Arg. army meeting 1% trans quota.
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:54 am
Thanks for being among the only ones who do recognize the white Argies. Unfortunately, I'd say we're becoming a minority. Most people have a fair degree of admixture, so the line between "white" and "castizo" is fairly blurred (besides, there are many white people which could be classified as "mediterranean", which is swarthier shade of white). They still qualify as white in every sense of the word, there's nothing bad with a bit of admixture as long as you still behave white, but the identity of being white is being diminished, and that can mean not identifying with western culture and siding with the "oppressed" side. It's also worth mentioning the migratory influx of Bolivians, Peruvians and now, Venezuelans (which are based as fuck in terms of socialism)