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I Remember - a journey through the Cepher Zakaryahu - Stephen Pidgeon [1.36.45]

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:13 am
by doginventer
I Remember - a journey through the Cepher Zakaryahu - Stephen Pidgeon [1.36.45]
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When it is first written that Elohiym created man, it is said that he created them, male and female. It is interesting that the word used for male is in the Ivriyt "zakar" which means to mark (so as to be recognized), i.e., to remember; by implication, to mention; in short, to be male. Such is the nature of masculinity. Yet one man was selected to remember the teachings of Yahuah and to set them forth under the name of the man of Yahuah, namely Zakaryahu. (You might know him as Zechariah). We will take a look at the first six chapters of this book tonight to see what can be revealed.
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