7 year tribulation ?

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7 year tribulation ?

Post by doginventer »

“When it comes to a 7 year trib. the Jesuits took the most amazing prophetic event of Jesus being baptized, (year 1) then being crucified (year 3.5) and then Steven being stoned (year 7) which is called the "Week of Daniel" in prophecy that CONFIRMS JESUS AS MESSIAH (of which the Jews hate) and they placed it at the end of the world (out of chronological order) and declared it to be the SCARIEST PROPHECY so as to make many trust the FAKE Jesus (Antichrist) who is about to appear IN PERSON! we are in the last days!
You have to realize (as prophesied) most pastors are WOLVES. Rome has that much control now. Ever since they were "wounded" (in 1798) they have been infiltrating churches to change the Gospel message (as prophesied) so as to get people ready to believe "smooth things" (as prophesied) so as to ready them for Satan's appearance as their FAKE Jesus... I am not just "saying" this ... I CAN PROVE IT Using your very own Bible, check these two bible studies below. (and the videos)”
7 Year Trib - Fact or Fiction?
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