I just noticed that they are creating an on-going TV series about QAnon. Here is what I have learned about what QAnon stands for
"QAnon: The Search for Q - Season 1 Episode 3 - Why Does Q Exist?"
Oy Vey!! We must demonize QAnon into all kind of shits. QAnon are a bunch of retards, being radicalized into terrorists. Oh look at all those violent scenes, the ones we took from our FF events. We cannot allow QAnon to spread more violence. Child trafficking is not real and just a conspiracy spread by nutjobs. Pizzagate is fake and gay etc...
And on the same day, I found that they are still milking a dead cow in a documentary film.
"Still a Revolutionary - Albert Einstein"
All I heard in this film about super genius Albert Einstein was "Antisemite, antisemite, antisemitism, victim-hood, sexual liberation, evil nazis, and some more antisimitism..." That was all I learned out of the film. Sorry folks, I lost count of the number of times they mentioned antisemitism