Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Towers Financial Corporation

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Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Towers Financial Corporation

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Ponzi & Paedo – The links between Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Ghislaine Maxwell ... in-madoff/
“Buckingham Palace isn’t half as flash as this” enthused Giles Coren of London’s ritzy The Lanesborough hotel in the final episode of his and Monica Galetti’s BBC series Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby ..

Continuing of a hotel “not so known as The Dorchester or The Ritz” and “extra discreet” when it comes to protecting the privacy of its very, very, very wealthy and often very, very, very secretive guests, Coren and Galetti waxed lyrical about a rather large guest book.

That book featured not only Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, but also entries from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Madonna and Stevie Wonder – the latter played the piano in the bar in December 1994. They rather conveniently forgot to bring up, however, two of the property’s more notorious and now deceased Barry Big Bollocks bigspenders, the late convicted criminal Ponzi schemer paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and the late Ponzi schemer ex-NASDAQ chairman Bernard L. Madoff...

Originally St George’s Hospital and subsequently converted into a 93-room – 47 of which are suites – hotel in 1991, The Lanesborough, Coren pointed out, was decorated “with no expense spared” by Alberto Pinto. Mr Pinto happened to also be the decorator of Jeffrey Epstein’s homes in New York, New Mexico and Paris and thus one can see why that the creepy taxi driver turned sex trafficker likely felt that The Lanesborough was his favoured “home-away-from-home” when in London...

Whilst staff at the palatial property that is The Lanesborough have not openly declared anything of Jeffrey Epstein’s preferences – the hotel keeps notes on all its guests and even has motion sensors in every room to help them predict their wants and needs – in January 2009, Insider reported on what the notoriously demanding Madoff liked to have when visiting.

..Equally secretive in their business dealings and both known for having obsessive compulsive disorder tendencies about how their homes were run, both monsters-not-men maintained residences in Palm Beach, Florida and of them an investor formerly connected to Madoff just yesterday told us: “They most definitely frequented the same establishments and they most definitely had business associations.”..

Now, with news of Bernard L. Madoff’s sister Sondra Wiener being killed on Thursday 17th February by her husband Marvin in a supposed murder-suicide in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County just days before Epstein’s grubby supplier of 12-year-old twins for his sexual gratification Jean-Luc Brunel’s suicide in a Paris jail on Saturday 19th February, the plot undoubtedly thickens.

With suicide by hanging being a seeming connector in terms of it allegedly – though questioned by some – being Epstein’s choice of death and that also the choice of one of Madoff’s sons – though once again that has been questioned by some – here are two now dead deviant men who are known to have pandered to the desires of equally demanding money motivated women, Ghislaine Maxwell and Ruth Madoff (née Alpern).

The timing of the latest ‘suicides’ are undoubtedly curious and given that in the wake of Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction in December, the judge in her trial was appointed to a higher court by President Biden as America seeks to protect America by protecting other associates of Epstein and Maxwell including Presidents Clinton and Trump, there is a certain stench of a bit of final “cleaning up” apparent.

With Prince Andrew having supposedly paid upto £12 million to a sex trafficked woman he supposedly never met, Jean-Luc Brunel dead and Jes Staley removed as CEO of Barclays – which curiously also turfed Maxwell out as a client – this “stain” that has for too long now upset royals, politicians and financiers is being put out to pasture.

Equally, with Bernie Madoff dead of “natural causes” and conveniently cremated in April last and his sister and children passed also, the embarrassment caused by the Wizard of Lies having duped the wallies of Wall Street will soon be a chapter closed if the powers that be get their way.

Today, it is time to remind these people that that will not be the case. In this, the Internet age, there are still people out there searching and as I have previously urged in these matters it always a case of one thing: “Follow the bloody money.”

..On Monday, crusading author of ‘Ghislaine Maxwell: An Unauthorized Biography’ shared her thoughts about how she believes Bernie Madoff was linked to Jean-Luc Brunel, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Of such people, she observed: “All connected. Now Bernie Madoff’s sister, Sondra and her husband, are dead.
Jeffrey Epstein worked at financial firm that engaged in massive Ponzi scheme in 1980s and 1990s ... me-crimes/
Towers was a bill collection agency founded by Steven J. Hoffenberg, who told CBS News he hired Epstein in 1987 to help commit a billion dollars worth of financial fraud.

"He was my best friend for years. My closest friend for years," Hoffenberg told CBS News, speaking of Epstein. "We ran a team of people on Wall Street, investment people that raised these billion dollars illegally. He was my guy, my wingman."

