Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

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Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

My last post on pizzagate led me to a network of connections so vast I don't yet have a focus.. hence this data dump....

So, this post : viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2000 was about an international pedophile ring which was reported in the MSM but the connections to The Hague, the Dutch Royal family and other elite connections were somehow missed.. The next link continues with a blog which mentions Dutch police not investigating another case of pedophilia..

"The Bristol detectives can get no further. The Dutch say they will not investigate, and Avon and Somerset police have neither the funds nor the legal power to run their own inquiry in the Netherlands." http://zoompad.blogspot.com/2011/11/whe ... gy_30.html [archived: https://archive.is/xlPAC]
"Those in residential care are probably the most difficult of children. The girls are as bad as the boys. Many people with experience know that to be true!" WHAT ON EARTH DID LORD ENNALS MEAN BY THIS EXTRAORDINARY STATEMENT? .. Image
Staffordshire Children's Homes: Report https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hans ... mes-report
Lord Ennals : "My Lords, perhaps I may first thank the noble Lord, Lord Henley, for reading the Statement made by his honourable friend in another place. From these Benches I also express our thanks to Mr. Allan Levy and to Barbara Kahan for what is a very remarkable, though sad, report. In my view they brought the best of their skills to the task. Those of us who have known Barbara Kahan for many years are grateful to her for the wisdom and experience contained in the report.
I have a modest interest to declare in that about 18 months ago some young people from NAYPIC (the National Association of Young People in Care) with which I have had contact over many years, came to see me with much of the evidence which was presented to the inquiry......."
NOTE: We have many posts on Barbara Kahan and her connections to the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and many other notorious pedophile cases in the UK https://searchvoat.co/search.php?t=%22b ... an%22&b=on and https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=com ... an%22&b=on

https://youtu.be/77VywgwGxRg .. In the video Barbara Kahan's husband Vladimir and his Tavistock connections are mentioned... He wrote "Mental Illness in Childhood: A Study of Residential Treatment - Tavistock Publications, 1971 " https://books.google.ch/books/about/Men ... edir_esc=y
For follow up : https://archive.is/NTAqe and UK MKULTRA LINK TO CIA SPONSORED ANTI-COMMUNIST GROUPS : https://archive.is/Inyip
Barbara Kahan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Kahan
She rose to chair the National Children's Bureau and to co-chair the Pindown Enquiry...The Pindown Inquiry was launched by Staffordshire County Council to investigate an aggressive behaviour management policy of children in their care. The investigation was co-chaired by the children's advocate Allan Levy QC LLB and Kahan..Her friendship with Levy (whom she had not known before the inquiry) continued until her death, whilst Levy went on to chair the Vladimir and Barbara Kahan Trust.
Check out the fawning obituary for Levy in the Guardian by Clare Dyer https://www.theguardian.com/news/2004/s ... s.children

Reality check: https://twitter.com/RealStoriesGF/statu ... 7655059456
Did Margaret Hodge resign when confronted with her abject failure to protect children in Islington?...Michael Foster MP, Allan Levy QC & Mike Taylor (formerly NSPCC) agreed with her; stating Hodge should remain MINISTER FOR CHILDREN
Back to blog on Lord Ennals:
The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks...

One of the more interesting cases pertaining to snuff movies is a child abuse and -trafficking ring of Brits who were forced to relocate to the Amsterdam region in the 1980s. Over the years, this ring made the news on several occasions.

The first time was in 1990, when a teenage victim-witness, Andrew, contacted welfare workers of the British National Association for Young People In Care (NAYPIC). Andrew claimed to have been a victim of a British pedophile ring and forced on several occasions to film snuff movies in a warehouse in or around Amsterdam. The welfare workers were skeptical, but until further developments the teenager was allowed to live in the home of NAYPIC's London development officer, Mary Moss. Just before Andrew was to give a more official testimony, he was drugged and pulled into a van, right in front of Moss' home. The teenager had already been threatened and followed in the streets before this kidnapping. It's not known if he was never heard of again.

