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Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:32 pm
by MercurysBall2
Harry gets a real job: Duke to become 'Chief Impact Officer' for $1.73billion San Francisco-based mental health coaching start-up Better Up that works with US giants from Hilton to Chevron ... er-Up.html
The BetterUp experience brings together world-class coaching, AI technology, and behavioral science experts to deliver change at scale — improving individual resilience, adaptability, and effectiveness.
NASA, FAA Partner With BetterUp for Mobile-based Professional Coaching ... l-coaching
November 12, 2020 — BetterUp, the leader in mobile-based professional coaching today announced that it has partnered with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to provide personalized professional coaching at scale to their workforces. BetterUp has recently been designated as a sole-source direct award contract vehicle, streamlining the federal government procurement process for interested agencies.

BetterUp was founded in 2013 by Alexi Robichaux and Eduardo Medina
ALEXI ROBICHAUX ... -robichaux
Alexi is Chairman of Youth Leadership America (YLA), a nonprofit he co-founded in 2003, to foster peer-to-peer leadership development and civic engagement in high school students. YLA has collaborated with leading companies including Disney, Google, and Hilton Hotels to coach and mentor future leaders.

EDUARDO MEDINA ... rdo-medina
Prior to BetterUp, Eduardo served in various strategy, investing, and operational roles at Altamont Capital Partners and Bain & Company. ... style-app/
Robichaux’s firm makes use of a app-based system for employees to swipe by coaches to search out the one they need – in the same format to Tinder.
What ? This should get interesting.

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:12 am
by MercurysBall2

According to Crunchbase, Betterup has filed 7 patents to date. The ones that I can find seem to be quite vague as to what they actually do... or maybe I'm too dumb to understand ... anyhoo.. I'm going through some resumes..

Let's start with Alexi Robichaux, CEO:

Graduated from Univ. of Southern Cali in 2007 with a BA in Political Science, Public and Non-Profit Management.. That gives us some idea of his age..
He is Chairman of Youth Leadership America which he co-founded in 2003, the year before he went to university. That org originated in Anaheim. Isn't that where Disney is? Yes. Disney was one of their partners, along with Hilton Anaheim, Microsoft, Curt & Alexis Pringle, Rudolf & Teresa Bartens Family, Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis, ...

Their YT channel offers some insights but I'll develop that later
Well, he started work at the Walt Disney Company - Business Insight & Improvement -- Planning & Forecasting (2008-2009)

In Aug 2009, he became partner and CFO at the Glenroe Group -A management consulting firm advising leading companies in private equity, venture capital, entertainment and technology industries.. Seems that company lasted a year
Tommy Moreno was the founder. He also came from Disney. At Glenroe he "consulted for NBC Universal, Caesar’s Entertainment, Mayfield Fund, The Gores Group, Apollo, Texas Pacific Group, Colony Capital, and others." Moreno (graduated Harvard after USAF) then went on to Miramax as Senior VP, Head of Worldwide Operations
Robichaux then went on to Socialcast for 8 months which was then acquired by VMware which he styed with until Dec. 2012.

Hmm.. those technical patents though... who's the techie?

CTO is Ryan Sonnek who also came from Socialcast/VMware. He went on to UnitedHealth between 2013 and 2015 before landing at BetterUp. UnitedHealth work with United Way.. just saying.. ... 0-thousand

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:04 am
by MercurysBall2
Alexi is now known as a tech tycoon.. let's see where BetterUp got their funding from
Funding rounds
In January 2016, BetterUp raised $2.9 million in a seed round of funding from Afore Capita, Allison Bhusri, Julia Popowitz, and Ulu Ventures. In November 2016, BetterUp raised $12.9 million in a Series A round of funding, from its lead investor Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ), and other investors include Vista Venture Partners, Social Capital, SV Angel, Freestyle Capital, and Crosslink Capital.

In March 2018, BetterUp raised $26 million in a Series B round of funding, led by Lightspeed Venture Partners with existing investors include Freestyle Capital, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, and Crosslink Capital. BetterUp plans to manage the funds to employ developers and salespeople, as well as continue to increase operations globally.

In June 2019, BetterUp raised $103 million in a Series C round of funding, led by Lightspeed Venture Partners, with participation from Threshold Ventures (formerly DFJ Venture), Freestyle Capital, Tenaya Capital, Crosslink Capital, and Silicon Valley Bank.

