Real Life is pretty awesome, but sometimes I nostalgia over the good old days.

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Real Life is pretty awesome, but sometimes I nostalgia over the good old days.

Post by Crensch »

Been a long time, niggerfaggots.

Searchvoat and MadWorld are still legends.

Hope (almost) all of you are doing well, and I hope others are dying of vaccine-induced AIDS.

I've been banned myriad times from Twatter for letting nigger sows know they're hideous, among other things, and most recently by pointing out that the Jews were the bad guys in the Jew/Palestinian conflict. Not that sandniggers don't need put down, but normies really don't like any facet of the truth.

Gab seems to be a lot better than we thought it was on Voat. Torba seems fairly based.

I was happy to see Alex Jones finally call out the kikes.

I never thought normies would be talking about the kikes. Or talking about Michelle Obama having bait and tackle. Or (finally) admitting covid was a hoax. Or realizing that maybe Jews and sandniggers need to be exterminated. It's been refreshing.

The main reason I thought to pop in here was to ask if anyone has any information on Looks a great deal like Voat, but it doesn't appear to have any info about itself, or who owns/runs it. I couldn't even register to ask (so very VOAT-like).
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