"Welfare staff at Naypic have been convinced by Andrew and other runaways that such [snuff] films are being made. They have been told of a paedophile group known as the Elite Twelve, which is prepared to pay up to Pounds 5,000 to youngsters to make videos involving torture and sado-masochism, and which may lead to murder.".... The most detailed investigation of the British child abuse colony in Amsterdam was published in November 2000 by the Award-winning journalist Nick Davies. Now even more evidence was provided for the existence of not only a vast boy trafficking network, but also for the existence of a small number of snuff movies....
David Ennals, Baron Ennals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Enn ... ron_Ennals
He served as Secretary of State for Social Services from 1976 to 1979...Following his exit from parliament in 1970, Ennals became Campaign Director for the National Association for Mental Health (MIND), which he served as until 1973. He became chairman in 1984, and served as President from 1989 to 1995.

After serving as secretary to the United Nations Association from 1952 to 1957, he became chairman in 1984, as well as Chairman of the Gandhi Foundation, which he held until 1995. ..In 1987 Lord Ennals went on a parliamentary fact-finding mission to Tibet and on his return to the UK he became a tireless campaigner for Tibetan independence and a personal friend of the 14th Dalai Lama.

Ennals had an older brother, John and a younger brother Martin. Martin Ennals, was a human rights activist and Secretary-General of Amnesty International. His son, Sir Paul Ennals, is chief executive of the National Children's Bureau.
Ennals had an adopted Vietnamese son who commited suicide at age 21.
As he began to walk, the child singled out Gene, a teacher originally from South Carolina, who was in Saigon working as a volunteer for the Ockenden Venture, a British charity for refugees.
Ockenden International https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ockenden_International
They work in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda...Ockenden International was in 1951 by Joyce Pearce, Margaret Dixon and Ruth Hicks as the Ockenden Venture.[2] Its name derives from Pearce's family home ‘Ockenden’ in Woking, Surrey... The organisation became a registered charity in 1955. In 1958, the Ockenden Venture took over Donington Hall near Derby as a school for boys

In 1958, The Abbey, Sutton Courtenay was bought by David Astor (son of Nancy Astor, Viscountess Astor), and publisher of The Observer between 1948 and 1975.[4] ...The first Ockenden houseparents of The Abbey were Dane and Joan Leadlay. Initially, it housed Polish girls, followed by South African, Tibetan and Rumanian students...In October 1962, the Ockenden Venture decided to support non-European children as well and in 1971 it merged with another refugee charity, Lifeline. In 1979, when the government decided to accept Vietnamese boat people into the UK, Ockenden, Save the Children and the British Council for Aid to Refugees were given responsibility for reception and resettlement these families. Houses closed down in the 1990s and in 2001 they only had Kilmore House in Camberley. The Ockenden Venture changed its name to Ockenden International in 1999..
https://www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk ... o_venture/ The Queen Mother visits Ockenden in Woking, 1959

Continued in comments..
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Re: Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »


The Ockenden Venture was founded in 1951 by three local schoolteachers and took its name from founder Joyce Pearce’s family home ‘Ockenden’ in White Rose Lane, Woking. The Ockenden Venture became a registered charity on 24th February 1955, under the War Charities Act 1940, its objective being to receive young East European people from post-World War II displaced persons camps in Germany and ‘to provide for their maintenance, clothing, education, recreation, health and general welfare’. ..The project had begun in 1951, when Joyce Pearce (1915- 1985) persuaded Woking District Council to help support a holiday for 17 displaced East European teenagers at her sixth form centre at Ockenden House, as part of the Festival of Britain.

https://www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk ... n-7155.pdf
Pg. 4 : 'The earthing of the Christ energies: a way of compassion', talk by Joyce Pearce to the Wrekin Trust Round Table (May 1981)
The earthing of the Christ energies? Why isn't that New Age/ Lucis Trust talk? why yes it is...

