Jew Terrorists Find Refuge in Brisbane, Australia - Chertoff
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 4:46 am
911 Australia - TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg - Pizza - Woodledoodledoo.
Four of the five "Celebrating Jews of 911" who were arrested in New York Sept. 11, 2001 filming the attack in their words to "document the event," were resident in Brisbane, they are the Jews who jumped for joy filming, while thousands of Americans died choking & gasping behind locked fire doors in the upper levels of both WTC Towers, and NYPD helicopter pilots who had trained rooftop rescue teams at their disposal circled overhead in New York City, September 11, 2001.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. Cornell.Who were taken into custody on the day then released without charge seventy one days later and repatriated to Israel, on the orders of Zionist arch conspirator Michael Chertoff then head of the Department of Homeland Security and after that FEMA Chief. Link.
The claim the Taliban Government of Afghanistan had provided safe haven to accused 911 patsy Osama bin Laden - who denied guilt - in violation of the above statute, was the impetus for hostilities against that land. Despite the Taliban had said if evidence were forthcoming they would facilitate his extradition which fell on deaf ears in Washington, bombing commenced before the clock struck 12 midnite in NY on the day of the attacks. 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception.
The war for providing safe haven for terrorists should have been against Australia, bring thousands of Australians in politics, law enforcement and journalism who spurn the evidence to arrest, trial and execution alongside the same Jew terrorists and every member of the Mossad cell that spawned them.
Gallery:From left, Omer Marmari, Yaron Shmuel and Sivan & Paul Kurzberg - Marmari was a familiar sight in Fortitude Valley pubs from about the late seventies thru the 1990's, Shmuel was a regular at the New Farm shopping precinct thru most of the 1990's, while the Kurzberg boys moved into Heal St / Brown St axis of the same suburb at around the same time, precocious teenagers on bikes .. see if they are so precocious when I get 'em onto the gallows!