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What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:46 pm
by TheRealSkeptic5000
I have this hunch that the vaccine has the purpose of sterilizing people. It wouldn't be the first time in which vaccines are used to sterilize people. Why would they push this vaccine so much, when ~99% of the population does not need it? The virus is real, vaccines do work, but this is suspicious as fuck.

The whole neo-malthusian agenda to depopulate the world because of muh environment and all that crap is alive and well in the minds of the elites. I think they're going to use the vaccine to sterilize a small percentage of people.

And I don't think the jews are behind this one, though. They get the vaccine too. What people don't seem to get is that not all of the jews are in on the conspiracy; most of them are bad people who hate whites and actively push for ethnic replacement and even pedophilia, that's for sure. But they're not in cahoots with Rothschild or Kissinger; they're getting as screwed as we are. Israel already has abortion and is the gayest place on Earth. If they had everything under control, they wouldn't have spent almost a century fighting against shitty arabs who toss stones at tanks. Do you really think the jews could extort, manipulate or control people like the royal families of Spain, Britain and Netherlands, the Saudi, the Bushes, Gates, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, the Vatican and others, while they openly plot for their destruction? One single word would be enough to expose them. Trump would have to come out and simple say "jews" before an audience, and people would wake up instantly. It would only take one "whistleblower" to expose people to the truth. Only one. Imagine if the queen of England came out and said "the jews are doing it". There would be massive riots all across the globe and the whole jewish plot would lose its effectiveness.

But no, they aren't "handling" them. They are cooperating because at the top it isn't about judaism or nationalism. It's about a worldwide collectivist regime, with the "chosen few, the elect" at the top and the cattle at the bottom. There's more than one player.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:24 pm
by Tallest_Skil
I have this hunch that the vaccine has the purpose of sterilizing people.
There’s no way of knowing yet, as the development time was shorter than the human gestation period.
It wouldn't be the first time in which vaccines are used to sterilize people.
To that point...

Two subsequent years of receiving the flu vaccine boosts miscarriage rates from a baseline of 14 % to 77%. The normal miscarriage rate, after a woman comes up hot on a fertility test, is 14%. Obviously, this does not count failures to conceive after fertilization, because in those cases a woman never shows up as pregnant on any test. The abstract proves that every time you get the flu shot after the first shot, it is only a booster shot to make the anti-fertility component work even better. This study only shows what happens after two subsequent years of getting the shot. The numbers are not obvious to the layman, but by cross checking different data sources to make sure I understood what they were saying, I was able to extract the real miscarriage rate from a sea of planned parenthood inspired BS, and then put the numbers this abstract states into terms anyone can understand,

