A pedophile British Airways pilot with Jeremy Hunt connections .. digging further

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A pedophile British Airways pilot with Jeremy Hunt connections .. digging further

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A developing post..

Moving company Momentous Relocation of the Hampstead case changed its name from Baxter International after a court case with the Ministry of Defence. Some coincidences https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3159829
Baxter International and Momentous Relocation were/are registered in Potters Bar, Cranborne Road EN6 3JN....Just 2 minutes away was the company of pedophile British Airways pilot Simon Wood: Simon Wood Pilot Services: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/comp ... 0/officers
https://find-and-update.company-informa ... ory?page=3

Nature of business (SIC) : 51102 - Non-scheduled passenger air transport

Company was registered in 1991
First available document at Companies House is a 1994 Financial Statement prepared by accountants Brian Fairey & Co, Southend-on-Sea

Brian Fairey owns Beke Lodge Business Consultants Ltd https://find-and-update.company-informa ... 4/officers

Officers include:

https://find-and-update.company-informa ... pointments
https://find-and-update.company-informa ... pointments

Ashok Bhardwaj - Director and a Trustee of Consortium for Street Children
In 2014, I organised the Marathon Walk for the Consortium for Street Children in Windsor to raise funds. Having raised substantial funds for the Charity the event was finally discontinued due to escalating business demands.

Fundraising Manager
Nkokonjeru Masters Golf Cup 2007 - 2015
In 2007 I launched the biggest amateur golf event in North London – attracting just under 300 players participating on the same day across 4 different courses. The event was organised for and on behalf of Freemasons. It ran for 8 years and became the most talked about golf event in the area. Over the years the event raised almost £100,000 for the Freemasons Lodge.
After qualifying, Ashok commenced his business career in 1979 when he accidently took an appointment as Liquidator of a large transport company snared by every problem a liquidator could face. That case helped to shape a successful insolvency practice that has thrived for 40 years and a practice that has taken Ashok to every corner of the country advising clients on the best way forward.

Consortium of Street Children website: https://www.streetchildren.org/about-us/meet-the-team/

Beke Lodge area code SS6 9EZ - 33 companies there https://suite.endole.co.uk/explorer/postcode/ss6-9ez
including : Crown Finance Limited

Bhardwaj Corporate Services Limited and Ashok set it up in April 2000

Mr Edward Dennis Sharpe and Mrs Lorraine Elizabeth Sharpe are directors

also at Rothley Hall Management Company Limited
which is in Morpeth - Duchy of Lancaster territory

I was looking up that area when I found a pdf link to Forgotten Books which I'll copy and paste from (excuse the gaps in some of the words, I don't feel like fixing them all):
The object o f the following a c c o unt of the history o f t he
manor and church o f Rothley h a s already been explained in the
notes o n three other Leicestershire m anors recently published in
o ur Transa c ti ons . The manor o f Rothley is o f special interest
as one o f considerabl e size and importance , with widely scattered
members, and with customs which give it a peculiar individuality.

The questions of jurisdiction and tenure which arise in connection
with it are of more than local importance, appealing particularly
to the general studen t of m anorial history an d loc al government .
O n another side o f the subj ect, the relation of the manor and
church to the tw o military religious orders of medieval England
is illustrated in a concrete form by the survival of the house and
chapel o f the Knights Templars in the parish

The st udent of ancient customs
connected with manorial Court s as well a s the lover of ancient
buildings will find in Rothley a field (for his investigation, the
former in the peculiarities o f gavelkind and tenants holding
ancient de mesne lands,

the latt er by inspecting the thirteenth
century chapel and the other remnant s o f the home of the Knights
of the Temple
. From Edward the Confessor, through Norman and Plan
tagenet kings, the Knights Templars, the Knights Hospitallers,
and a long line o f Babingtons who hailed from Chilwell and
Dethick, th e very name s o f the lords o f t h e manor o f Rothley
add to the interest connect ed with the place ; while in lat er
times its associations with lord Macaulay, whose birthplace
it was, with Wilberforce , the champion for the abolition of
slavery, who, am id the groves o f Rothley Temple drew up in
conjunct ion with his friend and host Mr . Babington, his long
indictment o f the cruelties practise d in this inhum an traffic
, and
lastly with lord Kitchener, summoned from a visit at Rothley to
conduct his campaign in Egypt , will always render Rothley

the v illage o f Roth ley i s situated hal f a mil e t o the west o f
th e main road w hich leads from Leicester to Loughborough and
equidistant f rom bot h places . About a quarter of a m il e further
west stands t h e manor house known as t h e Temple from it s connec tio n
with t h e Templars

...After the expulsion o f t h e Christians from Palestine in 1291,
t h e Knights of St . John retired to Cyprus , and later on [1309]
conq uered the i sland o f Rhodes , w here t hey remained until finally
driven out by Solyman II . in 1522

The Emperor Charles V .
then conceded to them the island of Malta after which they
w ere commonly called Knights of Malta instead of Knights of Rhodes
as they h ad been termed .
T h ey remained i n Ma ta unt il 1798 , w h en they were driven
out by Napoleon , on his visiting the island on his way to Egypt

T h e grand m aster o f the Order fled to Germany w ith a pension ,
an d som e o f the Knights accepted c o mm i ssmns i n t h e French
Arm y . The majority fled to St . Petersburg , France , Spain ,
Portugal and Ital y . The Order w a s di vid ed up into d i fferent
nationalities , each one o f w h ic h was termed a Tongue

