The Dig - the unknown god of America - Stephen Pidgeon with Jennifer Heath, Jessica Knock, and John Barr [2.00.41]

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The Dig - the unknown god of America - Stephen Pidgeon with Jennifer Heath, Jessica Knock, and John Barr [2.00.41]

Post by doginventer »

The Dig - the unknown god of America - Stephen Pidgeon with Jennifer Heath, Jessica Knock, and John Barr [2.00.41]
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The Pledge of Allegiance is a curious oath - a pledge to a flag, rather than to a nation, rather than to a form of government, rather than to a society; instead we have a pledge of allegiance to the flag of a nation "under God". Unfortunately, this god is not named. Rather it is assumed that we all know the God that is being discussed. However, the ambiguity has left a lot of room for those who worship an unknown god to make the pledge with zeal, and yet continue on their path toward the god they serve.
When we read scripture we see a call to worship only the true Elohiym of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya'aqov, and to have no others before Yahuah. But there most assuredly is a god before Yahuah in the United States, and we are soon going to prove this proposition. Stay with us on the Dig as we explore this proposition.
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