Normal miscarriage rates are 14% after pregnancy is confirmed (when you are not calling induced abortions miscarriages). After ONE flu shot, a woman’s chance of miscarriage increases to 37%. If, the next year, she gets another flu shot, her chances of miscarriage increase to 77%. The study did not go to the third year of getting the flu shot. The abstract is so damning that the numbers look impossible! If you use planned parenthood’s numbers–which are greatly overstated–and plug them into the numbers in this abstract, the miscarriage rate would have to be over 200% (which we all know is not possible).
Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010-11 and 2011-12 James G. Donahuea, Burney A. Kiekea, Jennifer P. Kinga, Frank DeStefanob, Maria A. Mascolac, Stephanie A. Irvingd, T. Craig Cheethame, , Jason M. Glanzf
Abstract introductions inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended in any stage of pregnancy. but evidence of safety in early pregnancy is limited, including for vaccines containing A/H1N1pdm2009 (pH1N1) antigen. We sought to determine if receipt of vaccine containing pH1N1 was associated with spontaneous abortion (SAB).
My comment: the bolded text means that this was a study to see if the flu vaccine really was an anti fertility vaccine. hence the phrase “spontaneous abortion.” This proves they had a reason to be suspicious, because they only did this study to see if the flu vaccine was an anti fertility vaccine, which causes spontaneous abortions.
We conducted a case control study over two influenza seasons (2010-11, 2011-12) in the Vaccine Safety Datalink. Cases had spontaneous abortion and controls had live births or stillbirths and were matched on site, date of last menstrual period, and age. Of 919 potential cases identified using diagnosis codes, 485 were eligible and confirmed by medical record review. Exposure was defined as vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine before the SAB date: the primary exposure window was the 1-28 days before the SAB. The overall adjusted odds ratio (aOR) was 2.0 (95% CI, 1.1-3.6) for vaccine receipt in the 28-day exposure window; there was no association in other exposure windows. In season-specific analyses, the aOR in the 1-28 days was 3.7 (95% CI 1.4-9.4) in 2010-11 and 1.4 (95% CI 0.6-3.3) in 2011-12. The association was modified by influenza vaccination in the prior season (post hoc analysis). Among women who received pH1N1-containing vaccine in the previous influenza season, the aOR in the 1-28 days was 7.7 (95% CI 2.2-27.3); the aOR was 1.3 (95% CI 0.7-2.7) among women not vaccinated in the previous season. This effect modification was observed in each season.
My comment: The above states the ratios between unvaccinated and vaccinated women, also showing the maximum possible error swings. The error swings are reported in a way that is way out of whack to leave near-mentally deranged margins of error. In this case, the margin allowed was 2.0, when the normal rate of miscarriage was 1.4, which represents a margin of error that allows a result more than double normal miscarriage rates to simply be called “error” to help conceal the severity of the damage from the vaccines. But even this fails, because the damage was too much to bury even with that huge error swing allowed. The first numbers outside of quotes - 3.7 followed by 1.4, shows 3.7 as the rate of miscarriage after vaccination in the first year (before their "error margins" were applied, and 1.4 as the baseline miscarriage rate in unvaccinated women for the same year. For the second subsequent year of women getting the flu shot, the rate of miscarriage in vaccinated women was 7.7, and the rate of miscarriage in unvaccinated women was 1.3
Conclusion: Spontaneous abortion was associated with influenza vaccination in the preceding 28 days. The association was significant only among women vaccinated in the previous influenza season with pH1N1-containing vaccine. This study does not and cannot establish a causal relationship between repeated influenza vaccination and spontaneous abortion, but further research is warranted
My comment: It is clear they tried to lie here by leaving margin of errors so high that they buried the first year stats, but in the second year the damage was so much they could not hide it, no matter how they fudged the data. After showing an increase in miscarriage from 14 percent to 77 percent, they then say it is no big deal and can be ignored until further research proves the vaccine is actually a veiled anti fertility vaccine. But the numbers more than obviously speak for themselves.
Why would they push this vaccine so much
Control. It’s literally that simple.
And I don't think the jews are behind this one, though. They get the vaccine too.
They’re refusing it.
What people don't seem to get is that not all of the jews are in on the conspiracy
They are. To BE a jew is to be complicit.
Do you really think the jews could extort, manipulate or control people like the royal families of Spain, Britain and Netherlands, the Saudi, the Bushes, Gates, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, the Vatican and others, while they openly plot for their destruction?
Yes. Since they did.
One single word would be enough to expose them.
No one. Anywhere. Does a single fucking thing. No one. WORDS. DON’T. MATTER. They PUBLICLY STATE EVERYTHING THEY’RE DOING and no one does anything about it. What are you talking about.
Who sold his entire family to jews and is a jewish puppet.
would have to come out and simple say "jews" before an audience, and people would wake up instantly.
No. They wouldn’t. That’s literally not how this works at all. TRUTH IS MEANINGLESS. THE FACTS TELL NOTHING TO THEM. ... onWasMyJob
It would only take one "whistleblower" to expose people to the truth.
No. It wouldn’t. People do this all the time. WE do this all the time. NO ONE DOES ANYTHING. WE ARE HUNTED DOWN AND EXTERMINATED BY THE PEOPLE WE TRY TO SAVE.
But no, they aren't "handling" them. They are cooperating because at the top it isn't about judaism or nationalism.
It is, though.
It's about a worldwide collectivist regime, with the "chosen few, the elect" at the top and the cattle at the bottom.
So... the jews. Because that’s literally jewish doctrine.
There's more than one player.
Jews and their shabbos goyim.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:15 pm
by Deleted User 2149
A "conspiracy" I believe but cannot prove is that jews do not have souls, but feed off the energy created by ours. Also that they commune with entities like Baphoment, who instruct them on what to do. Like this holocough hoax. It's absolutely brilliant in every way and I don't believe they conceived it themselves. You really think these demons need more money? They have more than they can spend, it's not about that - they are building an afterlife for themselves, or they think they are anyway.

