Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

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Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

The Blue Beam conspiracy theory states that there is a plan to stage a false flag alien invasion and divine apparitions in order to install the NWO; humanity unified under a totalitarian world government. Personally, I do not think this is true, but at this point it wouldn't surprise me. ... ostcount=1 <------- (Read more here).



This spiral was seen in Norway. The official explanation was that it was a rocket.








Notice the 333...

phpBB [video]

Notice how the message is "Experts say world goverment because aliens!!!" ... n-invasion


Maybe this is the reason why there are so many "disclosures" and stuff like Ancient Aliens. Remember the "Storm area 51" which happened shortly after Epstein? SETI? The yearly "Life found on Mars/Venus/Europa"? ... ufos-cache

phpBB [video] ... s-n1250333 (Israel space security chief) ... -kidding1/ (((Avi Loeb))) ... l-n1231521 (Trump) (Podesta) ... stop-wars/ (Canadian defense minister) ... liens.html (Hillary Clinton) ... edemption/ (Vatican) ... -the-world (Bill Clinton says it would unite mankind) ... the-1970s/ (Scientific American)

Maybe this is the reason why we see movies like Independence Day, in which all humanity must unite against the common enemy which is the aliens.


There's an interesting documentary called "Mirage Men" in which they share the testimonies of govt. officials and their victims. It's about how the US government promoted the UFO movement to cover up their secret projects.


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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old.

In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness. The various saviors will then merge into one after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult. [Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those requirements.]

The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4 steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its head.

* First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.

* Second, a gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of God, speaking in all languages.

* Third, electronic telepathy involving ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and interweaving with the natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls.

* Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable.

For supporting documents scroll to the end of this article. Go here to watch supporting video evidence produced by an overseas researcher:

These two videos below from explain the actual existing military and HAARP technology that we have right now to create the projected "False Second Coming" or "fake alien invasion" event complete with audio beamed directly into people's ears while the holograms appear overhead. You MUST WATCH these two videos. Now you will also be able to "CONNECT THE DOTS" about why airplanes ejecting long lingering chemtrails are constantly criss- crossing America everywhere. Among other Orwellian "tasks" these chemtrail planes are performing, they are laying down the necessary chemicals including toxic levels of Barium, which will saturate the upper atmosphere enough to provide a chemical "screen" like a motion picture screen for the projected holographic images to appear on:

A Worldwide Counterfeit "Second Coming" to be Staged by the NWO Using Secret High Technology Light Beam Holographic Projections? Could this actually be true? See the attached UN document where Blue Beam is detailed at the end of this report.

"The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old, as major an event as that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region. It deals with the religious aspect of the new world order and is deception and seduction on a massive global scale."

bohemian grove ritual[ 9.19.2008 Note from CKH: Another truth researcher pointed me to look up "project blue beam" so I Googled it and this info below is just part of what I got.

This information is so outrageous as to be almost unbelievable to me, and I am someone who has pretty much seen and heard it all. But then again, I had always flatly refused to believe that secret "Bohemian Grove" Malduk worship by every major G8 world leader was true, until I saw actual video footage of a Bohemian Grove Ritual being enacted - live - and could no longer deny what I was learning. So, with sickening reluctance, I am posting these reports. ]

Jordan Maxwell video:

UN Blue beam document:


[ Report compiled from various internet sources ]
Please read this incredible tale of apparitions and modulated microwave images and sounds and voices directed into your brain, I was told today by those in the know that holographic images of tanks and war machinery were projected over the desert to the Iraqis to scare them into submission during Desert Storm. Looks like it worked quite effectively.

project blue beamSo there are two separate weapons: One projects images in the air while the other projects images into your mind. Every wonder why Buford Morrow the day care center killer checked himself into a psych-hospital prior to going on his rampage and claimed that he heard voices telling him to kill people. They would not listen to him. - Submitted by US soldier USCMike1

From the International Free Press in Canada

The International Free Press network is not a religious group, neither is it a political organization, but an independent worldwide investigation press agency in the field of politics, economics, medical and military.

We specialize in investigating and publishing special reports and audio tapes to expose the underworld of the United Nations conspiracy to implement a New World Order. Our task is to make the people realize that the agenda of the New World Order is not a dream or some wild, paranoid theory; it is a real on-going Satanic project.

A New World Order? For what?

To abolish all Christian traditional religions in order to replace them with a one world religion based on the cult of man. To abolish all national identity and national pride in order to establish a world identity and a world pride. To abolish the family as known today in order to replace them with individuals all working for the glory of the new one world government.