The scheme worked like this, according to prosecutors who later brought charges against Hoffenberg: Between 1988 and 1993, Towers raised more than $400 million by selling bonds and promissory notes to investors. Hoffenberg and his associates then used the money to cover operating costs, repay earlier investors —and enrich themselves.

"I was one of the investors," said Marvin Gerber in an interview with CBS News. "He swindled me out of $250,000." 

Hoffenberg was investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York, and pleaded guilty in 1995 to five criminal charges. He was sentenced in 1997 to 20 years in prison and was released in 2013. Towers Financial executives Mitchell Brater and Michael Rosoff were given prison sentences between seven and nine years. Other employees who pleaded guilty received civil judgments. ... 6/1626039/

Epstein was never charged in the fraud. His legal team did not respond to CBS News' request for comment. ..

.. Terrence Corrigan, a lawyer for a committee tasked with getting back money for an estimated 2,800 investors in the scam..likened Towers' business model to the classic con movie "The Sting." He described an operation where Hoffenberg and other executives would woo investors in a Manhattan wood-paneled boardroom before giving tours of operating floors one floor below. Someone would make a call downstairs to make sure employees would look busy once investors arrived.

Corrigan's team did not pursue a financial claim against Epstein. He turned the product of his investigation over to the SEC, which brought its own charges against Towers executives that did not involve Epstein..

"I do not recall Jeffrey Epstein," said Alan Cohen, the trustee for Towers after it filed for bankruptcy when the scheme collapsed. "All of the old management — and I don't know if Epstein was or wasn't — were no longer there by the time we got there."

Two business deals executed by Towers in the 1980s show an Epstein connection. In 1987, Towers acquired two failing Illinois insurance companies, United Fire and Associated Life. They rolled them into a Towers shell company called United Diversified Corporation. That same year, Towers attempted to take over Pan Am Airways by using millions in bonds from the newly acquired insurance companies.

State insurance regulators say Towers and United Diversified made improper investments and misused funds, in violation of Illinois law. Hoffenberg told CBS News that Epstein was in charge of the illegal transfer and sale of bonds and investments out of United Diversified accounts. 

James Schacht, the former director of the Illinois Department of Insurance, told CBS News that Epstein was involved in the transactions. 

"I recall Mr. Epstein's involvement with United Diversified Corp., and affiliated insurance companies," Schacht told CBS News. "The insurers were United Fire Insurance Co. and Associated Life Insurance Co., as I recall. United Diversified was owned by Towers Financial which was controlled by Steven Hoffenberg. This person, I believe, had the connection with Mr. Epstein."
Towers Financial Corporation ... orporation
Hoffenberg hired Jeffrey Epstein in 1987 to help with the Towers Financial Corporation.[8][1] Hoffenberg set Epstein up in offices in the Villard Houses in Manhattan, and paid him $25,000 ($60,000 in current dollar terms) per month for his consulting work.[8] They unsuccessfully tried to take over Pan Am in a corporate raid with Towers Financial as their raiding vessel. Their bid failed, in part because of the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, which ultimately contributed to the airline's bankruptcy. A similar unsuccessful bid in 1988 was made to take over Emery Air Freight Corp..

Hoffenberg began using Towers Financial funds to pay for a lavish lifestyle that included a Locust Valley, Long Island mansion, homes on Sutton Place in Manhattan and in Florida, and a number of cars and planes.[8][14] The Ponzi scheme was the largest financial fraud in American history prior to Bernie Madoff's being uncovered..

In 2020 Hoffenberg added some corroboration to evidence published in a 2019 book indicating that Epstein was a top-level spy for Mossad.[28][29][30] Over three decades after the Towers Financial scandal and six years after his prison release Hoffenberg suggested an overall intelligence aspect to Epstein. He paints a picture of Epstein's long-term ability to avoid justice, stating this was enabled by being "needed by the CIA or the FBI for intelligence, because he was manipulating the American intelligence for the overseas organizations".[28] Jeffrey Epstein's apparent capacity to frustrate the law's probe has come to be seen in retrospect as central in his profile since his Towers Financial years, indeed rather definitive..

In mid-2021, confirmation of some of Hoffenberg's statements was given. Former high-ranking Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe imparted his own, old knowledge Epstein had "started working with Israeli Intelligence... collecting secrets" (year or era not given).[34] Whatever the relevance of this might be to Epstein's special position with US authorities, meanwhile further commentators again speculated that Epstein's unknown modes of involvement with intelligence went beyond one agency or country..