Wrekin Trust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrekin_Trust
The Wrekin Trust was a charity (Charity number: 262303) founded by Sir George Trevelyan in 1971, under the active encouragement of Air Marshal Victor Goddard. Its stated purpose is non-sectarian spiritual education.
Air Marshal Sir Robert Victor Goddard, KCB, CBE, DL (6 February 1897 – 21 January 1987) was a senior commander in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. Goddard is perhaps best known for his interest in paranormal phenomena; he claimed to have witnessed a clairvoyant incident in 1946 on which the feature film The Night My Number Came Up (1955) was later based.

Goddard was posted to India in 1943, to take charge of administration for the air command of South East Asia Command (SEAC). He remained in the role until 1946 when he became the RAF's representative in Washington...He claimed to have witnessed the clairvoyant experience of another officer, in China during January 1946.
South East Asia Command https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_East_Asia_Command
In August 1943, the Allies created the combined South East Asian Command, to assume overall strategic command of all air, sea and land operations of all national contingents in the theatre. In August 1943, with the agreement of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, Winston Churchill appointed Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten as Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia...Mountbatten arrived in India on 7 October[1] and SEAC came formally into being in Delhi at midnight on 15/16 November...

The Eleventh Army Group had the Fourteenth Army on the Burma front, and the British garrison in Ceylon under its direct command. Stilwell also served as Chief of Staff to Chiang Kai-shek, who was officially the Supreme Allied Commander in China. Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Peirse was appointed the Air Commander in Chief under Mountbatten. ..

Once the Burma Road from Mandalay to Chungking was secured NCAC became passive and in March 1945 Mountbatten agreed to the US and Chinese troops in NCAC being gradually withdrawn to the China...RAF aircraft destined for SEAC had the word "SNAKE" applied after the serial during ferrying to prevent them being appropriated by other commands along the route.
Sir George Trevelyan, 4th Baronet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Georg ... th_Baronet
Sir George Lowthian Trevelyan, 4th Baronet (5 November 1906 – 9 February 1996) was a British educational pioneer and a founding father of the New Age movement. In 1942, after listening to a lecture by Dr Walter Stein, a student of Rudolf Steiner, he transitioned from being agnostic to a new age spiritual thinker, and even studied anthroposophy in the coming years. He first became a History teacher at Gordonstoun School, pioneering radical education methods. After World War II, in 1948, he became the Warden at Attingham Park, a pioneering adult education college in Shropshire, from where he retired in 1971 to found the Wrekin Trust, an educational charity. He was subsequently associated with the Soil Association, the Findhorn Foundation, the Teilhard de Chardin Society and the Essene Network.
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Re: Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Sir George Trevelyan (uncle of Sir George Trevelyan, 4th Baronet) > 'Trevelyan Man Hunt'
Image http://www.thetweedpig.com/2016/05/manhunt.html Known as the Trevelyan Hunt, the sport that combines the skills of tracking and fell running began in 1898 by three Cambridge undergraduates: George Trevelyan, Geoffrey Winthrop Young and Sidney McDougall. The Trevelyans have been connected with the hunt ever since, I think. Certainly, Sir George Trevelyan, 4th Baronet, the nephew of the original George Trevelyan, had a 42-year association with the chase.
How very enlightened..

G. M. Trevelyan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._M._Trevelyan
a British historian and academic. Trevelyan was born into late Victorian Britain in Welcombe House, Stratford-on-Avon, the large house and estate owned by his maternal grandfather, Robert Needham Philips,[7] a wealthy Lancashire merchant and the Liberal Member of Parliament (MP) for Bury. Today Welcombe is a hotel and spa for tourists visiting Shakespeare's birthplace..Trevelyan's parents used Welcombe as a winter resort after they inherited it in 1890. They looked upon Wallington Hall, the Trevelyan family estate in Northumberland, as their real home. In retirement, he was Chancellor of Durham University.