To destroy all individual artistic and scientific creativity to implement a one world government one-mind sight. And that kind of declaration of war from the United Nations is for the implementation of a universal, obligatory membership to the United Nations, a strengthening of the UN by a multi-military and multi-police force, a world-wide justice department through the UN with an international tribunal, a worldwide new trade agreement for all nations, the end of cold war and local wars as they are today, and the obligation for peace by scrapping all national and state constitutions.

"A new one world false religion and a new Apostasy culture is being planned covertly, illegally for all humankind."

If we really wish to understand the NASA Blue Beam Project, we have to return to the "dawning of the age of Aquarius."

Remember that song? That song said,

"When the moon is in the seventh house
and Jupiter aligned with Mars, then peace
will guide our planet and love will steer the stars."

This related with the year 1982 to be, at that time, the opening for the conspiracy of the age of Aquarius, just before the implementation of the new world order, supposed to begin sometime in 1983. I have to say that the Blue Beam Project was set up for the year 1983. It hasproject blue beam been delayed; we don't know exactly why. But, since 1983 (eleven years before the publication of this report), they have really improved themselves with new technology and innovations in space hardware and software in which they are involved right now to make their systems possible. So, the goals of the new age movement under which the United Nations operates right now, are the implementation of a new world "messiah." - an Apostate counterfeit "Christ".

The tools of the new world order are:

1. an international army;

2. an international police force;

3. a world bank for the economy;

4. a world government under the United Nations;

5. a world conservatory bank for wilderness preservation around the world. That means all "green" movements will be melded into the new international bank or disappear altogether;

6. a world religion where all church doctrines will be destroyed at the roots to be replaced by the new world religion of the age of Aquarius;

7. the world seven-races classification for all human slaves who will fulfill predetermined work tasks whether they agree with it or not;

8. the world concentration headquarters at the United Nations for those who will not accept the new system;

9. the world agriculture and food supply control which will control food and vitamin supplies around the world.

The new world order will be an "in-between" government system for USSR, Great Britian and all its commonwealths, and the United States with its melting-pot population. This is, at the end, a new spiritual and political world order which will replace the old ones under which we live right now.

Evil new world order --- What are the new world order plans?

They plan on the destruction of all people who believe in the Bible or worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance of Christianity. To achieve this plan, the new world order is changing national laws to assure that Christian beliefs and symbols:- like the cross, for instance, will become outlawed and unlawful. Religious holidays and ceremonies will be replaced with new age festivities around the world. The elimination and complete destruction of all secret societies and secret brotherhoods, lodges and sanctuaries, all of which they view as the most serious threats to their survival after the implementation of the one world religion and one world government. The new world order also plans the abolition of all national curriencies, and the transfer of commerce to electronic cash through the superhighway.

Now...what those people also plan - and I repeat, this is not a dream and is not paranoid thinking, this is real. They plan that in order to accept the new world order, all people must first accept the new age religion; to enter into the new world religion, the Christian will have to abdicate their own beliefs.

So, as they said, the initiation will be on a worldwide basis inside the newly organized new Christian church (which will be a reorganized and strictly controlled Masonic temple) occult organization based on a Luciferian initiation. What we have to understand here is that no one will be able to maintain their old beliefs and, at the same time, enter into the new age religion. It will be impossible.

rex 84 camps for those who will not accept the new world order, who will reject it, the new world order people have already built re-education concentration camps (Google "rex 84 operation garden plot usa fema detention camps") and, for those camps, they have established what they call the "rainbow classifications" of the new world order prisoners. The rainbow is considered as the "bridge" leading to the Satanic empire of the new world order.

We already know, for instance, that everyone will have to take an oath to Lucifer in order to cross that bridge into the new age. All who resist that initiation will be sent to detention facilities where they will be separated into different categories, known as the rainbow classification of the new world order prisoners.

1. Classification of Christian children, as planned, is to be as human sacrifices where, within the black mass ceremonies, they will forced to participate in any kind of sexual orgies or be kept as sexual slaves.

2. Classification of prisoners to be used in medical experiments where drugs and new technologies will be tested on humans.

3. Classification of healthy prisoners for the International Organ Donation Center where vital organs will be removed one by one while they are kept alive by mechanical devices.

4. Classification of all healthy underground workers. The new world order concept is basically a worldwide dictatorship based upon the Luciferian religion; a dictatorship with the illusion of democracy.

5. Classification of "Uncertain Prisoners." In the international "re-education" center, political and religious prisoners will be re-educated (by whatever means are required) so that they may repent on international televison programs and glorify the virtues of the one world government for the benefit of all humanity.

