Epstein's Cupid: Peter Listerman

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Epstein's Cupid: Peter Listerman

Post by Tanngnjostr »

Hey everyone, I did a deep dive into Peter Listerman on my substack. I apologize for posting it here but sourcing this with nearly all Russian sources is a nightmare and I really don't want to have to do it again if I can help it. An option to translate the link comes up when the page first pulls up. https://substack.com/inbox/post/102911208

One of the figures attached to the Epstein scandal that has not gotten the attention he deserves is Peter Listerman. After Epstein began to get in trouble for trafficking American girls (such as Virginia Guiffre) he opted to take them from overseas where they would be less inclined to talk and go to the police. His go to guy to obtain these girls was Peter Listerman.

Peter was born in either Kiev, Ukraine or the town of Iskitim (use google translate if needed) which is located near Novosibirsk in Russia. This is odd as I have never looked up a figure where absolutely no one agrees on where they were born. Peter Listerman became known as a “matchmaker” for billionaires and celebrities. In this case, the line between matchmaker and pimp is completely invisible. He runs what is the equivalent of a mail order bride for billionaires’ program. Wealthy suitors can select women from a database or magazine/catalogue. Of these unions he say “it is not pimping, it is art” The duration of these marriages arranged in this way is said to be five years (although with the translation it is unclear if that is the average or if they operate like a lease of sorts). At that point the billionaire generally returns his bride to trade her in for a younger model where she can then be resold to someone else. He also claims that he has Hollywood clients such as Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Jim Carrey. He could be telling the truth or simply lying for clout here.

Courchevel is a French ski resort that was once raided on suspicion of housing a sex ring in 2007. One figure arrested there (before he was eventually released) was Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov. According to Boris Nemtsov’s book Confessions of a Rebel Listerman reportedly had provided girls to Russian elites (Putin was in attendance) in Courchevel in 2000.

Natalia Vodianova’s agent Georgy Dzhikidze said of this “"I consider models as ambassadors of Russia's image in the West, and therefore what happened in Courchevel is a super-negative phenomenon. Now Russian girls because of Courchevel - even normal models who want to go to the West, began to be denied visas. We are categorically against showing girls in nightclubs. It's not a modeling exercise. We need models that wake up without bruises under their eyes. And Peter Listerman has an escort model agency. It is a product of Russian society. It wouldn't have appeared if there were no customers... Can oligarchs be without Petit? I don't know, they can, but it's easier through it.” Interestingly, Listerman claims to have set up Natalia Vodianova with her first husband Justin Portman. The more I research the less likely I find this claim to be (as she was married to Portman for 10 years and Portman waited a long time to remarry) but I thought I would include it for the sake of completeness.

There is also evidence of correspondence with Listerman offering up minors to Kazahk businessman Kenes Rakishev. Notably, Kenes has been a business partner to Hunter Biden. The connection between Listerman and Hunter is possibly even greater as a commentor named Yalensis claims the API (Agency of Political Investigation) says that Peter Listerman provided prostitutes to a July 4th gala that was provided as a gift to Hunter. The musical act was reportedly Rhiana. However, I cannot confirm if there is any truth to these claims.

Peter Listerman’s personal life is no better. One of his multiple wives in his life was the model Kristina Semenovskaya who he met and reportedly lived with when she was 16. They married when she turned 18. She made a meteoric rise in the modeling world as Listerman says he arranged her to join Karin model agency. Karin was run by the friend of Jeffrey Epstein Jean-Luc Brunel who later died while in prison (presumably to keep him from talking).

For all his wrongdoing, Peter Listerman has not been arrested in either of his homes of Russia or France. Hopefully this substack will help get the word out about Peter so that he can finally be held to justice.
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