shchukin from his coal mining empire. She lives with her husband, her father’s business partner, and two young children, in a £15 million four-floor mansion on a private road in London. Through her art gallery in Mayfair she has “established herself as a respected voice to critique, support and challenge established artistic conventions,” according to one report.

..Ms Shchukina, who has dual UK-Russian nationality, insisted her father had done nothing wrong and that she had nothing to hide, adding: “I see this situation as a massive, illegal asset grab by some really evil people.”

Her husband Ildar Uzbekov, 39, a Kazakh-born British citizen, who helps to run his father-in-law’s empire, said threats had been reported to police in the UK, in Monaco and in Cyprus where much of their wealth is held in complex trusts. But he also accepted his father-in-law, a former miner who made his fortune in the aftermath of the break of the Soviet Union and the sale of state-owned coal mines, had a reputation as a tough operator.

“Without a shadow of a doubt he is a difficult man to get along with. He has lived a hard, hard life,” said Mr Uzbekov, insisting his father-in-law had done nothing wrong.

..Documents seen by the Telegraph suggest that Ms Shchukina played a role at one time in her father’s business empire. She served on the board of directors and was an owner of Polosukhinskaya mine, a thriving coal mine that makes in the region of almost £100 million a year profits.

In 2009, Shchukin personally took Vladimir Putin on a tour of the Polosukhinskaya mine.
2020: ... ived-by-it
But all was not what it seemed. Hacked emails revealed that the campaign was in fact being orchestrated by people with close links to the Kremlin who had an ulterior motive: to trigger an investigation by the UK’s National Crime Agency into the London-based daughter and son-in-law of the mining magnate, Alexander Shchukin. Winning support for the investigation in Westminster was a key part of the plan.

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:19 pm
by MercurysBall2
Another director at House of Rumi is Mr Muftah Abdel Karem Benomran ... m-benomran

International Youth City Limited
G8 Project Development Ltd
WISDOM OF LOVE FOUNDATION LIMITED (Previous names : Noble Libya Foundation Ltd and Live 4 Love Foundation Limited)
Companies all connected to Broughton Hall.

Mr Muftah Benomran is a co-founder at Values Enabler, 'think tank':

The other co-founder is Professor Olinga Taeed. ... pointments

Rothbadi is another company that he is involved with. With LAWRENCE BLOOM https://interstellarcommunityfoundation ... bloom-icf/
Interstellar Community Foundation, Inc. Board Member
Lawrence Bloom is currently Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation, a UN Inter Governmental Organisation which advises, assists and enables in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on behalf those Countries with which it has Treaties

He is the Chairman of the Global Strategic Advisory Boards of Dakia Global Enterprise LLC, a Holding Company creating a significant hotel subsidiary and other major initiatives and Rothbadi & Co an Institutional Advisor on leveraging Blockchain.

Lawrence is Chair of Be Energy a green energy company specializing in the conversion of waste and plantation timber to sustainable energy projects.

He was recently voted by SALT magazine as among the top 25 most Conscious Global Leaders, and in 2016 received an award at the UN from the Humanitarian Innovation Forum for Conscious Leadership...

Re: McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 4:25 pm
by MercurysBall2
Elena Schukina with Fawaz Gruosi at De Grisogono party at Gallery Elena Shchukina :

In post : EPSTEIN and the Eugenicists, CRISPR , the Podestas and another VATICAN connection
Naomi Campbell and Dona Bertarelli attend the De Grisogono party hosted by Fawaz Gruosi at the Park Hotel, on February 17, 2007 in Gstaad, Switzerland.
Invitation for De Grisogono party at Gallery Elena Shchukina London
de GRISOGONO's ‘Seduction in Cannes' party at the Eden Roc, Cap d'Antibes, celebrates the company's 20th anniversary, is set to be the highlight of the Cannes Film Festival. ... en-roc-127
See: Marina Abramovic and a PIZZAGATE art exhibition in Venice viewtopic.php?f=16&p=8244#p8244
Harry's Bar is today "the anchor to a global brand, positioned around the Cipriani name."[3] In New York City, the Ciprianis run the restaurants Harry Cipriani, Cipriani 42nd Street, and DownTown, a travel company, and a catering company.[3] Buenos Aires is home to three more outlets.[3] In Venice, the Ciprianis also own Harry's Dolci.[3] The Cipriani brand also includes lines of pastas, sauces, olive oils, coffee, books, and kitchenware..
James Alefantis, Maccoby, Cafritz, NXIVM connections and much more viewtopic.php?f=16&p=8693#p8693
Speaking of Eden Rock, in this recent post Marina Abramovic and a PIZZAGATE art exhibition in Venice I highlight one Luciano Porcu, a director of Harry's Bar London which is a hang out for all of the Soho House crowd, Andre Balazs etc. Seems he's locked down his FB page now but he's affiliated with Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc, Antibes on the French Riviera.

It was love at first sight when, a good twenty years ago, David Matthews discovered the legendary Eden Rock Hotel on its striking perch from his vantage point on a yacht in St. Jean Bay. Welcome to Saint Barthélemy, or St. Barths for short. The island is many things to many people: 21 square kilometers of natural paradise, a haven for the rich and megarich, a party location for the beau monde. Leonardo DiCaprio is a regular, as are Beyoncé and Sharon Stone. Bill Gates has a house here and Paul McCartney is on the island with wife number three to recover from wife number two.

In 2014, Matthews brought the German Oetker Collection on board, which includes other illustrious hotels such as the Brenners Park Hotel in Baden-Baden, Germany and the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Cap d’Antibes, France.

ELENA SHCHUKINA; ALESSANDRO GRASSINI-GRIMALDI,, Serpentine's Summer party co-hosted with Christopher Kane. ... ZdXd59VbGg

Lindsay Lohan Launches Clothing Line For Charity ... r-charity/
Lindsay Lohan flashes a smile while posing with her friends at an afternoon tea benefiting the Nadedza Foundation on Wednesday (November 9) at Morton’s Club in London, England.

The 30-year-old actress was joined by her friends Alessandro Grassini-Grimaldi and Hofit Golan as they helped raise money for the foundation which aids underprivileged children in Russia.
Condé Nast Portrait and Damiani Art and Diamonds afternoon ... ds-evening
For those who found themselves without a ticket to Art Basel this weekend, the Condé Nast Portrait and Damiani Art and Diamonds afternoon was a more-than-acceptable consolation prize. 40 ladies were given a sneak peak of the new Damaini diamond collection ahead of its premiere in Hong Kong (not even the press had seen it). Tatler's own Mariella Tandy gave a dazzling talk about current jewellery trends...

Alessandro Grassini-Grimaldi..