It was reported in late August 2022 Steve Hoffenberg passed away at his home in Derby, Connecticut, around two or more weeks after having contracted coronavirus, his body discovered August 23.[43] The body was found in a decomposed state, thought to be of around a week's progression, such that visual identification wasn't possible.[44] A cause of death was not known by the stage of a preliminary autopsy in late August, when authorities believed no suspicious circumstances were involved.
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Towers Financial Corporation

Post by MercurysBall2 »

The Lanesborough hotel
The Lanesborough is a 5-star hotel on Hyde Park Corner in Knightsbridge .. Opposite are Hyde Park and Apsley House, the London home of the Dukes of Wellington. The hotel is next to Hyde Park Corner tube station.

St George's Hospital was opened in the original Lanesborough House, the home in London of the Viscounts Lanesborough, in 1733. By the 1800s, the hospital was falling into disrepair. Lanesborough House was demolished to make way for a new 350-bed facility... in 1980. The Duke of Westminster took up an option to buy the building for £6,000 (its value in the nineteenth century)..

Rosewood Hotels & Resorts refurbished and re-opened the building as a hotel in 1991. Furniture was supplied by Arthur Brett and Sons. Ten years later, the management contract passed to Starwood's St Regis operation, as its first and only hotel in England. Since November 2014, the Oetker Collection has managed the building
the sixth Duke of Westminister – aka Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor – bought The Lanesborough ... estminster
Major General Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster, KG, CB, CVO, OBE, TD, CD, DL, Bt (22 December 1951 – 9 August 2016), was a British landowner, businessman, philanthropist, Territorial Army general, and peer. He was the son of Robert Grosvenor, 5th Duke of Westminster, and Viola Lyttelton. He was Chairman of the property company Grosvenor Group. ..

The Duke was also Director of Claridge's Hotel from 1981 until 1993

The Duke was Grand Prior of the Priory of England of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem, 1995–2001.[21] In 2004, he was appointed to the new post of Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (Reserves and Cadets), with promotion in the rank of major-general. In March 2007, having served in the Ministry of Defence as Assistant CDS for four years, he handed over responsibility for 50,000 reservists and 138,000 cadets to Major General Simon Lalor, in the wake of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal in which Westminster was also implicated. The Duke became Deputy Commander Land Forces (Reserves) in May 2011.[22] He retired from the Armed Forces in 2012.
Jeffrey Epstein’s New York connections ... ns/177182/
In the 1990s and early to mid-2000s, Epstein donated generously to political candidates. According to New York state Board of Election financial filings, in September 2006 Epstein made two separate contributions to the Spitzer-Paterson 2006 gubernatorial campaign, one for $33,800 and the other for $16,200. Spitzer would become mired in scandal in 2008 after it was revealed he was planning to meet with a prostitute in Washington, D.C.
Posts re Duke of Westminister , Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor :

UK PM Rishi Sunak's hedge fund Theleme Partners had it's origins with the French navy. A closer look at Thelemites
viewtopic.php?f=50&p=31621#p31621 ... Latest.pdf
Hedge Funds are important because they played a massive role in the recent
financial crisis.... - When the crisis first started, short sellers actually made money whilst everybody was
losing it. And in 2008, two hedge funds - Lansdowne Partners and CQS - successfully
used short selling to profit from the collapse of Bradford & Bingley, which had to be
bailed out at a cost of £150 billion

How much did Marc Rich, Peter Mandelson, Mick Davies, Tony Blair, Michael
Hintze, George Bush Snr, Duke of Westminster end up with?
A ridiculous amount of info from someone on 4chan
archived :
Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland is a British Peer, former member of the House of Lords, major landowner, and is worth about a half a billion. Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster runs the international Grosvenor Group with assets estimated at 59 billion with properties in Sweden, Japan, China, and the Mid East. He was worth 13 billion as it was handed down from his father Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster who was a Knight of the Garter. He died in 2016
Whole post worth a re-read.. includes:
..The poster did not start this thread - the thread was started to talk about shipping art and their connections to trafficking. Then this historian guy comes in just spewing tons of history. The history guy posts with a yellow and black anarcho capitalist flag .

Speaking of flags, he also talked about the coat of arms of Milan or sforza or Visconti something that is a dragon snake eating a child/toddler..

