FBI agents killed in Fla. serving child porn warrant

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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FBI agents killed in Fla. serving child porn warrant

Post by flyingcuttlefish »

This news is on most news sites today.

At Least 2 FBI Agents Killed In Gun Battle While Serving Child Porn Warrant
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/lea ... rn-warrant
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Re: FBI agents killed in Fla. serving child porn warrant

Post by EricKaliberhall »

while trying to serve a warrant in a child pornography case in South Florida's Broward County.

Many questions arise when reading this story... First, what is the FBI doing outside of Bubba Wallace's garage? Second, isn't Broward County suppose to be off limits for law enforcement?...
Last edited by EricKaliberhall on Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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