The latest funding round considered to be the largest ever in the burgeoning field of behavior change, tech-enabled employee coaching, and wellness underscores faith in BetterUp, which was first to run in this space and which is now quickly being deployed by leading multinational, global organizations, including Symantec, Airbnb, Logitech, Mars, Equinix, Instacart, and Workday. BetterUp has more than 100 enterprise customers and tripled growth in 2018 for the second consecutive year.
Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ)
DFJ was founded in 1985 by Tim Draper. John Fisher became a partner in 1991 and Steve Jurvetson joined in 1994
Voat post re Tim Draper:

Welcome to Silicon Valley's version of "Bucks's Restaurant". Many tall tales inside...
A website that needs a thorough going over :

Can you read between the lines? ... niversity/

Who is Tim Draper ?
Broken link.. however wayback ... niversity/
Ungrounded – SolarImpulse – Draper University

So I was sitting innocently at Buck’s one morning and these stylish folks from British Airways came in and invited me to come with them to England for a brainstorming session in the sky around the subject of STEM. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics. This is the touchstone today. 130 Important Silicon Valley Innovators, and me, met up at the Clift Hotel in San Francisco where Gavin Newsome addressed us and begged off the trip claiming that his wife was about to go into labor. Flimsy excuse if you ask me.

We broke into teams at the hotel and went into conference to come up with schemes to promote education, create products and foster more participation in STEM. Then together with the facilitators from IDEO and a support staff from British Airways we took busses to the VIP lounge at SFO where we boarded a new 747 that had been rigged for a 10 hour conference in the sky. We had 16 teams each charged with developing a plan to present to the United Nations on our arrival in London.

An example of the folks on board was Duncan Logan, founder of RocketSpace. Rocketspace is a collaborative workspace in San Francisco where startups rent space to be part of a frothy atmosphere conducive to emerging ideas. This plan is to break down the traditional walls isolating small firms and providing both physical space and a social atmosphere to make working more fun and increase connectivity. British Airways has some people in this space.

The event was called Ungrounded and is part of a larger initiative by British Airways to open the door to collaboration with the start-up community in Silicon Valley.

We were spread throughout the aircraft and as we developed our ideas we posted charts and slogans all over the walls and overhead bins. We roamed the aisles and eventually voted on the most popular ideas. Our group hatched the notion of creating mini maker-shops in places like Home Depot where kids could come and learn to use tools and discover techniques to actually build physical things. It was no coincidence that the founder of the Tech Shop, Jim Newton, was in our group. There are a half dozen of these Tech Shops across the country and one is in Menlo Park. There you can join like a gym membership and come in and use a wide range of tools from saws and lathes to 3d printers and plasma cutters....

..Langham Hotel

Having finished our project we arrived in London where we were whisked off to the Langham Hotel, a 19th century first class hotel. In the last 20 years they have put 250 million pounds into renovations and it looks it. The Langham is right across the street from the BBC’s Broadcasting House and is the only corner in all of London about which I know some history as I was once taken on a tour of the BBC...

House of Parliament

That night we were invited to the Houses of Parliament where Baroness Scotland told us about how the place functions and asked if we might like a tour of the digs. We then proceeded to crawl all about the joint including a visit to the Houses of Common and that of the Lords. Down one random hallway I spied the Magna Carta in a flimsy glass case just begging to be lifted for display at Buck’s. Alas it turned out to be locked up pretty securely and besides it looked like a fakeWe convened for breakfast and were treated with the 5-star elegance this place is renowned for. A crumb can’t fall to the floor without a tuxedoed waiter slipping a tiny silver tray under it (just like at Buck’s).

..The agenda for the day following our in-air confab was a bit of mystery. Most of us had not looked up the name of the next conference as we just went where and when we were told to. A nice way to travel. Turned out we took a bus to the Olympic Village and joined up with other entrepreneurs and tech folks making us now about 250 people. On entering the auditorium we were treated to a talk by Richard Branson. And he wasn’t even the headliner. This was the G8 Innovation Summit.

..Now keep in mind most of us had no idea what was coming next so imagine our surprise when the Prime Minister of England came in and spoke.. David Cameron...

..One of the organizers of Ungrounded was also a member of a discussion panel, Celestine Johnson. She is a partner at Eric Schmidt’s new venture firm Innovation Endeavors and her area of concern is human rights in the supply chain, a topic both very new and quite pressing. Her panel consisted of women in the forefront of media, tech and venture.