..O n 3 July, 152 6 , Sir John ’
s nam e appears
in t he aforesaid bo ok of m in ute s for the first time, in wh ich he
is described as Comma nder o f Dalby and Rothley and treasurer
o f St . John in Englad
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: A pedophile British Airways pilot with Jeremy Hunt connections .. digging further

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Templars and Hospitallers in post:

Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses viewtopic.php?f=25&p=15386#p15386
The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem

Post re Order of Saint Lazarus :

COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting viewtopic.php?f=50&p=12076#p12076
Nyumbani Orphanage > Amazon Smile Foundation > WHEN SHOPPING AT AMAZON YOU CAN ACTUALLY HELP A SAFE HAVEN FOR NEWBORNS https://asafehavenfornewborns.com/ways- ... oundation/

Nick Silverio, Founder- A Safe Haven for Newborns ... Silvero is a Knight of Saint Lazarus.. under the patronage of the Royal House of France...

.In 1572, the Order of Saint Lazarus in Italy was merged with the Order of Saint Maurice under the Royal House of Savoy to form the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, which still exists until today, widely recognised as a dynastic successor of the Italian branch...

Pedophile Cardinal Pell joined the Order of Saint Lazarus on 25 July 1985 and was the senior chaplain tf
the Victorian Commandery and has continued as a chaplain of the Order to the present day.
Cardinal Pell has been decorated with Australia’s highest decoration, a Companion of the
Order ofAustralia, and has been decorated by the Order of Saint Lazarus.
House of Savoy > Duchy of Lancaster
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Re: A pedophile British Airways pilot with Jeremy Hunt connections .. digging further

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Knights of St John

The Ivermectin Psyop.....imho viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2328
A UK NSPCC Charity Gala Evening and the Ghislaine Maxwell , Jeffrey Epstein and Absolute Return for Kids (ARK) connections https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3437568
The Protestant equivalent of the Catholic Knights of Malta, also known as the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, gained greater credibility when the head of the British Empire HM Queen Victoria became their Sovereign Head in 1888. This Order of St. John, whose current Sovereign Head is HM Queen Elizabeth II, similarly use the Cross of Malta insignia as their emblem.

The unusually shaped Cross of Malta was the original emblem of the controversial Knights Templar, and was adopted as the official insignia of the Knights of Malta, when the Knights Templar were forced to submit to the authority of the Vatican.
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Re: A pedophile British Airways pilot with Jeremy Hunt connections .. digging further

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Knights of Malta

A London nursery, the SoHo crowd and the Knights of Malta viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2803
Do you want to join our club? The ‘Soho House for parents’ run by friends of William and Kate https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/do-y ... c2g3hv0v00

I stumbled upon them when I was going back over a post I did on a London EdTech Provider in Wayfair UK, such an interesting place, with connections to Bain & Co, McKinsey, Crescent Petroleum, UAE and Los Alamos National Laboratory https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3922755
Rahul Raswant, Finance Director, Wayfair UK

Rahul & Priyanka Raswant are the husband and wife team behind Highbrow, a streaming service for the delivery of ‘healthy children’s content’ (content which enriches, educates as well as entertains’). A subscription video on demand service, Highbrow charges £5.99 per month in comparison to existing platforms such as YouTube Kids, and Disney, which charge £4.99 per month. In a short span of time, Highbrow has secured investment, partnerships and distribution deals with the likes of Telefonica, Reliance, KidZania and Maggie & Rose.
Highbrow also works with Gems Education https://joinhighbrow.com/
See: Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2461290
Grace van Cutsem with her mother Rose https://files.catbox.moe/tm1sqr.jpg

Her husband Hugh

In this post: Emma Freud jokes that she'd French kiss her son. Meet the Freud family. From pedophile Clement Freud to connections with the Chipping Norton set. https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2472923/12330784
The appointment of Hugh van Cutsem as godfather to Prince George is further proof that in high society you are never more than 10 feet from an Astor — he’s married to one

The Prime Minister counts one Lord Astor as his (step) father-in-law and the other as a minister in the Ministry of Defence, and the family supplied two bridesmaids at the royal wedding and have among their number an ex of Pippa and a friend of Cara Delevingne.

It was on Lord Astor’s Scottish holiday island that David Cameron was photographed topless a couple of months ago, and at Tom Astor’s Christmas drinks party last year that he was spotted chatting in the corner with the controversial Rebekah Brooks.
Hugh's father : Hugh van Cutsem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_van_Cutsem

Van Cutsem worked as an investment banker at Hambros Bank.[2] Later he began his own company and purchased further companies, including a data storage company.. Van Cutsem inherited his father's stud Northmore Farm in Exning near Newmarket, Suffolk,..

He was a founding member of the Countryside Movement, a non-profit organization which later became the Countryside Alliance, focussed on shooting.

A devout Roman Catholic, he built a chapel near his Hilborough residence for family occasions, and arranged for priests to visit.[2] However, he also regularly attended Mass at Our Lady of Pity in Swaffham with his family.[2] In 1993, he was appointed a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta..
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Re: A pedophile British Airways pilot with Jeremy Hunt connections .. digging further

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<The majority fled to St . Petersburg , France , Spain , Portugal and Italy>

St Petersburg - See:

The Sacrificial Dove viewtopic.php?f=50&t=7575

Ukraine Data Dump viewtopic.php?f=50&t=7069

ORANGE is the new black.. and why I won't be using Telegram anytime soon.. viewtopic.php?f=50&p=9925#p9925
Nah.. they're not working together...
Russian imperial eagle, Saint Petersburg
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