Fun facts about Argentinian prisons

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Fun facts about Argentinian prisons

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Disclaimer: These are news which are not updated. While they do not reflect the current status of prisons in Argentina (given there are no sources on this at the moment), they do show the status quo of the whole penitiatiary system.

Prisoners earn more than retirees for their labor, in spite of not meeting the required work hours (Bear in mind this is the Argentinian public retirement system. It used to be private, but it was nationalized by the Kirchners to fund welfare). ... jubilados/

There's a prisoners' labor union. It's the first one in the world. ... mbulatoria.

They want ATMs so they can cash the covid stimulus, but fortunately it didn't fly. ... ar-el-ife/

Prisoners admit stealing other inmates' shoes. They also have barbershops and tattoo parlors run by inmates within the facility.

Prisoners riot due to covid claiming "they refuse to die" (See my post on prisoners released for covid who reoffended) ... arcel.html

87% of prisoners voted for kirchnerism ... s-carceles
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