Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed | THE REAL SOUND OF FREEDOM | Muckraker Report
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https://www.muckraker.com/articles/fede ... e-exposed/ - https://archive.is/JyvpD
Since 2021, 85,000 migrant children have gone missing in the United States. Others have been subjected to involuntary servitude, debt bondage, commercial sex trafficking, and possibly forced organ harvesting.
Republican senators want feds to explain losing 85,000 migrant kids
https://nypost.com/2023/04/28/republica ... rant-kids/ - https://archive.is/rFmKe
A pair of Republican senators are demanding that federal officials account for how they reportedly lost track of 85,000 migrant children over the past two years.

The clamor from Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) comes on the heels of a February New York Times report that the Department of Health and Human Services had been unable to contact thousands of unaccompanied minors who were placed with sponsors after crossing the border — raising fears that they have been trafficked for cheap labor.
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