If you want to understand politics, play this game

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Crusader Kings 2

I'm not joking, this game is a clear and accurate representation of how dynastic politics work. Though the rules of the game may change, the basic principles do not; they apply to democracy or any other political system.
  • Why do people in the elites arrange marriages with other wealthy families?
  • Why are there dynastic families in modern politics, like the Clintons, Bush, Roosevelts, Kirchner, Kennedys, etc. if titles aren't inherited?
  • Why do the elites seem to have no ideology, belief or values of their own, simply going with whatever is convenient at the moment, be it in politics, economics or religion?
  • Why didn't kings embrace democracy or other types of government which benefitted their people? Why do they always want to take more and more liberties?
  • Why were there never kings who took over the entire world?
  • Why does the US need to constantly "liberate" countries on the other side of the world?
  • Why do politics and money make for strange bedfellows?
  • If kings were above the law, why didn't the just "fix" all problems or simply do whatever they wanted without caring about others?
  • Why were poisonings and betrayals so commonplace?
  • Why is corruption so rampant?
  • Can you be a good politician and a good person?
If you think I'm selling you this game, pirate it, I don't give a crap. In fact, in a DLC you can lend money from (((your favourite people))) and then expel them from the country, which lends itself to many memes.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


Tropico is a game that will resonate with many Latin Americans and everyone who has lived under socialism (or populist right-wing dictatorships). In this game, you play as the dictator/president of an island called Trópico (obviously inspired by Cuba). Your job is to stay in power and keep money for yourself. If you bankrupt your state, lose the elections or are deposed in a coup, the game is over. You'll have to keep good relations with the USSR, China, the Saudis and the Americans, as well as with the factions within your island; communists, environmentalists, religious, nationalists, industrialists, etc. and your people.

In the process, you can resort to doing what dictators of this kind do; fraud, propaganda, persecutions, "suicide", etc.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by Tallest_Skil »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:29 pm Crusader Kings 2
Just make sure to turn off the feminism setting. And the “magical Indio superpower” feature. And don’t expect the dune coon empires to be balanced, because they’re not. The game is heavily weighted toward them so they can destroy Europe. Paradox being a Swedish company, this makes tons of sense. And also why they expanded the map of CK3 to include more of Africa, and eventually will have all of China and Japan. Because “CRUSADER Kings” is totally a franchise about niggers and slants, right? Oh, and they removed the phrase “Deus Vult” from CRUSADER Kings 3 because it’s racist.
If you think I'm selling you this game, pirate it, I don't give a crap. In fact, in a DLC you can lend money from (((your favourite people))) and then expel them from the country, which lends itself to many memes.
The base game is now free to play thanks to CK3 being released. All DLC is still DLC, so just pirate that and you should be good to go.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Tallest_Skil wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:54 pm
TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:29 pm Crusader Kings 2
Just make sure to turn off the feminism setting. And the “magical Indio superpower” feature. And don’t expect the dune coon empires to be balanced, because they’re not. The game is heavily weighted toward them so they can destroy Europe.
Care to expand? I don't remember anything about this.

Swedes are simply too bland. I wish we had more people with balls producing content. But don't be deceived, this isn't about it being offensive or anything of the sort. It's a marketing issue. They know the American public is very diverse and they want to appeal to the largest amount of people possible. They had to choose between the integrity of their vision and potential customers.

