30 minute video by James Lindsay is the most brilliant description of our modern cultural sickness [28.20]
Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:41 am
“the most brilliant description of our modern cultural sickness” James Lindsay at European Parliament - Woke Conference [28.20]
"Woke, a culture war against Europe" this conference was organised by the "Identity and Democracy Foundation" https://id-foundation.eu and MEP Tom Vandendriessche at the European Parliament on the 30th of March 2023
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Woke, a Cultural War Against Europe by J. Lindsay and F. Furedi [1.55.07]
James Lindsay
"Woke, a culture war against Europe" this conference was organised by the "Identity and Democracy Foundation" https://id-foundation.eu and MEP Tom Vandendriessche at the European Parliament on the 30th of March 2023
More here:
Woke, a Cultural War Against Europe by J. Lindsay and F. Furedi [1.55.07]
James Lindsay