Why abolish the middle class and the family?

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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Why abolish the middle class and the family?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Inspired by a comment by @TFS I decided to explain why I think they (not just the jews) want to abolish the family and the middle class.


The family is the quintessential, archetypal social institution. It is natural in origin and its purpose is to form new individuals through education and tradition and mutual protection. It is the private environment as opposed to the public, social life.

It is convenient for a plutocratic caste of despots to want to undermine the family. It is the intermediate between an individual and the state, it is the source of all tradition and culture, it is a source of particular loyalty and belonging, as opposed to the whole community (thanks, Plato!) and it is the source of actual, true education. The reason why there are still conservatives is because of the family unit. If our only source of education were public schools, the media, public opinion within the spectrum of political correctness and other sources of indoctrination, we would all think alike, conforming to whatever the state decides to impose as truth.

It is only in the family table that you can hear some "fringe" opinions. We all have an uncle who "tells it like it is" and will tell you what actually happened in a certain historical period of your country, a "homophobic" dad, a "xenophobic" grandma, an "extremist" brother who believes in wacky conspiracies, etc. etc. The privacy of family life is the ultimate haven for political incorrectness and sometimes the last refuge of truth itself.

Dissolve that, and you have a series of collectivized individuals, with no private allegiance and sense of belonging, lacking identity and thinking exactly what those in control of public life determine he can think. No family means your education will be in the hands of the state, the school, the media and political correctness.



I don't recall when he said this, but it was Bill Cooper who said that the middle class is the only group in society which can stand against the government. They own guns, they are cultured enough, they don't rely on welfare, etc. and if I may add, middle class people tend to make up most of conservatism. The poor, who are uneducated, are willing to destroy any institution for a few crumbs of bread, money and entertainment. They are too dormant to realize that politicians don't give a crap about them except for when it comes to voting. They don't demand infrastructure, quality education, they don't complain about corruption; they only care about getting the welfare check. They are the perfect sheeple; they're always in need, they're uneducated, they don't ask for much and they depend on the state. If they commit crimes, daddy state will tell them it's society's fault and will quickly release them so that they can get back to crime ASAP.

The rich, on the other hand, are either those who control the state, do business with the state and/or those who can ultimately flee and afford to pay a bit more taxes. Have you noticed that they tend to be overwhelmingly progressive and left-leaning? Their access to higher education may influence them. Maybe a sense of guilt. The fact that they're unaffected by the economy dettaches them from reality, which is why they support economic measures which would normally represent an obstacle to the average person. For them, everthing has to be a "right" because they cannot conceive a life in which things aren't granted. Since someone else pays for them, they can't put themselves in the shoes of the one who's doing the payment.

But the middle class... The middle class is the backbone of all society. They start businesses, they do most of the jobs, they don't like the state, they have to pay for the welfare for the poor and the bailouts for the rich, they own guns because they're the primary target of crime, they care about their country and institutions, they want to see their taxes at work, they hate corruption, they are educated enough to question but not rich enough to go through life unaffected by the massive left-wing campaign. The middle class is not revolutionary; they want the government off their backs, less taxes, less indoctrination, more safety and don't care about empty idealism such as social justice and other crap.

No middle class means a caste of corrupt rulers and a populace of needy, ignorant sheep who will cheer and commit crimes for you in exchange for a few bucks while they live in abject poverty without complaining, ready to vote for you for a 5th term. It only takes a speech with certain words and a few gifts to have them on your side. And they can't oppose you, because they need the state to keep their job or welfare, and they know what happens if you're part of the opposition. Why vote for someone else who might cut public spending and leave you without your state job and welfare check?
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why abolish the middle class and the family?

Post by 2017Fallout »

Although I agree with much you have said i disagree with your perspective on "the poor". My experience is from growing up poor in england although neither myself or my siblings are now poor. The poor and the upper class in England are similar in that both have distaste for the goverment and constraining civil liberties. I work with offenders and they do not believe most of the shit the middle class do. Half of UK prisoners are not having a vaccine for example. The poor live with their families and ignore the laws they disagree with much like the upper class. They do not care what other poulationsthink of them and so they are free compared to the middle class.
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Re: Why abolish the middle class and the family?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

2017Fallout wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:04 am Although I agree with much you have said i disagree with your perspective on "the poor". My experience is from growing up poor in england although neither myself or my siblings are now poor. The poor and the upper class in England are similar in that both have distaste for the goverment and constraining civil liberties. I work with offenders and they do not believe most of the shit the middle class do. Half of UK prisoners are not having a vaccine for example. The poor live with their families and ignore the laws they disagree with much like the upper class. They do not care what other poulationsthink of them and so they are free compared to the middle class.
Fair enough; I assume there are cultural differences which may make the lower classes more skeptical in certain places. Are those people white by any chance? White people can be poor and not fall for any of that because as a people they are hardworking.

I am speaking from my personal experience in Argentina and also from what I've gathered from other countries and history (India, the US, Colombia, Venezuela, Rome, USSR, etc.) in which the poor act as disposable pawns for the elite.
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Re: Why abolish the middle class and the family?

Post by 2017Fallout »

Yes white English born. Like the proles in 1984 book.
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