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Sam Smith Grammy nite satan worshiping

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:19 am
by brwn
Sam Smith's performance of his song "unholy" at the Grammys last night is just another blatantly obvious example
of how the music industry is run by satan! Right off the bat he flashes the 666 hand sign for everyone to see because he and all these other celebrities love to pay homage to their god lucifer. The risqué rendition saw both singers and their backup dancers clad in blood-red devil-esque costumes. One of the backup dancers in Smith’s recent "Satanic" performance defended the spectacle from criticism, stating that he and his fellow entertainers are embracing the demonic symbols in a "positive, fabulous way." He made no effort to distance himself or his colleagues from the use
of these symbols. barf

The Daily Wire’s (Candace Owens) claimed that Sam Smith’s shocking and controversial Grammy’s performance of
his song "Unholy" seems to indicate that Hollywood entertainers engage in "demonic" rituals.

Unfortunately, these are the people who are influencing the world and especially the youth right now. Somehow most people still want to say "It's not satanic, it's
just art" These people think hell is going to be a party, IT'S NOT! The fact that a song called "unholy" is one
of the most popular songs right now just shows you how far our society has fallen.
These celebrities like Sam Smith are demonically possessed which is why they call themselves they/them. "Then
Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many." - Mark 5:19. Open
your eyes! This is spiritual warfare!
Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness
in high places." The media worship Sam Smith for singing a song called UNHOLLY while he performs a whole satanic ritual. The Unholy Grammys Brought To You By Pfizer.
They Have Gone Full-On Satan Worship Right On Your Prime Time TV.
The Enemy Consistently Shows Us Who They Really Are.
Grammys Openly Celebrating Satan Brought To You By Pfizer All While Jill Biden Is Handing Out Song Of The Year
. It Is A Satanic Death Cult. Last night at the Grammys the satanic ritual, song performed by Sam Smith "unholy'
was introduced by Madonna.
Who "coincidentally" looked like the new pagan statue in New York City.
"They" "CBS", blocked the main 5 min video in the post so here is the link to it. ... 9374367744

these people are sick...........

See the photos below ... W7hYJrCE4U ... bulous-way ... -horrified