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Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2025 4:20 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
I forgot all about this Qtard. Until @
doginventer reminded me. Thanks dog.
How does Polly make her money? This woman dug around a bit. Brings up some good questions.
That video led me to this: The last segment of the video is the creepiest part.
Amazing Polly aka Polly Phemus aka a Cyclops. - ... -mythology
Polyphemus, in Greek mythology, the most famous of the Cyclopes (one-eyed giants), son of Poseidon, god of the sea, and the nymph Thoösa.
Then that video led me to these:
Very creepy.
Amazing Polly Claims to Work on Top Secret Social Media Research Teams
Maybe it's just snark?
Amazing Polly "Just Wants to F*cking Kill People Who Are Wholesome, Giving, and Honest"
Polly, in her own words. 3:50 mark.
I think this might be why her videos just up and disappear, instead of the 'official story'.
I wish @
MadWorld were here. asshole.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 1:51 am
by Heisenberg123
She is following me on X. I did not knew much about her till now, I mean I knew she was part of broader research community but that’s it. Small world isn’t it.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:29 am
by doginventer
Interesting; as with anyone who exposes the cabal, there appear very comprehensive collections of hours of accusation and innuendo.
One might think that the major league criminals would deserve this level of attention, but apparently not.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 1:54 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
Heisenberg123 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 24, 2025 1:51 am
She is following me on X. I did not knew much about her till now, I mean I knew she was part of broader research community but that’s it. Small world isn’t it.
I mostly ignored the Qtard stuff, knowing it was destroying PG investigation. I remember thinking she acted like 'beta kitten', which made sense, since all she did was spin old news into tall tales.
These vids creeped me out. I don't know anything about her recent stuff, didn't see anything alarming or helpful in the vid @
doginventer posted. If more info about her hubby comes out, I doubt her followers would even care. Very glad you're able to keep an eye on her. Watch your back.
And if she starts messing with you, let me know.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 2:07 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
doginventer wrote: ↑Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:29 am
Interesting; as with anyone who exposes the cabal, there appear very comprehensive collections of hours of accusation and innuendo.
One might think that the major league criminals would deserve this level of attention, but apparently not.
I agree. That's why it's important to make sure polly isn't actually MK, working for the enemy. If this woman's dox info is true, then polly's hubby isn't a good guy. Thanks again, for reminding me of her.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 6:22 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
Full Disclosure: Polly’s Government Psyop
Mar 19, 2024 ... ent-psyop/ ... ent-psyop/
This is from her blog, she posts the sources.
As a follow up to the last video I made “Not-So-Amazing Polly’s Attack on Small Business” I have included a full timeline of the facts behind this case. This is to provide clarity for anyone who wishes to actually investigate this for themselves. In my video I had mentioned that if anyone could send me any proof of anything that would stand up in some legal court somewhere to please send it to me. Well the reaction to my video as a pissed off small business owner who is trying to stand up for what’s right has yielded results, and its not what you think.
In response to Polly publishing her video, people who knew Polly from her past started posting link in the comments section exposing her identity and background. More information was submitted later on showing that Polly has a history of harassing others that led to a Cease and Desist order.
Her Husbands Name is Andrew Wills. He works for
Calian Ltd for the last 22 years since 2002. Here is his linked in: ... bdomain=ca
His company
Calian is a huge government contractor implementing
emerging technologies (AKA transhumanism) all over Canada. This includes Hospital and medical systems and
censorship of information around Covid. They also deliver
disinformation campaigns for military excercises.
Here is a wikipedia link that explains emerging tech and transhumanism: look at the right, what does it say? Look at the left,
thats what Calian Ltd. does.
Misinformation Polly
Polly's art
More "art"
It's just so wholesome.
Kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 9:51 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
Amazing Polly Is A Jew ... Is-A-Jew:4
I have never noticed a BitChute channel with so many missing videos. (CHN: amazingpolly)
(((The Wellness Company))) seems to be influencing both Rumble and BitChute's front page. ... rn1bn2.mp4
E: I went through the bitchute pages that are affected. It's mostly all of her early vids. -
Most of the titles seem to cover her criticism of canada and islam. Maybe she was told to take them down?
It appears that she knows. Or should know.
A complaint from four years ago in comments.
When I try to go back and watch old videos there are 0 mins and I can’t find them I on your website.
Why aren't they on her website?
Cultural Appropriation Witch Hunt - Skit Humor Parody Satire
Is that polly playing dressup?
polly blaming those evil nazis, in the video description.
The European Union is the continuation of the German plan for total dominance - the Fourth Reich / Greater Germany.
The citizens of nations across Europe are awakening in Yellow Vest protests ... they want out from under the thumb of the dictators who seek to destroy their identities.
Q digs?
Culture Cops Kill Creativity | Writers Stifled by Canada's Cognoscenti Cult
What passes for the "intelligentsia" in Canada has fallen under a brutal dictatorship run by vocal SJW groups who function as enforcers of the Groupthink which enables them. It is a tyranny of the minority and in this Audio Podcast I discuss the ins and out of how this works and why it must stop
Two videos from 2017 survived
Red Pill #1: Operation Mockingbird
Red Pill #2: Internet Operatives
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:02 pm
by doginventer
Flack’s getting pretty intense around here.
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 2:58 pm
by shewhomustbeobeyed
I'm posting what I find. The good with the bad.
The two archived links are from someone who thinks she being messed with. So is the video at the botom. I think.
I figured the video at the top might get you to talk to me again. :D
Re: Not so Amazing Polly's attack on small business.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 6:47 pm
by doginventer
shewhomustbeobeyed wrote: ↑Tue Mar 04, 2025 2:58 pm
I'm posting what I find. The good with the bad.
Yeah, I’m not criticising the posting at all, just expressing my suspicious of the content.
The two archived links are from someone who thinks she being messed with. So is the video at the botom. I think
Sorry I didn’t check those links properly :? Very interesting as it happens.
I’m mad busy atm so I’m prolly missing stuff and not communicating well.
I figured the video at the top might get you to talk to me again. :D
Careful what you hope for :)