165 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Absentee Landlord? Where Is God? Why Does He Not Do Something? [1.27.15]

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165 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Absentee Landlord? Where Is God? Why Does He Not Do Something? [1.27.15]

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165 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Absentee Landlord? Where Is God? Why Does He Not Do Something? [1.27.15]
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In Episode 165 we discuss the accusation of satan that God is an absentee landlord. And many people have the same accusation against God, because by looking at what's going on around us with all the pain and sorrow, they ask where is God in all this? Does he not care? Why does He not do something about all this suffering?
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