Recommended material

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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Recommended material

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

NOTE: This is a list of recommended material. This does not necessarily mean that I endorse 100% of it nor do they necessarily reflect my personal views. These are sources which I consider reliable, informative and useful to any truthseeker. Always believe what you can prove and judge for yourself what is and isn't true.

  • The new world order by A. Ralph Epperson (get it NOW. It explains the basics of the NWO conspiracy; origins, purpose and philosophy)
  • Secret Societies and Subversive movements by Nesta Webster (Excellent material on the esoteric origins of socialism and the role of secret societies)
  • World Revolution, The plot against civilization by Nesta Webster (excellent material on revolutionary movements)
  • A fearful master: A second look at the United Nations by G. Edward Griffin. (A criticism of the UN as a socialist world government project)
  • The creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. (A criticism of the federal reserve)
  • Morals & Dogma of the Free and Accepted Masons by Albert Pike 33º (A must-read; a "Bible" of Freemasonry. Specifically, chapters XVIII "Prince Adept or Knight of the Sun and Moon" and XXX "Knight Kadosh")
  • Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall 33º (A guide on different schools of esoteric thoughts; it requires a certain background in esotericism. Contains references to world government)
  • Lectures on Ancient Philosophy by Manly P. Hall 33º (Complementary material on esoteric teachings. Contains references to world government)
  • The secret destiny of America by Manly P. Hall 33º (About the true purpose of the Founding Fathers)
  • The Perestroika deception by Anatoly Golitsin (written by KGB defector, it is about how the Soviet Union actually never fell).
  • My exploited father-in-law by Curtis Bean Dall (Book about FDR being manipulated by globalist interests)
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton (Book about how Wall Street and the Wilson administration aided the Bolshevik Revolution. See also his others books like Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and Wall Street and FDR)
  • The dictator's handbook by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Aleister Smith (A great, very easy-to-read manual on how politics really works. Taxation, international aid, migration and more)
  • Proofs of a conspiracy by John Robison & Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism by Abbe Agustin Barruel (the first books on conspiracy theories; this is where the "illuminati" idea began. It is about secret societies trying to overthrow the christian order)
  • Tragedy and Hope & The Anglo-American establishment by Carroll Quigley (Clinton's mentor, explores the project for world domination by a secret anglophile society)
  • A History of Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul (Great book on secret societies; gnostics, assassins, templars, druzes and more)
  • The Fatal Conceit and The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Von Hayek.
  • The Kybalion by The Three Initiates (Essential introductory material for Hermeticism and Esotericism in general)

Also read up on the following subjects, until you have a basic grasp of what their ideas are (usually, an article, introductory lecture or encyclopedia entry is enough):

Mysticism, stoicism, kabbalah, gnosticism, illuminati, rosicrucianism, freemasonry, platonism & neoplatonism, buddhism, hinduism, yoga, pythagoreanism, theosophy, anthroposophy, alchemy, logos/world soul/astral light, mystery schools, tarot, mormonism, perennial philosophy/prisca theologia/ageless wisdom, thelema, taoism, new age, raelians, luciferianism, sufism, druzes, assassins, cathars/albigensians, alumbrados. (I can recommend sources on each of these)

  • The jewish revolutionary spirit by E. Michael Jones (A most informative book on jews throughout history; socialism, talmud, medieval times, Frankfurt school, neocons, etc.)
  • The Plot against the church by Maurice Pinay (A very complete book on the infiltration of jews and freemasonry into the catholic church, and the JQ in general)
    Europa: The last battle by Tobias Bratt (Great documentary series on the untold story of WW2 and its consequences)
  • Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald (Interesting work on judaism as a group evolutionary strategy to undermine goyim societies for their benefit)
  • Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (A dissertation on the JQ)
  • Hour of the time: Mystery Babylon series, by Bill Cooper (Excellent radio show, essential to understanding what is going on today. Anything by Bill Cooper is worth considering)
  • Secrets in plain sight I & II by Scott Onstott (Life-changing documentary about secrets in architecture, geomancy and ancient esoteric knowledge)
  • NWO: Communism by the backdoor by Dennis Wise (Great documentary on the plan for socialist NWO)
  • Yuri Bezmenov's talk (KGB defector talks about soviet demoralization and subversion of western society)
  • Total Onslaught series by Walter Veith (Excellent introductory material on the NWO, New Age and esoteric philosophy. Ideal to start your journey).
  • American Renaissance by Jared Taylor (an organization dedicated to the preservation of white people, culture and heritage, as well as studying race-realism and controversial statistics)
  • The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Gnostic Media (Interesting documentary about the psychedelics in esotericism)
  • Introduction to the International Order of Gnostic Templars by Mark Amaru Pinkham (A series of short videos about Templars and their esoteric tradition)

(Some can be found in English)
  • El judío en el misterio de la historia by Padre Julio Meinvielle (Excellent introductory material into the JQ. Explores the talmud, socialism and world government)
  • De la Cábala al progresismo by Padre Julio Meinvielle (A great book about two competing views; the traditional, catholic one and the kabbalistic and liberal one. He knows his shit about kabbalah).
  • El libro negro de la nueva izquierda by Agustín Laje and Nicolás Márquez (Possibly the greatest work on cultural marxism, at least in Spanish)
  • Marranos ¿Víctimas o Victimarios?, Masonería y Judaísmo ¿Una relación inexistente? and Judaización del Cristianismo by Federico Rivanera Carlés (In my opinion, the best authority on the JQ in the country, perhaps second only to P. Julio Meinvielle. Unapologetically "anti-semitic" and well-sourced).
  • Que no te la cuenten by Padre Javier Olivera Ravasi (a series of videos and works about debunking the liberal, anti-catholic view of history)
I'll probably remember more, but this is more than enough to keep you entertained and informed for a while.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Mon Mar 15, 2021 12:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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