They did the same with the Age of Empires 3 remake, which had the sioux and the iroquois indians. They changed the names to Lakota and Haudenossaunee, because those names were colonial. They also changed the "Colonial age" to "Commercial Age", in a full display of faggotry. I don't know why they bother; indians don't play their games, and the audience is men between the ages of 15 and 35, which are not fans of political correctness.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by Tallest_Skil »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:29 amCare to expand? I don't remember anything about this.
If I remember right, one of the DLCs expanded women’s portraits and added flavor events, which is all well and good, but also added settings for matriarchy succession and women’s rights to all nations. And then there’s the fantasy delusion DLC (based on some alternate history literature, I believe) where the Aztecs magically show up with a massive battle fleet at a random date, having crossed the Atlantic, and auto-declare war on whatever nation they’re closest to. If they win, they’ll take land. In Europe. In the Middle Ages. And they’ll expand from there, so you have to either accept the utter butchering of reality or find a casus belli to fight them off the continent. And even then, they can’t be retaliated against. You can only pay tribute to the Aztec king in a permanent little window at the bottom of the screen (sort of like the same thing that China has, except with that you can actually beat China bad enough to put your family on the throne and start replacing the Chinese with your own people, off-screen).
But don't be deceived, this isn't about it being offensive or anything of the sort. It's a marketing issue.
I rather think it’s because they’re the worst of the brainwashed cuckolds of Europe, since Sweden will be classified as a 3rd world nation before the decade is out. It’s one thing to omit the swastika because they want to sell their game in Germany; it’s entirely another to put purposely anachronistic and biologically impossible content in their games for the sake of egalitarian brainwashing.

And I haven’t even gotten to the mysticism DLC, because that’s all mostly (you can obtain actual immortality, which is one of the few unrealistic parts of it) fine and actually possible! It’s the blatant rejection of reality in favor of postmodernist revisionism that bothers me more.
I don't know why they bother; indians don't play their games, and the audience is men between the ages of 15 and 35, which are not fans of political correctness.
They wouldn’t get their wholesome reeves chungus 100 karma on Reddit if they didn’t bow to SJWs who pretend to play their games, though. And everyone knows it’s all about the chungus.
Last edited by Tallest_Skil on Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Tallest_Skil wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 4:52 pm
TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:29 amCare to expand? I don't remember anything about this.
If I remember right, one of the DLCs expanded women’s portraits and added flavor events, which is all well and good, but also added settings for matriarchy succession and women’s rights to all nations. And then there’s the fantasy delusion DLC (based on some alternate history literature, I believe) where the Aztecs magically show up with a massive battle fleet at a random date, having crossed the Atlantic, and auto-declare war on whatever nation they’re closest to. If they win, they’ll take land. In Europe. In the Middle Ages. And they’ll expand from there, so you have to either accept the utter butchering of reality or find a casus belli to fight them off the continent. And even then, they can’t be retaliated against. You can only pay tribute to the Aztec king in a permanent little window at the bottom of the screen (sort of like the same thing that China has, except with that you can actually beat China bad enough to put your family on the throne and start replacing the Chinese with your own people, off-screen).

I rather think it’s because they’re the worst of the brainwashed cuckolds of Europe, since Sweden will be classified as a 3rd world nation before the decade is out. It’s one thing to omit the swastika because they want to sell their game in Germany; it’s entirely another to put purposely anachronistic and biologically impossible content in their games for the sake of egalitarian brainwashing.

And I haven’t even gotten to the mysticism DLC, because that’s all mostly (you can obtain actual immortality, which is one of the few unrealistic parts of it) fine and actually possible! It’s the blatant rejection of reality in favor of postmodernist revisionism that bothers me more.

They wouldn’t get their wholesome reeves chungus 100 karma on Reddit if they didn’t bow to SJWs who pretend to play their games, though. And everyone knows it’s all about the chungus.
I laugh at all the morons who think medieval and renaissance Europe were "oppressive" to women. Granted, they were still very rigid societies, but they had many female figures (Margaret of Anjou, St. Joan of Arc, St. Theresa of Avila, St. Hildegard, the Virgin Mary, Queen Isabella, the nuns, the legend of Popess Joan, the wives of Henry VIII, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Elizabeth I, etc.) which other societies would never have; especially not muslims and jews. As opposed to the "empowered" women of today whose achievement is not shaving their body hair, aborting, not having children and being promiscuous. Compare medieval female role models; queens, saints, a warrior, scholars, etc. to today's feminist role models.

Who are they, BTW? Simone de Beauvoir, a communist who had sex with underage students. Merkel, Clinton, Greta Thunberg, Lagarde, AOC? give me a break. Malala Yousafzai? She was a fraud, I think. Some shitty slutty "musician" who get her songs written for her (Katy Perry, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, etc.)? Emma Watson? A tranny? Frida Kahlo, who's achievements were having an affair with Trotsky and not plucking her unibrow?