..He talks about the Mars family having poisons in their candies. I looked up Mars and The locations of their factories are interesting as are their animal experiments. Wonder why they are involved in animal experimentation ? Is it to test poisons on us?

..Here's what this guy said about MARS

...Anonymous (ID: R6EAsq/t) AC 06/25/17(Sun)17:11:44 No.131322394 Military Auxiliary Radio System or MARS is a communications program developed by the Department of Defense which run drills and had one under the name Gotham Shield on April 24-25 of 2017 right at the end of the Aries Zodiac as preparation for an engineered EMP attack. Amateur Radio Emergency Service or ARES is an organization also involved in emergency communications and was involved in this drill. These two organizations are controlled by the Cult of Mars. The Rothschild's first bank was called Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons which is an acronym for MARS. Mars is called the Red Planet. The name Rothschild means Red Shield and they shield the Vatican, House of Windsor, and the Cult of Mars. ..
Posts re Order of St Lazarus :

Africa to Become Testing Ground for "Trust Stamp" Vaccine Record and Payment System - partnering with with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard ... em/269346/

Looks like Trust Stamp CEO Gareth Genner and Trust Stamp is connected to GCHQ in Cheltenham:

Trust Stamp Announces Approval of €1mm Funding to Launch Subsidiary with Maltese Government - ... nment.html

..Gareth N. Genner is the President of Holy Spirit College in Atlanta, Georgia and the current President of Pontifex University. As a British Lawyer and Commissioner of Oaths, Gareth completed a post-graduate Diploma in European Community Law and an LLM Degree in International Law followed by two-years post-graduate research into the canonical and international law status of each of the Apostolic See and the Vatican City State. Gareth is a Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, a Knight of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta (Order of Malta), a Knight of The Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, and a Knight of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George.

Gareth Genner and the Vatican..

He is the president of Holy Cross School in Atlanta, Georgia
Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF viewtopic.php?t=2199&start=10
Larz Anderson (August 15, 1866 – April 13, 1937)
was an American diplomat and bon vivant. He served as second secretary at the U.S. Legation to the Court of St. James's, London

Because of his diplomatic service, Anderson was admitted to the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (Italy), the Order of the Crown (Italy), the Order of the Rising Sun (Japan), and the Order of the Crown (Belgium).
Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses viewtopic.php?f=25&t=4670
COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting viewtopic.php?f=50&p=12076#p12076

.In 1572, the Order of Saint Lazarus in Italy was merged with the Order of Saint Maurice under the Royal House of Savoy to form the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, which still exists until today, widely recognised as a dynastic successor of the Italian branch...

Pedophile Cardinal Pell joined the Order of Saint Lazarus on 25 July 1985 and was the senior chaplain tf
the Victorian Commandery and has continued as a chaplain of the Order to the present day.
Cardinal Pell has been decorated with Australia’s highest decoration, a Companion of the
Order ofAustralia, and has been decorated by the Order of Saint Lazarus.

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Re: Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Towers Financial Corporation

Post by kestrel9 »

Just a note about dates, Epstein rented the Iranian Embassy in NYC 1992-1996 (The property still belonged to Iran, but they weren't allowed to occupy it at that time). Not trying to sidetrack you, just putting it here because of the dates mainly (early to mid 1990s) (at this time, but who knows what may come out of it).
...34 East 69th Street, in Manhattan was rented out to Jeffrey Epstein by the US State Department in 1992 for $15,000 a month. Epstein lived there between the years 1992 and 1996, before subletting the place to Ivan Fisher—a lawyer from the “Pizza Connection Trial”.

The Daily News, reported in 1997, that “in November 1996, the feds sued Epstein and Fisher. Later, an eviction order was served on July 16, 1998 and the marshal noted on the service receipt that the tenants had moved out.”

FWIW I listed the tenants within the same thread (one was a Rothschild).

Also I had wondered about the CDAN reveal regarding Epstein and Wexner ... ed-37.html which pertains to the renting of that property, when Epstein left it he moved to the Wexner owned 71st Street apartment. 1996 article ... plausible/

Also FWIW speculating, was there any connect the fact of Saudi Arabia connection in the early 80s (Brennan, CIA) and reportedly Epstein lived in Saudi Arabia in the 80s as well. Would this explain why Epstein would be renting Iranian embassy property from the State Dept years later? When Epstein sublet the property to Fisher, Fisher rented out spaces to various people.

