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Michael S. Heiser - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? by Gwen Frangs / Cambridge, UK / December 2020

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:10 pm
by doginventer
Michael S. Heiser - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? by Gwen Frangs / Cambridge, UK / December 2020
In his book The Unseen Realm, Michael Heiser teaches that God was speaking to the divine council in Genesis 1:26 when He said: ‘… let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness’. Dr. Heiser says that the reason that it is the divine council that is being spoken to in Genesis 1:26 is because technical research in Hebrew grammar and exegesis has shown that the Trinity is not a coherent explanation… He then asserts that seeing the Trinity in Genesis 1:26 is reading the New Testament back into the Old Testament and that this is not a sound interpretive method for discerning what an Old Testament writer was thinking. He further argues that there are no Trinitarian phrases in the Old Testament and that the ‘plural of Majesty’ does not exist in Hebrew. He is absolutely correct about all of this.
However, while there may be no evidence for the Trinity in Genesis 1:26, it is very clear that there is another Person of the Godhead present in Genesis 1 besides the Father. The Holy Spirit is described in Genesis 1:2 as hovering over the face of the deep. Proving that the Trinity does not exist in Genesis 1:26, is not the same thing as proving that the Holy Spirit does not exist in Genesis 1:2. Dr. Heiser does not provide any evidence proving that Genesis 1:2 does not refer to the Holy Spirit before claiming that God is speaking to the divine council in Genesis 1:26.

Michael Heiser’s Divine Council Heresy - Topics in Biblical Studies: Heiser's Heresy
Satan has been working hard over centuries to remove the knowledge of Who the Holy Spirit really is from the church. He has succeeded so well that most people probably don’t bat an eyelid when they read in Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm that God is speaking to the divine council in Genesis 1:26. However, when you understand Who the Holy Spirit is, then you begin to realize how serious what Dr. Heiser has done by cutting the Holy Spirit out of Genesis 1:26 is.