Glossary of terms

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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Glossary of terms

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

I will explain the meaning of certain words and phrases, to avoid confusion.

Liberal: Progressive, anti-conservative. Usually in favor of: "science", gun control, abortion, regulation of markets, ecologism, "anti-racism", censorship of hate speech, etc.

Libertarian: Pro-free market, don't tread on me, limited government.

Individualist: Someone who considers individual rights to be inalienable and thinks the goverment shouldn't infringe on them for the common good™. Do not confuse with selfish or egotistic.

Collectivist: Someone who thinks the needs or desires of the collective come before the rights and interest of the individuals who make it up.

Globalist: Someone who believes there should be supranational organizations that regulate, govern, unite and/ or control many countries, states, nations, etc. While it requires globalization, they are not the same thing.

Globalization: The process through which different countries and regions of the world are interconnected through commerce, travel, diplomacy and media. This does not necessarily mean "globalism".

Nationalist: Someone who values the concepts of cultural and ethnic identity, national sovereignty and puts the interests of his own country above those of others (usually the "international community"). They usually support protectionism, militarism, immigration regulation, nationalization of key industries and services, autarchy (self reliance and independence) and other public measures to maintain and foster a feeling of nationhood.

Socialist: An umbrella term for those collectivist ideologies which seek to collectivize, nationalize or abolish private property, means of production, etc. Includes: communist, utopian socialists, trostkyites, guevarists, etc.

Authoritarian: Ideas which state that the goverment should have a strong and active role in certain political aspects; the economy, education, etc.

Totalitarian: Ideas which support the notion of the state having a total area of influence; be it morality, education, the economy, media, etc. For example: fascism, communism, absolutism, etc.

Social democracy: Usually with socialist intents, left-leaning "moderates" who advocate for government interventionism, paternalism, regulation, etc. (usually in the form of gun control, welfare, regulation of markets, etc.) but do not necessarily suggest abolishing private property.

Left: Umbrella term for ideas that support big government, collectivized or socialized private property, progressivism, socialism, social democracy, etc.

Right: Umbrella term that includes free markets, nationalism, conservatism, punitivism and, paradoxically, both limited government and totalitarianism in the case of fascism.

Free market: The idea of a private-property-based economy with little to no regulation or state intervention.

Paternalism: Nanny state. The idea that the state should protect adults from their own mistakes and take care of them like parents do with their children. Seatbelt laws, banning certain products, promoting healthy habits, etc. are considered examples of paternalism.

Technocracy: Relax, it doesn't mean AI ruling the world. It means a society led by the "experts" usually scientists which would use their expertise to direct the course of the economy, politics and even society.

Social engineering: A fancy term for manipulation. Basically, inducing certain behaviors, beliefs, feelings and ideas in the minds of others to serve your purposes.

If you disagree with any of these terms, chances are you're wrong, but I don't mind constructive criticism. Let me know if you want me to add any other words.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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