Yeah, it's obvious that they overpowered the "minority" civilizations; otherwise they couldn't compete with medieval kingdoms. The game's called "Crusader Kings 2"; why involve other civilizations which had nothing to do with it (including China)? What's next? Maori expansion? Yeah, the maori could technically dominate Europe, don't be racist they're a naval superpower!!!

There's totaly a casus belli to fight the aztecs. They're a pagan, unknown civilization who's here to take over the continent and they commit human sacrifices. If they fought the moors, they can totally fight the aztecs. Adding magic, the antichrist, cthulhu and other stuff to the game is crappy (not to mention they don't portray cults very accurately. Was gnosticism/albigensians/cathars in it?). Banning the swastika is the beginning in the slippery slope towards idiocy, brainwashing and ignorance. (Not the hammer and sickle, though; don't you know censorship is nazi? lol it's just a game)

I don't think Sweden will be 3rd world by the end of the decade; it took America decades to decay due to negrification and browning, but they're still a major world power. Imagine how America would be if they were still white.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by Tallest_Skil »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:58 pmWas gnosticism/albigensians/cathars in it?).
Cathars are back again in CK3… I don’t remember if Gnostics were in CK2, but they might have been. I’ll have to boot it up again to check. All of the cults operate identically, though. Same internal structure, same way to progress up the ladder (different types of events, but you just gain mana points to do so like everything else in the game… or you can just assassinate everyone above you and instantly become grandmaster).
I don't think Sweden will be 3rd world by the end of the decade
The current trend in their GINI coefficient and HDI beg to differ. They’re the rape capital of the world. They beat out South Africa. Just 50 years ago, there were zero rapes for 30 years in all of Scandinavia.
it took America decades to decay due to negrification and browning
America and Sweden are totally different beasts. Sweden went from 100% white to 40% white in 20 years. There won’t be any native Swedes being born by 2070. I’ve done the math, man.
Imagine how America would be if they were still white.
I’m already depressed enough, lol.
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Re: If you want to understand politics, play this game

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Tallest_Skil wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:31 pm
TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:58 pmWas gnosticism/albigensians/cathars in it?).
Cathars are back again in CK3… I don’t remember if Gnostics were in CK2, but they might have been. I’ll have to boot it up again to check. All of the cults operate identically, though. Same internal structure, same way to progress up the ladder (different types of events, but you just gain mana points to do so like everything else in the game… or you can just assassinate everyone above you and instantly become grandmaster).
I don't think Sweden will be 3rd world by the end of the decade
The current trend in their GINI coefficient and HDI beg to differ. They’re the rape capital of the world. They beat out South Africa. Just 50 years ago, there were zero rapes for 30 years in all of Scandinavia.
it took America decades to decay due to negrification and browning
America and Sweden are totally different beasts. Sweden went from 100% white to 40% white in 20 years. There won’t be any native Swedes being born by 2070. I’ve done the math, man.
Imagine how America would be if they were still white.
I’m already depressed enough, lol.
Gini coefficient is worthless crap. It measures "inequality". Compare the GINI coefficient of the USA, Sweden and countries like Venezuela, Algeria, Kazakhstan or yours truly's. We're not that far from each other. This only furthers the social democrat agenda of "fixing" inequality. And Sweden is still within the top 10 countries with the highest HDI.

I know that third world brings to mind images of extreme poverty, ignorance and jungle towns. I invite you to look at pictures of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay or Paraguay; there are plenty of urbanized, clean zones. We're not all Guatemala or Costa Rica.

You could find places like these:

Figueroa Alcorta Avenue.

Puerto Madero

Or these:

Villa 31


They're all in the same city. Just different neighbourhoods and regions. My point is that the notion of "third world" is never clear. There are places in the US that could be considered third world, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, though (Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and other nigger places. You could perhaps include white rural towns in the south). We have fairly similar Gini coefficients.
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