Bill Gates and Mila Antonova

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Bill Gates and Mila Antonova

Post by brwn »

Is Bill Gates about to get thrown under the globalist bus? The Wall Street Journal reports that Convicted offender Jeffrey Epstein was blackmailing Bill Gates due to an affair he’d had with a Ruzzian bridge player. Gates has said many times that he only met Epstein a few times but every time he says that, a new connection is revealed.

They met dozens of times, shared several meals together, flew together on Epstein’s private jet, met together in France and shared most of the day together in September 2014 with other billionaires Epstein represented to many people that he had been working on behalf of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This new revelation about an affair smells….0ff. Is it a way for Gates to excuse away this familiar relationship? As in, “I had to hang out with him, he wasblackmailing me.” Gates’ spokesperson told the WSJ that this was one of Epstein’s ploys because he had “failed repeatedly to draw Mr. Gates beyond these matters.” That also stinks. It implies that Gates knew more than he’s let on all along and continued to hang out with Epstein anyway. Or is it proof that there is way more in this layer cake of the Gates-Epstein saga?

“Meet Mila Antonova, the young bridge player who Bill Gates had an affair with in 2010. Jeffrey Epstein found out about this affair and used it as leverage against Bill Gates. Bill Gates began having private meetings with Epstein in 2011, but Epstein didn’t find out about the affair until 2013, so Bill was already friends with him before the blackmail. In one email to colleagues after meeting with Epstein bill gates said : 'His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me.' It turns out, it did work for Bill as he even flew on Epstein’s private jet to meet with him. According to Melinda Gates, Gates friendship with Epstein played a huge role in their divorce.

but no one has been arrested?” ... video.html ... ill-gates/
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