....After the conferences we were taken off once more, this time for a reception at the Royal Academy of Art. This was yet another mix of people and I ran into a rather lot of folks who were Buck’s customers. I teamed up with some Stanford medical researchers and people from Singularity University in Mt. View. We went to one of those tony restaurants you see in the movies called Downtown Mayfair right between Savile Row and Regent Street.

...So why on earth would an airline go to all this effort and expense in a field they are not in business in? Well in England British Airways is big. The way we look to Google here Londoners look to BA so they feel that by creating strong ties to Silicon Valley they will continue to be thought leaders.


Professor Draper

When I first heard that a new university had been founded I was immediately struck by the inevitability of this being the brainchild of long time venture capitalist Tim Draper. Tim has had an abiding interest in education for quite some time. A few years ago he spearheaded an educational initiative on the California state ballot and he is also the founder of the successful Biz World program, which teaches basic business ideas to elementary school children.

So it is a natural extension of his egalitarian ideals to found a university. He bought the Ben Franklin Hotel in San Mateo and remodeled it into a campus with facilities for about 50 students to live there for the two-month sessions.The students come from all over the world and what they all have in common is that they want to be “in business”. This is not an MBA; it has a very different twist. Basically it’s about teambuilding, public speaking and a great environment to build confidence. Tim uses a superhero theme as the hook and he has the students break into teams for the duration. They work on individual and group projects culminating in final presentations.
That article by Jamis MacNiven :

Buck's owner Jamis MacNiven, right, chats with patron William Draper who was having a business breakfast in his restaurant in Woodside. This is one of postcard recall features from around state taking pulse of citizenry. Buck s is a Silicon Valley diner famous for its high tech clientel and the many high tech venture capital deals concluded there.

Buck's of Woodside
Buck's of Woodside is a restaurant in Woodside, California, that has gained fame as a meeting place for venture capitalists and tech entrepreneurs. Like nearby Sand Hill Road, Buck's has become a fixture of Silicon Valley...

The restaurant is close to both Sand Hill Road—home to the majority of Silicon Valley's venture capitalists—and Stanford University.[3] Netscape, PayPal, Hotmail and Tesla Motors are among the companies whose entrepreneurs held early meetings at Buck's..

"Breakfast at Buck's" is the title of the introduction of the book, The Startup Game: Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs, by venture capitalist Bill Draper.

..According to MacNiven, Steve Jobs is one of the few Silicon Valley icons who never set foot in his restaurant; MacNiven and the Apple co-founder had a falling out in the 1980s after Jobs hired him to remodel his house.
William (Bill) Henry Draper III
Draper was born on January 1, 1928 in White Plains, New York, the son of Katherine Louise (née Baum) and banker, general, and diplomat William Henry Draper Jr.[2] His father founded Draper, Gaither and Anderson. He attended Yale University with president George H. W. Bush, graduated in 1950, the year after George H. W. Bush, and is a member of the secret society Skull and Bones. After graduating from college, Draper served as a second lieutenant in the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, he attended Harvard Business School and studied under professor Georges Doriot, who is often credited with starting the venture capital industry.

During his twenty years as the senior partner of Sutter Hill, Draper helped to organize and finance several hundred high technology manufacturing companies. In 1986, he became the head of the world's largest source of multilateral development grant assistance, the United Nations Development Programme, and was instrumental in leadership of several global initiatives, such as the international Education for All movement (beginning formally with the 1990 Conference in Jomtien, Thailand), the 1995 Beijing Women's' Conference, and the 1995 Social Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.

He served from 1981 to 1986 as president and Chairman of the Export–Import Bank of the United States[4] and was appointed to this position by President Ronald Reagan...In 1986, he became the head of the world's largest source of multilateral development grant assistance, the United Nations Development Programme.[4][5] As the second highest ranking individual in the United Nations, Draper oversaw nearly 10,000 international aid projects. During his time at the UN and the Export-Import Bank..

In 2002, along with Robin Richards Donohoe, Draper co-founded the Draper Richards Foundation. Robert Steven Kaplan, formerly vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs and currently the thirteenth president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, joined as co-chair in 2010.

