Broad Beam & Narrow Beam Lasers Bring Death & Destruction to Lahaina Hawaii Aug. 2023

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Broad Beam & Narrow Beam Lasers Bring Death & Destruction to Lahaina Hawaii Aug. 2023

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

The historic Hawaiian city of Lahaina is now smoldering ruins, Hawaii's Gov. Josh Green is calling the fires the largest natural disaster in the state's history, however the signs on the ground and in the air say this was no "natural disaster" at all but a DEW strike!
The official story from the mainstream media is that a fallen power line started a small flame, it was then fanned on by the large winds from a hurricane, however according to Edward Hendrie from Great Mountain Publishing Lahaina was destroyed by Directed Energy Weaponry.

Photos of the city after the fire show trees untouched by flames and mostly intact alongside buildings that have been destroyed by fire .. the buildings were destroyed by directed energy weapons that use microwaves which cause molecular destruction of any materials that absorb them. Living timber remains unfazed because wood absorbs very little microwave radiation.

Similar to the way you can put a paper plate in a microwave oven without concern that it will catch fire, but if you put aluminium foil into that same microwave oven, it will quickly begin to spark and burst into flame - Bearing that in mind, know that one of the the main components of chemtrails is aluminium nanoparticles pdf that render brush fires much hotter than they would otherwise be - The Jews who have hijacked US Defence are waging genocidal war on mankind.
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