" More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

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" More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A developing post..

More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite is a financial book by Sebastian Mallaby published by Penguin Press. He is a senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The book is a history of the hedge fund industry in the United States looking at the people, institutions, investment tools and concepts of hedge funds. It claims to be the "first authoritative history of the hedge fund industry."

In each chapter, Mallaby takes a narrative focus on one individual or company that played an important role in the history of hedge funds. Mallaby then weaves in other people, ideas or companies related to the star of the chapter. The following are some of the major people, institutions and concepts on a per chapter basis. The first in each list is the central character of that chapter.

Ch 1 Big Daddy: A. W. Jones, Hedge fund
Ch 2 The Block Trader: Michael Steinhardt, Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co., Block trade, Monetary policy
Ch 3 Paul Samuelson's Secret: Commodities Corporation, Paul Samuelson, Bruce Kovner (Caxton Corporation), Trend trading, Automated trading system
Ch 4 The Alchemist: George Soros, Quantum Fund, Reflexivity, Jim Rogers
Ch 5 Top Cat: Julian Robertson, Tiger Management
Ch 6 Rock-and-Roll Cowboy: Paul Tudor Jones II
Ch 7 White Wednesday: Black Wednesday, Stanley Druckenmiller and George Soros
Ch 8 Hurricane Greenspan: Shadow banking system, 1994 bond market crisis, Stanley Druckenmiller and George Soros
Ch 9 Soros vs Soros: 1997 Asian financial crisis, 1998 Russian financial crisis, Stanley Druckenmiller and George Soros
Ch 10 The Enemy Is Us: Long-Term Capital Management, John Meriwether
Ch 11 The Dot-Com Double: Dot-com bubble, Tiger Management and Quantum Fund
Ch 12 The Yale Men: David Swensen, Tom Steyer, Event-driven investing
Ch 13 The Code Breakers: Renaissance Technologies, James Simons, David E. Shaw
Ch 14 Premonitions of a Crisis: Amaranth Advisors, Brian Hunter
Ch 15 Riding the Storm: John Paulson, Subprime mortgage crisis
Ch 16 "How Could They Do This": Financial crisis of 2007–08
Sebastian Mallaby - the son of Sir Christopher Mallaby, who was Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Germany (1988–1993) and Ambassador of the United Kingdom to France (1993–1996), and Lady Pascale Mallaby

Mallaby is married to the English journalist and Editor-in-Chief for The Economist, Zanny Minton Beddoes.
Christopher Mallaby https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Mallaby
The son of Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby CIE OBE and Margaret Catherine Mallaby (née Jones), he was educated at Eton College and studied Modern Languages and History at King's College, Cambridge. In 1971 he studied at Harvard Business School. After leaving university he entered Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service in 1959.

Mallaby was British Ambassador to West Germany 1988-1992, British Ambassador to France 1993-1996 and Managing Director of UBS Investment Bank

Mallaby was chairman of Somerset House Trust from 2002–2006, and trustee of the Tate Gallery Group 1996-2002. He was also as of 2011 a trustee director and deputy-chairman of Reuters,[2] and since 2001 has been the Chairman of EORTC

"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, then Chancellor Helmut Kohl pushed for German reunification, but the major powers blocked Kohl's project." https://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/internat ... ld.1281151

Jeffrey Epstein associate Nicole Junkermann and Helmut Kohl
Related posts:

https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=com ... um=on&b=on
including : Re: Junkermann - There are 3 German names on Epsteins book and they know each other

Nicole Junkermann
Heinrich and Milana Furstenberg (Full name "Von Fürstenberg", they are Princes)
Astrid Kohl (ex. German chancellor Helmut Kohl's niece , now Princess Astrid of Liechtenstein )
Chapter One in "More Money Than God" is about Alfred Winslow Jones
in which he describes Jones as "an erudite dandy, a onetime Marxist who hiked to the frontlines of the Spanish Civil War with the writer Dorothy Parker—where they shared a bottle of Scotch whisky with Ernest Hemingway

the son of Arthur Winslow Jones (an executive of General Electric) and his wife, Elizabeth Huntington.. He moved to the United States with his family when he was 4, growing up in Schenectady, New York. He graduated from Harvard University in 1923, and, after working as purser on a tramp steamer that sailed around the world, he joined the Foreign Service. In the early 1930s, he became vice consul at the U.S. embassy in Berlin during Hitler's rise to power. In 1932, for a couple of months he was married to Anna Luise Hauser, née Block (1896–1982), a daughter of the German painter Joseph Block and a descendant of German banker Joseph Mendelssohn .

Alfred Jones is credited with coining the phrase "hedged fund" and is credited with creating the first hedge fund structure in 1949
Google translated from German https://www.gerifonds.ch/de/page/geschi ... I7M8D7Umlk
formation of the funds
The Funds offer numerous benefits to all investors and investor protections are enhanced in line with economic cycles and corresponding regulatory changes.

