MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

If you think the NWO's religion is going to be judaism... it's not. It wouldn't make any sense to impose a jewish supremacist world because there are less and less jews by the day due to abortion, intermarriage and secularization, but also because people already dislike them throughout the world (save for the western countries). That doesn't mean "jew good" or that they aren't trying to do anything bad; the point is that the new world will not be under the control of jews alone, and most jews will be on the losing side, like many already are. Would it suprise you to see a jew out-jewing a fellow jew?

The new world religion will resemble hermetism, gnosticism, kabbalah and, in general, the new age movement. It is a revival of old, ancient schools of thought, whose philosophy was reserved to the initiate while the masses had only the literal interpretation. While the Egyptians belived in literal gods with crocodile heads, the priesthood knew that they were only idols to represent philosophical notions, ideas and concepts which the masses were too ignorant to understand.

The common folk, in their view, needed the rule of the enlightened men to guide them towards their own enlightenment. Their vision of a utopia is a world undivided under the guidance of a hierarchy of these initiates, whose superior intellect and spiritual qualities would make them fit to rule above others, solve the problems of humanity and manage the resources and private properties of individuals so that everyone would be given what they deemed appropriate, while helping them dettach themselves from material possessions. These view has undergone certain changes throughout history, but the main idea still remains; there is one true religion and only an elite of illumined people can lead humanity towards it. If only they had absolute power...

This megapost will be used to compile all evidence of this sort of world order, and to discuss its implications. This thread is also meant to be updated fairly often.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »




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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »




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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »



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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

To sum it up, the general philosophy is as follows:

Allegedly, there was a utopian golden age of primitive communism in the remote past, in which The True Religion™ (prisca theologia, perennial philosophy, timeless or ageless wisdom, royal secret, natural religion), imparted directly by the only God, was known to all men. Men "walked" with the gods and "knew God", they say. This religion allows man to basically have the answers to everything and control the forces of nature; doing magic. This long-lost period is represented by Atlantis, the Age of Saturn, the Garden of Eden, the Golden Age, the "Paradise Lost", Satya Yuga, the Tower of Babel, the lost continents, state of nature, etc. This may also represent the idea that humanity existed in a different plane of existence, which was immaterial (represented by the sephirot called "Yesod" in the kabbalistic tree of life).

The knowledge of this true religion got lost, but its remnants are scattered throughout all the creeds of mankind; this is where the "all religions are true" and "we all worship the same god" come from. The teachings are veiled behind symbols and metaphors. There was an outer, exoteric doctrine for the common folk and an inner, esoteric, true doctrine, reserved for the few.

"The mysteries" is the name given to the secret societies or priesthoods which taught the real meaning behind the myths which were fed to the unenlightened masses. They existed in Egypt (Abydos, Mysteries of Isis), Greece (Eleusis, Orphism, Pythagoreanism, Platonism), India (Brahmanism, Yoga, Thuggee sect, Buddhism), Rome (Mythraic mysteries, Neoplatonism, Stoicism), China (Taoism), Europe in general (Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, Christian mysticism and Hermetism), Middle East (Gnosticism, Kabbalah, the Assassins, Zoroastrianism) and in many other cultures; including pre-Columbian civilizations like the mayas and aztecs.

Their teachings state that the universe is the emanation of an absolute god (the one, ultimate reality, ein soph, monad, nirvana), which is outside comprehension. Since everything is part of this god, the whole universe is permeated by him; the god is immanent in the universe. This is a pantheistic notion; the whole universe is part of God. At the same time, it is beyond the universe; being both immanent and transcendent. That means that humans are also part of this god; "we are all one", created "in his image or likeness", "as above, so below". Man is a microcosm, a small-scale universe. Man is a god in the making.

The "soul" of this god (the world soul, anima mundi, ki, prana, akasha, pneuma, od, orgon, azoth, life-force, nous, the active generative principle) pervades the entire universe, giving life, motion, form and order to all matter (which is the receptive feminine principle, impregnated by this force. If the former is the soul, this is the body it gives life to). It is through this "great magical agent" that magic is worked since it connects the universe into a single thing (Indra's Net, in hinduism). Our own consciousness is this god manifesting as individual, lesser minds. We can reunite with this energy which animates and vivifies the universe, "becoming one with the force", "becoming one with the universe", "regaining our lost estate", "recovering the lost word", "creating the philosopher's stone", etc. by conquering our lesser natures and dettaching ourselves from the material, illusory world.

Once a man achieves this enlightenment, awakening or gnosis, he is fit to rule others since he acts a vehicle for this divine will and acquires divine qualities. People who do not reunite with the absolute are bound to reincarnate until they achieve transcendance (moksha, samadhi).

This is a very basic outline, and this is by no means exhaustive. I'm still learning about this philosophy, which is cryptic by design. If you want to know more, research "hermetism", "kabbalah", "builders of the adytum", "theosophy", "esoteric freemasonry", "great work", "royal secret of freemasonry", "the kybalion", etc.

Here's a link on esoteric freemasonry: ... mason.html
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: MEGATHREAD: New World Religion

Post by 2017Fallout »

Really interesting read. Great info thread.
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