6. Classification of the International Execution Center. Clear enough!

7. Classification seven. We are still waiting on the details of the Seventh Classification, and we are awaiting verification of the colors to be assigned to these classifications of prisoners, but this is the basic agenda of those who have planned the new "paradise" world of the future.

In order to maintain the illusion of democracy, camps and slave labor will be hidden underground in massive colonies that are being built as we write this report. (See FEMA REX 84 Camps, Dulce Los Alamos Secret Underground Military Installation on Archuleta Mesa in NM, and other underground USA/NWO military bases located around the world. Google those terms.)

You must understand that when I decided to release, about six months ago, some of their plans and information concerning their most important project, which is the NASA Blue Beam Project, I wasn't certain if I would survive my stand against the new world order's plans to put down on their knees all of the world's cultures and religions. But, now, following my own Christian conscience, my real and deep love for all my unknown brothers and sisters in America and throughout the world, I freely accept to give my life if it has to be the case for the truth, for Jesus Christ, by releasing for the first time, the four major steps of the Satanic Blue Beam Project.

I ask everyone who reads the following descriptions not to be paralyzed by their natural fears but to spread to everyone the contents of this special report, and to gather together in order to pray and to think and to organize ways to survive the new world order government show-down and power taking, because what we have to understand is that the new world government will not be something permanent, immortal; this is not the case. But what we have to do right now is how to organize to survive such Satanic plans.
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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Notice that this idea is not without precedent...

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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by kestrel9 »

I absolutely believe the whole topic is a creation of the intelligence agencies as per Mirage Men that you gave info about. This has been going for decades, perhaps inspired by the results War of the Worlds radio broadcast. The stereotypical idea of what the "greys" look like stems from an early science fiction illustration (1950s?)

A big tell over how the government uses "UFO/aliens" click bait propoganda is how the 'aliens' always seem to have a Leftist bent..they want to save us from ourselves, or destroy a great number of us to save the rest of us from ourselves. /s

UFO mythology is certainly a big industry for books and movies and garners viewers for YouTube personalities.

Clintons: Sample of UFO predictive programming ... restrials/ ... find-ufos/ ... Photos.htm
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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

kestrel9 wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:03 pm I absolutely believe the whole topic is a creation of the intelligence agencies as per Mirage Men that you gave info about. This has been going for decades, perhaps inspired by the results War of the Worlds radio broadcast. The stereotypical idea of what the "greys" look like stems from an early science fiction illustration (1950s?)

A big tell over how the government uses "UFO/aliens" click bait propoganda is how the 'aliens' always seem to have a Leftist bent..they want to save us from ourselves, or destroy a great number of us to save the rest of us from ourselves. /s

UFO mythology is certainly a big industry for books and movies and garners viewers for YouTube personalities.

Clintons: Sample of UFO predictive programming ... restrials/ ... find-ufos/ ... Photos.htm
I'll investigate on this. If you know more, feel free to post. It's an interesting subject.

According to Bill Cooper, the WotW Orson Welles broadcast was a test to see how people would react. I've read sources say that the panic was overstated by the media and that there were no riots or major issues. I think the whole "disclosure" is meant to slowly implant the idea. They don't want it to be disclosed suddenly because they fear there would be mass chaos all throughout the world.

This does not necessarily deny the possibility of extra-terrestrial life in distant planets, which is a scientifically possible scenario. If abiogenesis is true, there's no reason why life couldn't arise somewhere else in the universe. However, there's a difference between accepting this hypothesis and saying that the aliens are visiting us. Like you pointed out, most alien mythology comes from pop culture and sci-fi.
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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by kestrel9 »

This does not necessarily deny the possibility of extra-terrestrial life in distant planets, which is a scientifically possible scenario.
However, there's a difference between accepting this hypothesis and saying that the aliens are visiting us. Like you pointed out, most alien mythology comes from pop culture and sci-fi.
CIA is embedded in pop culture (Timothy Leary worked as an asset for example), as well as media and news. Walk through CNN and you probably trip over one of them every 20 feet or so. /s

I think that there are many useful aspects for intelligence agencies, specifically the CIA, to promote UFO mythology. Given what we know about MKUltra, it's clear there is nothing they wouldn't have done and likely are doing to study behavior: the limits of what the mind can handle, what the body can handle, how to hypnotize individuals and groups, how to create greater, fantastical narrative backdrops to distract from ongoing operations/studies.
Last edited by kestrel9 on Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by merlynn132 »

Yes,it's one set of keys the jews like to jingle in front of you to keep you from paying attention to what they're doing.
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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by ArcturianDeathTrap4 »

- What are the occult forces? Various ancient esoteric teachings/traditions have talked about these hyper-dimensional realities and forces acting upon and manipulating humanity.

- Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and occult hostile forces

- Distortion, misconception, and over-simplification of this topic ever since it became more popular

- Victim/Blame trap

- Entry points

- Matrix on over-drive to keep people locked in the Madrid frequency of Divide & Conquer

- The necessity of sincere self-work, soul embodiment

- New Age Love and Light distortions

- Laura’s experience of encountering these forces during deep meditation

- Yogic consciousness – Perceiving occult forces directly

- Anyone who is on the verge of a true awakening will be interfered with

- Head-Centric living serves as entry points for occult forces

- Importance of meditation and detect energies coming in from the outside and reject them

- Limitation of psychological self-work alone

- Free Will vs. mechanical/programmed behavior

- Attacks/manipulation through our own minds and damaged aura

- Traps of Agreement – Negative forces posing as positive ones

- Psychics and issues with channeled material

- Entity attachments via engaging in rituals, ceremonies – Traps of Agreement (even lasting over lifetimes)

- Occult/Psychic attacks through other people – Agent Smith Syndrome

- Energy Vampires

- Occult interferences and psychic attacks on Facebook/social media

- Alien Love Bite/Dark Side of Cupid vs. Interferences in a love relationship of two people who are meant to be together (based on true Love)

- Teaching function of occult forces – Initiations

In Part 2 (only for members) we’ll be going deeper into:

- Psychic Attacks – Thought projections from others

- Genetic Modification of humans beings over hundreds of thousands of years – the “fall” from our original state

- The “Alien Invasion” already happened and it is working through humans

- Is modern civilization truly “human”?

- Government is an archonic creation

- Mistaking symptoms for causes – focused on the shadows on the wall (3D Matrix)

- Importance to establish zero-point non-reactive consciousness

- The trap of self-importance and taking things personally

- Wounded people hurt other people and become portals for occult forces

- Going deeper into the issue with social media from an occult perspective (psychic attacks through others)

- Lack of communication skills online and lack of emotional intelligence, in particular, passive aggressiveness (entry points for occult forces)

- Projected thought forms vs. entities

- Laura’s and Bernhard’s experiences with receiving occult/psychic attacks on Facebook

- The trap of Idiot Compassion – Importance of Warrior attitude

- New Age deception of sending entities/occult forces Love and Light

- Mental illness and occult forces

- A case of someone in direct contact with grey aliens who has been diagnosed as schizophrenic

- The alien abduction phenomenon

- New Age alien savior program

- The trap of fear and paranoia

- Fear of speaking out and what other people think of you – matrix program of complacency and fake niceness

- Occult interference in love relationships vs. basic relationship psychology (projections)

- Laura’s and Bernhard’s experiences with occult interferences/psychic attacks within their relationship

- Practical tips of how to protect oneself from occult/psychic attacks

- Huge misconceptions about removing entities. Just “removing” an entity is never enough. Issues with “distance healing”

- Importance of educating oneself about this topic. Knowledge protects. Ignorance is not a defense but endangers

- New Age distortion of Law of Attraction ... -3-part-1/
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Re: Are globalists promoting the idea of aliens and UFOs?

Post by ArcturianDeathTrap4 »

The Threat: The Secret Agenda - What the Aliens Really Want and How they Plan to Get It
- David M. Jacobs, PhD

Abductions and Aliens - What's Really Going On
- Chris A. Rutkowski

Matrix II - The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology
- Valdamar Valerian

Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions
- David M. Jacobs, PhD

The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships
- Eve Lorgen

Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity
- David M. Jacobs, PhD

Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens
- Susan A. Clancy

Silent Invasion: The Shocking Discoveries of a UFO Researcher
- Ellen Crystall

The Watchers I: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction
- Raymond E. Fowler

Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity
- Nigel Kerner

Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection
- Gary Bates

The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters
- Ronald Story

Missing 411: North America and Beyond - Stories of People Who Have Disappeared in Remote Locations of North America and Five Other Countries
- David Paulides

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens
- John E. Mack, MD

The Real and Secretive World Of Aliens and UFOs Known Only to 75 Americans
- Jean-Maximillien De La Croix de Lafayette

Alien Contact: The First Fifty Years
- Jenny Randles

Alien Base: The Evidence For Extraterrestrial Colonization Of Earth
- Timothy Good

The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991
- Richard M. Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe

These glowing reviews about aliens causing humans pain are available for free at your local Library Genesis
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