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Epstein, Covid-19 and the Jameel Institute.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:58 pm
by Tanngnjostr
I was looking back into the Mohammad Jameel name that was found in Epstein's black book. Our great user Kestrel9 found that the figure was likely Mohammad Abdul Latif Jameel. He noted his connection to Muhammad Yunus and microfinance. Yunus' Grameen Foundation partners with the Adbul Latif Jameel Group to form Grameen-Jameel.

Mohammad Jameel is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Abdul Latif Jameel, a company his father started.

He also runs the Jameel Institute which focuses on researching diseases and emergencies. It employs Neil Ferguson who wrote a report with researchers from Imperial college that predicting 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. from Covid-19. These ridiculous numbers were used to justify draconian lockdowns and pandemic policies. Imperial College and Community Jameel collaborated to form a group J-IDEA (Abdul Latif Jameel Institute Disease and Emergency Analytics) which Neil Ferguson took part in. Neil was fired as advisor to the UK government after it was found that his married lover broke lockdown rules to visit him twice in his home. Neil is currently hyping up the Pirola variant to (presumably) try to get another round of lockdowns.
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Of interest, Mohammad Jameel is the father of Fady Jameel who is Deputy President and Vice Chairman of Abdul Latif Jameel. He also runs Art Jameel which focuses on art. He has a page on the WEF website. Mohammad's middle son Hasan Jameel briefly dated Naomi Campbell and dated Rihana for four years. Naomi Campbell is on the Epstein flight logs and is seen in pictures with Epstein victim Virginia Guiffre.

Muhammad Yunus began spouting Great Reset lingo about a post-pandemic world. He started saying things like, "The Pandemic has given us an opportunity to take bold and courageous decisions." He advocated for their being no patent on the Covid-19 vaccine so that it could be made accessible to everyone. He also said, "It is time for a world of three zeros -zero carbon emissions, zero wealth concentration and zero unemployment."

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Recently, the Bangladeshi paper Weekly Blitz has reported sources claiming Muhammad Yunus was seen at gatherings of Jeffrey Epstein and that he was in the presence of young children from the country of Georgia.