After attending Wixenford and Harrow, where he specialised in history, Trevelyan studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was a member of the secret society, the Cambridge Apostles and founder of the still existing Lake Hunt, a hare and hounds chase where both hounds and hares are human.
Cambridge Apostles, also known as, the Cambridge Five https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Five
The Cambridge Spy Ring was a ring of spies in the United Kingdom that passed information to the Soviet Union during World War II and was active from the 1930s until at least into the early 1950s. None of the known members was ever prosecuted for spying. T
Also related ..The Bloomsbury Group https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagateart/3007452/16504906
The Bloomsbury Group—or Bloomsbury Set—was a group of associated English writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists in the first half of the 20th century,[1] including Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster and Lytton Strachey. This loose collective of friends and relatives was closely associated with Cambridge University for the men and King's College London for the women, and they lived, worked or studied together near Bloomsbury, London...All male members of the Bloomsbury Group, except Duncan Grant, were educated at Cambridge (either at Trinity or King’s College). Most of them, except Clive Bell and the Stephen brothers, were members of "the exclusive Cambridge society, the 'Apostles'".
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Re: Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

the Trevelyan Hunt, the sport that combines the skills of tracking and fell running began in 1898 by three Cambridge undergraduates: George Trevelyan, Geoffrey Winthrop Young and Sidney McDougall.

Geoffrey Winthrop Young https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Winthrop_Young
Geoffrey Winthrop Young (25 October 1876 – 8 September 1958) was a British climber, poet and educator, and author of several notable books on mountaineering... Winthrop Young also put up new routes on the crags of the Lake District and Wales. ...

To support himself and his family he worked for the Rockefeller Foundation, and spent much time in Germany, and – having met Kurt Hahn before the War – helped Hahn immigrate to England in 1934. Much of what may be called an outdoor adventure education springs from this connection. The now famous Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and the International Award scheme comes from this co-operation between Hahn and Young. The Outward Bound movement, after World War II, owes a considerable debt to their friendship
Kurt Hahn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Hahn
Kurt Matthias Robert Martin Hahn CBE[1] (5 June 1886, Berlin – 14 December 1974, Hermannsberg) was a German educator. He founded Stiftung Louisenlund, Schule Schloss Salem, Gordonstoun, Outward Bound and the United World Colleges.
Kurt Hahn posts: https://searchvoat.co/search.php?t=%22kurt+hahn%22&b=on
Outward Bound was connected to Jimmy Savile. Also connected to Prince Philip, Prince Andrew, Lynn Forester de Rothschild , child services in the UK, and more... https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3691890
Going through some voat posts : John Podesta and the alias "JP Ash" leads to the Acorn Group and children's services in the UK https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2538998

According to this pastbin document, https://pastebin.com/YuqH96CU, John Podesta uses JP Ash as an alias in the UK.. Acorn Group is a family owned company founded by Mathew Bennett. ..Mathew Bennett is also a stockbroker and founder of Lighthouse Capital Investments..

Previous company name : ACORN OUTWARD BOUND LIMITED

Located near Kirkby Lonsdale, and Grange over Sands on the edge of the Lake District, Underley Garden settings provide specialist education and residential care to children and young adults, many of whom have autistic spectrum conditions...
Hmm .. that Podesta pastebin link : https://pastebin.com/YuqH96CU
England…the Lake District - deep in the mountains
Podesta uses the name J. P. Ash
One large mansion is here and he brings guests.
Same activity as above
There is an Outward Bound camp in the Lake District at Ullswater. Voat post:

These people are sick. Epstein's Island, the Royal Family, and Outward Bound https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3692156
https://steemkr.com/psychology/@kida/ep ... ward-bound

Be sure to listen to the video at the end of the article (but a trigger warning for victims). Phoenix (victim of ritual abuse in the UK) points out the BBC is owned by powerful people who either create or enable the systemic rape/abuse/murder of children.

As a child, I was raped and tortured at the Ullswater Outward Bound camp in the UK. This camp is architected in a very similar way to Epstein's Island. It was also patronized by the British Royal Family.