As a civic leader, Draper has been involved in many community service programs. He is currently on the boards of The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies at Stanford University, World Affairs Council of Northern California, and the Harvard Business School California Research Center Advisory Board. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the President's Council on International Activities at Yale University.

Draper formerly served as the Chairman of the World Affairs Council of Northern California, Chairman of the Institute of International Education, as a Trustee of Yale University and as Chairman of the Board of the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco; he was a former Board member of Population Action International, the United Nations Association of the United States of America, Hoover Institution, Atlantic Council, George Bush Library Foundation, the Advisory Council of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and the World Rehabilitation Fund in New York.

Draper's late father, William Henry Draper, Jr., was a general and served as the first ambassador for NATO. He is married to Phyllis Culbertson Draper, who passed away after a 34-year battle with Parkinson's disease, and are the parents of Becky Draper, actress/filmmaker Polly Draper, who is known for her starring role in the ABC television drama Thirtysomething, and Timothy C. Draper, a venture capitalist

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:20 am
by MercurysBall2
After Raising Over $140m, Alexi Robichaux Seeks to Create a Platform That Readily Has Any Psychological Coach You Would Ever Need ... -ever-need
Alexi is the co-founder and CEO of BetterUp, the first leadership development platform to connect coaching to sustainable behavior change..

Alexi never had a formal coach, but they did have mentors like a board of directors. Alexi was mentoring high school students and sometimes coaching them after school.
Ah.. "sustainable behavior change".. now we're getting somewhere..

Behavioural design ... te_note-48
..To enable the process of behavioural change through design, a range of theories, guidelines and tools have been developed to promote behaviour change that encourages pro-environmental and social actions and lifestyles from designers as well as user...

MINDSPACE Model: Developed by the UK Cabinet Office to help inform policy design to achieve affective behaviour change, this guide presents a checklist of influences on behaviour for use in policy making.
MINDSPACE and the Behavioural Insights Team
Before the Behavioural Insights Team was created, some of its members were working at the Institute for Government, where they were commissioned by the Cabinet Office to author a report on influencing behaviour with academics from the London School of Economics and Imperial College.

The MINDSPACE report was the result, and helped to make the case for the establishment of the Behavioural Insights Team at the heart of the UK Government.

The MINDSPACE report continues to be used by the Behavioural Insights Team as a framework to aid the application of behavioural science to the policymaking process.

The Behavioural Insights Team, also known as The Nudge Unit..Our work spanned 31 countries in the last year alone...

Our international panel of world-leading academic affiliates includes Professor Richard Thaler, winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics, and Theresa Marteau, director of the Behaviour and Health Research Unit at the University of Cambridge. We also have a formal partnership with Harvard University’s Behavioral Insights Group (BIG) and close relationships with several universities, including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, UCL and University of Pennsylvania.

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:37 am
by MercurysBall2
David Halpern is the Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team. ..David Halpern is the Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team.

2017 Twitter thread from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge account: ... 4779561984
David Halpern from B_I_Tweets and jameshoneyborne from the BBC's Blue Planet explain how to make people think about positive environmental change as part of their everyday life and why we need to change mindsets. ... 7327492097
This is an issue very close to Prince Harry's heart and through this discussion he is keen to make people understand the difference we can all make in helping protect the environment.

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:50 am
by MercurysBall2
BetterUp at WEF 2020
Ahead of the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos,
CEO Alexi Robichaux sat down to discuss improving the state of the world and the future of the worker through the democratization of personalized, mobile coaching.
2018, WEF article : 9 out of 10 Americans would take a pay cut for more meaningful work ... gful-work/
How much of your lifetime earnings would you sacrifice to work a job you find always meaningful? The answer is 23 percent, assuming you're like the 2,000 workers who were surveyed in a recent report from Harvard Business Review.

It's a steep number, no doubt, but it's not exactly surprising in light of data showing how American workers have, over the past decade, been increasingly expressing a desire for more meaningful work. The new report, authored by Shawn Achor, Andrew Reece, Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Alexi Robichaux, builds upon past research on workplace attitudes in an attempt to quantify the changing ways in which Americans prioritize meaning in their careers.
Increasingly clear to me that the so-called fractures between Prince Harry and Prince Charles are a royal psyop.. both are linked to WEF, Klaus Schwab and the other globalist morons..