About the jewvaxx, I think the main agenda is the nanotech in the vaxx. They need to get that into everyone asap to change their genetic material; it will affect neural pathways and make the sheep even more susceptible to the programming than they already are. You'll get your "software" update via your annual vaxx and you will be an obedient drone: a docile organ donor sitting in your pod living a virtual life and you will love it.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:17 pm
by TheRealSkeptic5000
"Let me hear you make decisions without your television"
-Depeche Mode, "Stripped"

Normies won't believe anything unless they see it on TV. Most people don't believe out of facts, reason and evidence. It's all a matter of feelings. For people to wake up to conspiracies, they must have an open mind and allow themselves to consider the possibility of one. It's very easy to twist the words of a few "internet wackos" (people like you and I) and listen to the "experts". If it were on TV, the sheeple would start to react and ask questions. Sometimes it takes a personal experience to open their minds to the possibilities. Nothing convinces you more than finding out for yourself that there is a conspiracy (like it happened to me).

The idea of the chosen few vs. the masses isn't only jewish. It's the basis of all esoteric traditions; the initiated and the uninitiated. Brothers vs. the Profane. Those who know (gnostikoi) and the rest. The priestcraft and the herd, etc. etc. etc. And these societies predate judaism; Ancient Egypt already had them. The teachings are pretty much the same (see pythagoreanism, alumbrados, freemasonry, gnosticism, kabbalah, mystery schools).

Your argument is circular; jews can do it because they did. You start assuming these people are all under immutable jewish control; that is practically impossible to carry out. Not even the worst totalitarianisms managed to have such control over their populace; Catholicism had heretics, Kings had usurpers, communism had defectors and refugees... and you're telling me these people can have absolute control over the powerful people of the world, without anyone rebelling against them even though they are plotting to destroy them? You're telling me powerful men with a legacy of success would simply bow to jews, without any personal ambition? Give me a break. Jews couldn't pull of 9/11 without the dancing israelis getting caught (shortly released afterwards), they can't get rid of the Palestinians after decades of war and can't stop the memes.

You're giving them too much credit; that works to their advantage. It's wise to make your enemy believe you're stronger than you really are.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:30 pm
by TheRealSkeptic5000
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:15 pm A "conspiracy" I believe but cannot prove is that jews do not have souls, but feed off the energy created by ours. Also that they commune with entities like Baphoment, who instruct them on what to do. Like this holocough hoax. It's absolutely brilliant in every way and I don't believe they conceived it themselves. You really think these demons need more money? They have more than they can spend, it's not about that - they are building an afterlife for themselves, or they think they are anyway.

About the jewvaxx, I think the main agenda is the nanotech in the vaxx. They need to get that into everyone asap to change their genetic material; it will affect neural pathways and make the sheep even more susceptible to the programming than they already are. You'll get your "software" update via your annual vaxx and you will be an obedient drone: a docile organ donor sitting in your pod living a virtual life and you will love it.
I studied the esoteric and I can tell you Baphomet (also known as the "goat of mendes") is not what you think. It's not even supposed to be a demon. Baphomet represents the "divine androgyne", the hermaphrodite, "6+5", the twin towers being destroyed and replaced by the single "One world trade center", the two pillars of Samson, Hercules and the temple of Solomon, the union of the opposites. This concept can be found in many schools of thought; kundalini yoga, the Greek caduceus, alchemical marriage, the Great work, yin and yang and even judaism; God has a female aspect (Shekhinah); the jewish star consists of two triangles intersected. The knights templar, who were secretly gnostics, apparently "worshipped" a tri-headed god called Baphomet; possibly alluding the concept of the trinity and the union of the two opposites into a neutral one. It's all allegorical symbols for principles, forces and ideas, rather than actual beings.