If Epstein was working as an intelligence agent, I wonder if he rented to some others who also had some type of ties/relevance to that field?
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Towers Financial Corporation

Post by MercurysBall2 »

< Rosewood Hotels & Resorts refurbished and re-opened the building as a hotel in 1991. Furniture was supplied by Arthur Brett and Sons. Ten years later, the management contract passed to Starwood's St Regis operation, as its first and only hotel in England. Since November 2014, the Oetker Collection has managed the building..>
Caroline Rose Hunt (January 8, 1923 – November 13, 2018) was an American heiress and hotelier who was at one time the wealthiest woman in the United States.[2] She is known for having been the founder of Rosewood Hotels & Resorts, which she opened in 1979.

Caroline Rose Hunt was born on January 8, 1923, the daughter of oilman H. L. Hunt ..

In 1980, she opened The Mansion Restaurant on Turtle Creek.[3][4] That same year, Hunt founded Rosewood Hotels & Resorts, where she served as Honorary Chairman at the time of her death.[3][4] The company owned the Hotel Bel-Air in Bel Air, Los Angeles in the 1980s, but sold it in 1989.[4][7] It currently owns the Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City, among a portfolio of other luxury hotels.[3] It is a subsidiary of a larger company owned by Hong Kong billionaire Henry Cheng[5] as the result of Hunt's 2011 sale of Rosewood and five of its hotel properties
Bel Air > Tunnels..

Posts re Carlyle Hotel
Larry Celona, the NY Post reporter who broke the Epstein Suicide story is connected to the film Eyes Wide Shut. Deep state?

Re previous post Anon Question, . . Looking into the Carlyle Hotel, known as NY White House, Palace of Secrets, secret tunnels, and Carlyle Group

Maybe a better answer to Q# 562 is that the Bid laden family was here to meet with the "Carlyle Group" which I believe is the money launderer for the cabal.
Posts re Starwood:

Q posts and dots connects. A very suspect hotel chain with top tier connections from New York to Washington to London
Amar Lalvani served as an Associate of The Blackstone Group's Mergers & Acquisitions practice. He has also held positions at Starwood Capital Group LLC and Jefferies & Company.
On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2626
Four Points by Sheraton is a multinational hotel brand operated by Marriott International.. Mike Olak - Managing Director of Four Points by Sheraton Kamloops ; Managing Director at Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

From the Jargia website Herb Dhaliwal, Mike Olak on behalf of Jeet Mandair met with former prime minister of India. Herb Dhaliwal and Mike Olak on behalf of Jeet Mandair canada met with Capt. Amrinder Singh Ji Chief Minister Punjab and S. Manpreet Singh Badal with their families at the CM and FM houses.
[From the Jargia community in India : Jeet Mandair now residing in Canada (with high level connections) , former owner of Frank Giustra's 222 Pizza Express]
Oetker Collection posts :

Bill Gates, the WHO and the Pacific Health Summit viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2615
Pacific Health Summit

The first Pacific Health Summit was held in Seattle, Washington in 2005 with foundational support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Russell Family Foundation... In 2008, the Wellcome Trust joined the Summit as the fourth official co-presenting organization, and Trust Director, Sir Mark Walport, joined our Executive Committee. Both Sir William Castell, Chairman of the Wellcome Trust, who has participated in the Summit since its first year, and Sir Mark provided crucial leadership as the Summit began its rotation in London for the annual meeting.

Peter Neupert, then Corporate Vice President for Health Solutions Strategy for Microsoft, and Craig Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer of Microsoft

Craig Mundie - Edge Dinner 2012 with Evan Williams and Jean Pigozzi
Jean Pigozzi, Rachel Johnson (sister of Boris Johnson.. daddy Stanley is on the advisory board of NXIVM's Parvati Foundation), Georgie Greig, Countess Allesandro Guerrini-Maraldi at ARK Gala, Jean Pigozzi with Ghislaine Maxwell
Luke Johnson, former Chairman of Pizza Express Deep Dive viewtopic.php?f=16&p=9222#p9222
The famous “blue pool” at the Pigozzi family's Villa Dorane at Cap d'Antibes has seen actors, models, musicians, and photographers since it was built in 1953....Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc and Eden Rock, St. Barts are part of the Oetker Collection
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Re: Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff and Towers Financial Corporation

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Just putting this here as I think it will eventually link up with a number of recent posts:

Emma Sayle's 'Behind the Mask' book launch party at Salvatore's & Baroque, Playboy Club, London, Britain - 23 Apr 2014 ... 4-3710716h

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