I've long surmised that Harry and Meghan met one year earlier than the official narrative when Harry and Prince Charles travelled to Turkey : Meghan Markle and 'H' at the Endeavour Fund Awards.. More connections to the eugencist crowd..
Hindsight is often interesting - that 2016 video was done after the summer of 2015 when Charles and Harry were in Turkey, at the same time that Meghan Markle was at the opening of the Soho House there in Istanbul.

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:00 am
by MercurysBall2
The Daily Mail doing what they do..

Meet Harry's new boss: Better Up CEO tells how they 'crafted Chief Impact Officer role together' after viewing his 'four buckets of opportunity'... as Duke can look forward to yoga, hanging out with office dog 'Gordo' and partying with staff in a ONESIE ... Harry.html
...Harry was introduced to Mr Robichaux through an unnamed mutual friend - and it is not yet known if he has invested in the company, where other backers include the Dubai sovereign wealth fund Mubadala Capital and Olympic snowboarder Shaun White. ...

..Mr Robichaux - who is in his 30s and grew up in Dallas, Texas, where his father was a biblical linguist father and his Greek immigrant mother worked for Texas Instruments - has compared the app to a life coaching Tinder for millennials to keep them happy at work. He has spoken about his Christian beliefs and said the firm came to him as an epiphany while doing the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail in Spain, and attended the University of Southern California (USC) along with co-founder Eduardo Medina...

The investment round was led by ICONIQ Growth, along with existing investor Lightspeed Venture Partners among others, and new investors including Salesforce Ventures and Abu Dhabi's Mubadala Capital.

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:10 am
by MercurysBall2
Alexi's father: Kerry Robichaux, Editor at Living Stream Ministry - Dallas, Texas

My last conversation with Brother Witness Lee by Kerry Robichaux ... tness-lee/
Witness Lee was a Chinese Christian preacher and hymnist belonging to the Christian group known as the local churches (or Local Church) in Taiwan and the United States. He was also the founder of Living Stream Ministry. Lee was born in 1905 in the city of Yantai, Shandong, China, to a Southern Baptist family. He became a Christian in 1925 after hearing the preaching of an evangelist named Peace Wang and later joined the Christian work started by Watchman Nee.
Watchman Nee, Ni Tuosheng, or Nee T'o-sheng was a Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who worked in China during the 20th century.

The Plymouth Brethren connection
Through Barber, Watchman Nee was introduced to the writings of D.M. Panton, Robert Govett, G.H. Pember, Jessie Penn-Lewis, T. Austin-Sparks, and others. In addition, he acquired books from Plymouth Brethren teachers like John Nelson Darby, William Kelly, and C.H. Mackintosh
Plymouth Brethren again? Weirdly enough mentioned in Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF viewtopic.php?f=50&p=7951#p7951 > re Aleister Crowley

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:25 pm
by MercurysBall2
Kerry Robichaux resume ... culumVitae
Hellenic-American Union, Athens, Greece
Teacher Trainer, 1983–1984
Trained all HAU’s newly hired teachers in all facets of English language teachingmethodology; conducted ongoing in-service training for HAU’s teaching staff;conducted 60-hour teacher training courses open to the public; conducted seminars invarious Greek cities for Greek public school English teachers on behalf of US Information Agency (USIA); designed courses and lectured ... ion_Agency
The United States Information Agency (USIA), which existed from 1953 to 1999, was a United States agency devoted to "public diplomacy". In 1999, USIA's broadcasting functions were moved to the newly created Broadcasting Board of Governors, and its exchange and non-broadcasting information functions were given to the newly created Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. The agency was previously known overseas as the United States Information Service (USIS).

Former USIA Director Alvin Snyder recalled in his 1995 memoir that "the U.S. government ran a full-service public relations organization, the largest in the world, about the size of the twenty biggest U.S. commercial PR firms combined. Its full-time professional staff of more than 10,000 spread out among some 150 countries, burnished America‘s image and trashed the Soviet Union 2,500 hours a week with a 'tower of babble' comprised of more than 70 languages, to the tune of over $2 billion per year", and "the biggest branch of this propaganda machine" was the USIA

From the beginning, Dwight Eisenhower said, "audiences would be more receptive to the American message if they were kept from identifying it as propaganda. Avowedly propagandistic materials from the United States might convince few, but the same viewpoints presented by the seemingly independent voices would be more persuasive".[7] According to the Kennedy memorandum, the USIA utilized various forms of media, including "personal contact, radio broadcasting, libraries, book publication and distribution, press motion pictures, television, exhibits, English-language instruction, and others".