Nevertheless, it is absolutely true that these doctrines do teach what we'd call "magic". Rituals to contact spirits who will do your bidding. In fact, King Solomon was said to command demons to build his temple (which is in turn, an allegory for the human body, which is the temple of the "divine spark" or soul). Kabbalah has a branch called "practical kabbalah" which is simply magic. I don't believe in any of that, but I do think the elites, jew or non jew, who like you said have enough money not to work a single day of their lives, seek new thrills and sources of entertainment in the world of the occult; it's a taboo, it's non-materialistic, it's "dangerous" and can allegedly give them more and more power.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:41 pm
by TheRealSkeptic5000
CognitiveDissident5 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:15 pm A "conspiracy" I believe but cannot prove is that jews do not have souls, but feed off the energy created by ours. Also that they commune with entities like Baphoment, who instruct them on what to do. Like this holocough hoax. It's absolutely brilliant in every way and I don't believe they conceived it themselves. You really think these demons need more money? They have more than they can spend, it's not about that - they are building an afterlife for themselves, or they think they are anyway.

About the jewvaxx, I think the main agenda is the nanotech in the vaxx. They need to get that into everyone asap to change their genetic material; it will affect neural pathways and make the sheep even more susceptible to the programming than they already are. You'll get your "software" update via your annual vaxx and you will be an obedient drone: a docile organ donor sitting in your pod living a virtual life and you will love it.

Also: Don't be afraid. They're not demons. And if this is the plan demons came up with, they're doing a piss poor job at it. The WHO and the "experts" are largely discredited because of their mishandling of the "crisis" and their contradictions, there are protests everywhere, not all people wear the mask, people are getting tired (even in Argentina, and that's a lot to say)... Don't give them that much credit. Jews or not, the people who did this don't have everything under control. This is an attempt to extend their control.

If there are demons... Where are all the angels?

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:42 pm
by TheRealSkeptic5000
TheGook wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:59 pm
TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:46 pm I have this hunch that the vaccine has the purpose of sterilizing people. It wouldn't be the first time in which vaccines are used to sterilize people. Why would they push this vaccine so much, when ~99% of the population does not need it? The virus is real, vaccines do work, but this is suspicious as fuck.

The whole neo-malthusian agenda to depopulate the world because of muh environment and all that crap is alive and well in the minds of the elites. I think they're going to use the vaccine to sterilize a small percentage of people.

And I don't think the jews are behind this one, though. They get the vaccine too. What people don't seem to get is that not all of the jews are in on the conspiracy; most of them are bad people who hate whites and actively push for ethnic replacement and even pedophilia, that's for sure. But they're not in cahoots with Rothschild or Kissinger; they're getting as screwed as we are. Israel already has abortion and is the gayest place on Earth. If they had everything under control, they wouldn't have spent almost a century fighting against shitty arabs who toss stones at tanks. Do you really think the jews could extort, manipulate or control people like the royal families of Spain, Britain and Netherlands, the Saudi, the Bushes, Gates, Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, the Vatican and others, while they openly plot for their destruction? One single word would be enough to expose them. Trump would have to come out and simple say "jews" before an audience, and people would wake up instantly. It would only take one "whistleblower" to expose people to the truth. Only one. Imagine if the queen of England came out and said "the jews are doing it". There would be massive riots all across the globe and the whole jewish plot would lose its effectiveness.

But no, they aren't "handling" them. They are cooperating because at the top it isn't about judaism or nationalism. It's about a worldwide collectivist regime, with the "chosen few, the elect" at the top and the cattle at the bottom. There's more than one player.
oy vey its the Iranian jesuits!!

no its just the jews only the jews the rest are shabbos goy who do what the jews tell them its always the jews it cant be any other because its not edgy enough only jews.