The camp is intimately connected to notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile, Prince Phillip, and Prince Andrew — the latter, now better-known as one of Epstein's collaborators...This current patron of the Ullswater camp — Prince Andrew ..

Here you can see the Duke of Edinburgh, patron of Ullswater, and his close-friend, notorious child-rapist Jimmy Savile, who was himself a Director of Outward Bound Global.

For the above photograph, the caption reads"

"DJ Jimmy Savile shows the Duke of Edinburgh where he keeps his cigar before the Variety Club national sponsored sports luncheon at the Hilton Hotel, London. The Duke was guest of honour at the lunch to benefit the Outward Bound Trust - he is patron."
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Re: Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Ullswater http://www.ullswater.co.uk/ archive: https://archive.is/EjiL8
Outward Bound Trustees include https://www.outwardbound.org.uk/our-trustees
Charles Philipps, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Charles Philipps trained as a chartered accountant and then moved into investment banking. He was instrumental in the formation of Amlin plc of which he was Chief Executive from 1999 until 2018. He served on the Council of Lloyd’s and was President of the Insurance Institute of London. He is also the senior independent director of Great Portland Estates plc.

HRH Princess Beatrice - In March 2019 HRH Princess Beatrice joined our board of Trustees.

Ian Ashman - past President of the Association of Colleges

Andrew Cartwright - a retired banker, and was Chairman of CCHF All About Kids from 2011.
About CCHF All About Kid https://www.cchf-allaboutkids.org.uk/ourhistory.htm
Originally called "The Children's Fresh Air Mission (Off to the Country)" the charity’s aim was to take children from London’s slums away to the seaside for holidays in the fresh air and country surroundings. In 1886 the name changed to The Children's Country Holidays Fund (CCHF)
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Re: Ockenden Ventures, British High Society and the Pedophile Gatekeepers Data Dump

Post by kestrel9 »

Great data dumps! So much to look through, wish I had more time at the moment. But right away things came to mind, especially the Princess/Queen Maxima, Queen Beatrix of course.. I'll throw these old links into the mix plus some new:

searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2591618 Montreal Permindex ties revealed to JFK murder, 1001 Club
"My last submitted post mostly involved Queen Maxima, supporter of Obama administration and Clinton Global Initiative,( older sister of Ines Zorrequieta who reportedly committed suicide in Argentina 6 days ago) and the Dutch Royal family that Queen Maxima married into, mainly Bilderberg and WWF founder AND former Nazi,Prince Bernhard, who worked also for IG Fabarn in their Espionage Unit "NW-7" both before and after WWII ( btw, 5 IG Farben owned or contracted manufacturing plants that produced synthetic rubber "Buna", most of which utilized slave labor, IGF also supplied Zyklon B gas used in gas chambers).

From this article I'm focusing on the Bilderberg and WWF founder Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, WWF, 1001 Club, Bronfman ties, Canadian ties, Permindex, British Intel ties going back to WWII. http://canadianpatriot.org/montreal-per ... 1001-club/ " ...


https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2590237 Inés Zorreguieta suicide led me to: Queen Maxima, Obama, Clinton Global Initiative, Bilderberg, WWF, Prince Bernhard, What connections CAN'T you find?! Yes a Nazi too!

https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018 ... ed-37.html The Videographer ...
" The video is grainy stuff and old now, but the films are vivid and you can identify everyone in them.

The person in charge of collecting and cataloging the videos and the subjects belonged to a cabinet level member of the government. Long though destroyed, many of the world's elite who had participated, breathed a sigh of relief last year when the videographer died." [died in 2017?]

Names involved:
Country: Argentina/former Argentine army general Luciano Benjamín Menéndez
Cabinet level member of the government: Jorge Zorreguieta
Who found the library: Inés Zorreguieta (suicide)
Sister: Queen Máxima of the Netherlands
A list celebrity: Avicci (suicide)


https://honey.nine.com.au/royals/dutch- ... f7cc962bc1

http://archive.is/TFyAt "Beyond Dutroux" ties to the Netherlands
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