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Maduro spoke with a bird, Cristina Kirchner spoke with a butterfly.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:55 am
by TheRealSkeptic5000 ... _plagio_a/

Let me explain. Shortly after Chávez's death, Maduro said that he went into an abandoned chapel and a bird flew around him. He whistled at him and the bird answered back. He claims he felt the spirit of Chávez giving him a sign.

Years later, Cristina Kirchner said her late husband appeared to her in the form of a butterfly, flying around her. According to her, butterflies carry the spirit of "warriors" and that was the spirit of Néstor Kirchner sending her a sign.

As you can see, this is a blatant plagiarism of the original anecdote, which wasn't anything to be proud of to begin with. Embarrassing.