Even if all jews disappeared, you'd still have problems. The problem with you people is that you are no different from the normies. You found an edgy meme on 4chan and that's it, that's the end of your research. Because it isn't about the truth; it's about your emotions.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:16 am
by TheRealSkeptic5000
No. I arrived at my opinion about jews after 30 years of carefully looking into everything that is wrong. It is the jews. They own and control almost everything. They did it by way of The Federal Reserve. They had plenty of help, though, from zio Christians so9 that they can be one of the 2800 slaves that jews take to hell.

I know of all those things. Why would christians help those who are actively harming and enslaving them? I do not deny the jews are involved; there is a zionist plot to take over the world. They conspire against their allies, but they can't subsist without their permission.

But most jews won't get slaves. Most jews have to suffer the degeneracies of the world like the rest of us. If they can't get rid of the muslims at the door, why can they rule the entire world, uncontested, for at least a century? In fact, the US didn't support Israel until a few years later when they had won a few military conflicts in the Middle East. There has never been such a regime in history before; not even in the times of pharaohs, communists, the church and emperors in which a leader had no opposition whatsoever. There is no way they can execute a perfect plan, with perfect compliance from their own enemies, no whistleblowers and no one in the world to compete against them. Do you really think jews can execute such a plan, let alone for more than a century? What about Hungary, Japan, China, Bulgaria, Poland, India and other countries that don't allow stupid globalist migration?

You'll find plenty of jews in the upper echelons of conspiracies, that's for sure. But they aren't the only ones, and they didn't get there alone. All the globalist institutions were created by wealthy non-jews.

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:25 am
by The_Venerable
That there is an inherent force in the universe whose purpose it is to make my life miserable/inconvenient/shitty, slowly torturing me. For what?

Re: What is a conspiracy you believe in but cannot prove?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:45 pm
by merlynn132
No,the virus isn't real. Death rates are consistent with yearly deaths from cold,flus,and other normal viruses. Note the number of flu cases this year were incredibly low. Guess why. All they have to do is lie about what they had and bam,it's another "covid death". Doctor don't even have to be in on it. The PCR tests give random positives and negatives so unless they test the same subject multiple times,they probably aren't going to notice it. So we have a test that gives random results,deaths from other things attributed to coivd,and a death rate that's a 5 year low.

It's fake. Just like SARS and the various animal flus.

Secondly,what makes you think the jews and their puppets are taking the same shit they want to give us? All they need is a doctor or even a nurse on the take and a syringe full of salt water and they "took the vaccine". This is bullshitting 101,mother fucker. Are you sure you're a skeptic? They got out of fighting in WW2,a war they started,with MEDICAL EXPEMPTIONS FROM JEWISH DOCTORS!!! The fuck makes you think they wouldn't do it again? And yes,that means all the "fightin' jews" in the (((Hollywood))) movies are completely fictional. You need to understand how easy it is to lie to people.

And yes,they do. They manipulate everyone. If they aren't leading a country directly (Saudi royal family are ethnic jews) they run shit behind the scenes with puppets. Note pretty much everyone in DC had ties to Epstein. Do you honestly think he wasn't blackmailing them? And that Israel doesn't have all his blackmail material to continue to blackmail them even now? Damn,you're fucking naive.

But lets say Trump did go in front of a crowd and say "it's the jews". Let's say he went on a long winded speech explaining how it's the jews,always has be the jews,why it's the jews,and makes the most solid case ever. Do you really think people are going to throw out their brainwashing that easily? The media will be "literally Hitlering" his ass into the ground and they'd use that speech to show it to the world. Every jew would go into maximum jew and declare him the enemy of humanity. Humanity,defined by judaism,as being the jews and only the jews.

He'd be dead in an hour and everyone would cheer. Don't lie to yourself. My brother is a conspiracy nut and he won't believe it's the jews. He can't connect that the Illuminati,the pseudo-religious international cabal with their fingers in everything,could possibly be the jews,a pseudo-religious international cabal with their fingers in everything.

So to sum up,it's the fucking jews.