Four main divisions existed at the beginning of the USIA's propaganda effort. The first division dealt with broadcasting information both in the United States and around the world..The second division of the USIA consisted of libraries and exhibits. The Smith–Mundt Act and the Fulbright–Hays Act of 1961 both authorized the international cultural and educational exchanges (the Fulbright Scholarship Program)...

Re: Prince Harry joins Better Up, a company of behavioral scientists, 'in the same format as Tinder'

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:53 pm
by MercurysBall2
BetterUp Launches Groundbreaking Lab to Pioneer Research on Human Performance and Flourishing in the Workplace ... -workplace
SAN FRANCISCO — August 14, 2018 — BetterUp, the first digital platform to bring personalized development through one-to-one coaching for employees at all levels of a company, today announced the launch of BetterUp Labs to drive research to help people thrive as human beings and, in so doing, optimize their workplace performance and help their companies grow.

...Headed by BetterUp Chief Innovation Officer, Dr. Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, a Harvard-trained physician and behavioral science researcher, BetterUp Labs will also break down barriers between business and academia...

Professor Martin E.P. Seligman, the founder of positive psychology and author of the best-selling book, “Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being,” is joining the Science Board at BetterUp Labs. He will help BetterUp Labs in designing cutting edge research programs about flourishing at work. These will be done in collaboration with the world’s leading research scientists and with the world’s leading academic institutions.
Mad men take over the coalition
We Brits have long been suckers for American cultural fashions and intellectual gurus. For the former Labour government, the key figure was Martin Seligman, whose notions of ‘positive psychology’ and ‘authentic happiness’ were imported to justify early childhood intervention and parenting schemes and programmes to foster ‘emotional literacy’ in schools.2 Tony Blair's ‘happiness Tsar’, economist Richard Layard, played the role of Cliff to Seligman's Elvis. The recent announcement that David Cameron plans to introduce a measure of happiness3 into government assessments of national performance confirms the seamless continuation of this approach under the new coalition.

The latest cult US import is Chicago-based behavioural economist Richard Thaler, co-author of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness, and member of the Downing Street ‘Behavioural Insight Team’ which reports directly to the highest levels of the civil service and the government.4,5 The role of Cliff is now taken by David Halpern, editor of MINDSPACE: Influencing Behaviour Through Public Policy.6 These titles – vaguely sinister and slightly silly – suggest some sort of comedy spoof, as though the late Leslie Nielsen had taken a role in Yes, Minister. But what is more disturbing is that these people are serious – they really believe that a combination of speculative neuroscience and pop psychology provides solutions to social and health problems.

David Cameron believes that there is ‘an enormous spiritual and social hole in our country’ that can be filled by his Big Society and public health initiatives. There is certainly a spiritual hole at the heart of the British establishment which has long lost any sense of direction or purpose.

But this hole will not be filled by attempts to control the behaviour of individuals. These policies are driven by the elitist presumption that people are incapable of making rational decisions and hence need expert guidance – or subliminal manipulation – to induce them to make the ‘right choices’, as determined by the new priesthood of behavioural psychology. Thaler's ‘libertarian paternalism’4 is an oxymoron: as the drift towards increasingly coercive policies in relation to smoking, drinking and obesity confirms, the new paternalism is more authoritarian than the sternest Victorian patriarch.

Furthermore, given the marginal contribution of behaviour to most of our health problems and the lack of evidence for the efficacy of the psychological interventions being proposed, it is readily apparent that these policies will have no beneficial effects on health. Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg believes that the ‘nudge’ approach ‘could change the way citizens think’.7 What we need is citizens thinking how to change the way that government works.
Learned Helplessness
American psychologist Martin Seligman initiated research on learned helplessness in 1967 at the University of Pennsylvania as an extension of his interest in depression.[5] This research was later expanded through experiments by Seligman and others. ..

Emergence under torture
Studies on learned helplessness served as the basis for developing enhanced interrogation techniques. In CIA interrogation manuals, learned helplessness is characterized as "apathy" which may result from prolonged use of coercive techniques which result in a "debility-dependency-dread" state in the subject, "If the debility-dependency-dread state is unduly prolonged, however, the arrestee may sink into a defensive apathy from which it is hard to arouse him."