Is Jesus' Resurrection True? | Antony Flew & Gary Habermas at Cal Poly [1.57.06]

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Is Jesus' Resurrection True? | Antony Flew & Gary Habermas at Cal Poly [1.57.06]

Post by doginventer »

Is Jesus' Resurrection True? | Antony Flew & Gary Habermas at Cal Poly [1.57.06]
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Did Jesus die, was he buried, and what happened afterward? Atheist Antony Flew and Christian historian and apologist Gary Habermas discuss the facts surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. | Cal Poly, 2003

[Flat Earth - why the lie? They are hiding the Creator. - Dr Anthony Flew and Dr Gary Habermas [1.57.05]
”This is not a flat earth discussion. This is actually a debate about the resurrection of Jesus. But at the time stamp 1:05:00 till 1:11:30, the atheist professor Antony Flew, offers unknowingly the ultimate reason why they, whoever they are, have to have all the people believe we live on a globe and not on a flat earth. Watch the whole debate to understand, where professor Flew is coming from denying the existence of the Creator.]
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