Global Warming MEGAPOST

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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Global Warming MEGAPOST

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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This is a documentary which has the support of many reputed scientists, which have been in the midst of controversy because they expressed skepticism about a scientific hypothesis. The same "I heckin' love science" crowd, who demonizes the Church for persecuting Galileo and Giordano Bruno (a story distorted to fit the anti-catholic narrative, by the way, but that's a subject for another topic) is now acting as a scientific and political inquisition to persecute the dissenting heretics who dared question the established dogma, which is an artificial consensus arrived at through the suppression and ostrcizing of legitimate opposition.

It's a political scam to bring about a world government with socialist tendencies, as well as an international carbon tax. It's project is to create a fake threat, a common enemy for the entire human race which needs action (meaning "taxes", "governmental intervention", your money, centralization of power, your money, strengthening supranational organizations like the UN and the EU, your money, "rethinking" the way we live, abolishing the "patriarchy, colonialism and racism", and losing liberties). I'll be posting "predictions" which stated that the world should have ended by now; all of them failed. We're past the point of no return. There were many of them; "we only have 5 years/12 months/10 years/2 years, etc." and we're past all of them. By now, we should have no turning back... but that doesn't stop them, right?

Maybe the threat of global warming is real; How would I know? I'm not a meteorologist and there is no true, open debate between disagreeing sides. Pollution certainly is a bad thing, no one denies that. But the environmentalist movement is obviously a political movement which resorts to fears and guilt to ellicit responses from the public; usually in the form of taxes. Their solution to every problem is the state; more laws, more penalties, more regulations, more taxes, more bureaucracy, more spending... And I can guarantee you folks, it's never going to be enough. No matter how much people comply, they will always tell you that they need more "temporary" measures and "temporary taxes". There will always be an enemy, a bad guy who's ruining the planet and things would be fine if it only weren't for them... and we need more money and more votes to solve it. This time we only have 2 years!!!1!!1!!!

Have you noticed how it only targets western countries, which pollute very little, while China, India and others pollute much more, and nobody bats an eye? They're causing most of the pollution in the world, but America needs to ban plastic straws NOW. Why don't they pressure China or India? They're already socialist.
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Re: Global Warming MEGAPOST

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: Global Warming MEGAPOST

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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