The origin of funds dates back to the 18th century. The first mutual fund was invented when a Dutch trader first united several investors to buy shares in a fund called Unity is Strength. This inventor recognized that risk diversification was a safety factor. As a result, funds experienced an upswing from the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1949, the first alternative funds (a combination of upside and downside financial commitments) were launched by Alfred Winslow Jones (former Fortune magazine journalist), aimed exclusively at professional investors. In 1969, Georges C. Karlweis decided to give high net worth investors access to this type of high-yield, high-risk investment by creating a new investment vehicle, namely hedge funds. At this point, Switzerland already had a substantial base of international wealthy clients. The Confederation was extremely interested in this area and developed a range of new business areas in asset management, including the profession of fund management.
DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread https://archive.ph/6mhaG
The Gnomes of Zurich were derogatory caricatures of secretive, greedy, stiff Swiss-German bankers, pince-nez aquiver, who ruled over the land of secret numbered accounts for tax dodgers the world over. With the world’s best financial intelligence service, they knew their stuff and seldom spoke, even in retirement.

Their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and weren’t afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record. Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969.

Continued below..
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

George Soros and George Karlweiss , the right hand man of Baron Edmond de Rothschild are mentioned in the post:

Inés Zorreguieta suicide led me to: Queen Maxima, Obama, Clinton Global Initiative, Bilderberg, WWF, Prince Bernhard, What connections CAN'T you find?! Yes a Nazi too! by @kestrel9
Prince Consort Bernhardt was employed prior to, during, and after the war by I.G.Farben's Industrial Espionage Unit "NW-7" which, needless to say, placed him under great suspicions by both the British and American intelligence communities. The mere fact of his employment as an "industrial spy" for Farben places him squarely within the sphere of the German Industrial community, links for which have already been established with the Type XI-B U-Boat...

there is the very strong possibility that Prince Consort Bernhardt, through his wife Princess Juliana, may very well have been acting as a sort of liaison or facilitator in connections for Armistice Negotiations between German Industrialists and certain members of the American Department of State and Intelligence Community.

One of the principal founders of the Bilderberg Group was Dutch Royal Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld.

And in case anyone needs a head start digging into Soros' connection to the story there's this:

Soros is no new comer to the world of criminal activity. According to former associates and published reports he was handed his start-up  money by Baron Edmond de Rothschild’s right-hand man, George Karlweiss, who also launched the career of fugitive narcotics-trafficker Robert Vesco. https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/ ... ossier.pdf

Robert Vesco and CIA Fronts

http://www.eurekaencyclopedia.com/index ... Operations


Regarding Vesco and Prince Bernard:

Investors Overseas Services (IOS) Firm that invested funds for overseas Americans (and Americans looking to avoid U.S. scrutiny or taxes) in a variety of mutual funds. The founder of IOS, a man named Bernie Cornfeld, had run into trouble with the SEC and when his firm ran into financial difficulty, no large, reputable 'white knight' was willing to get involved.

Vesco entered in a protracted battle to assume control of the company, opposed by Cornfeld and others. The battle quickly got nasty; Cornfeld was thrown in jail in Switzerland and Vesco was accused of looting the company of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Not forgetting Prince Bernhardt's close connections with Prince Philip of the British royal family of course. The Windsors really being a German family, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - Cadet branch of House of Wettin
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Vescor and Cornfeld are mention here:

A summary of AnCap Anon's claims https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2462156

He claims that Robert Rubin, NAFTA, China, World Trade Organization, and the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Banking Act allowed concentration of media ownership.

He mentions the merger of Citigroup and Travelers Insurance and Sandy Weil and claims that such a merger was not allowed before 1932.

He suggests that the Federal Reserve Bank provides the logistics, communications, and finance needed to support the world wars.

He mentions Salomon Brothers with no further context. The firm was bought out in the 1990s by Warren Buffett and merged into Citigroup.

He says that the CIA "never heard of" Robert Vesco and Bernard Cornfeld. He similarly claims that Charles Schumer has never heard of CIA banker Nicholas L. Deak who was assassinated in 1985. He also says that the CIA never heard of the Marcos family. The implication is that all were controlled by the CIA.

He similarly says that Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman "never heard of" HSBC, CIA, Eric Holder, "Hussein," or DTCCC, possibly the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, or operations Castaway and Fast and Furious. The timing of Guzman's arrest is sarcastically said to be "pure coincidence" that had "nothing" to do with Silvio Berlusconi or Sicilian Mafia leader Bernardo Provenzano. Guzman was arrested in February 2014 again in January 2016 after an escape. In the context of Guzman and the Italian mafia, AnCap Anon mentions Sean Penn and "trap house soyboys."

He says that Canada is "completely cucked" due to the influence of Power Corp, BNP Paribas, Pargesa, and Total Group.
And Cornfeld is mentioned in this post by Kirby Sommers - Hugh Hefner and the Secret Tunnels https://archive.ph/LwWol
In a scrubbed 2015 tweet by Playboy they confess that underground tunnels to celebrity homes existed under Hugh Hefner’s mansion...

In my some of my previous Epstein Project newsletters, I explain that Bernie Cornfeld helped build these tunnels under Hugh Hefner’s mansion. Cornfeld was a spy—I know this first-hand.
He was one of Hefner’s best friends and had a set-up similar to Jeffrey Epstein’s. ..

Cornfeld lured young girls to his mansion with the promise of a modeling career. There he would ply them with drugs and videotape them having sex. Feeling trapped, and becoming addicted to drugs, the girls became part of a larger trafficking operation.


Diane Simone Michele Halfin, later known as Diane von Furstenberg, was Cornfeld’s secretary. Von Furstenberg and her two children, Prince Alexander and Princess Tatiana, were in Epstein’s black book.

Von Furstenberg is now married to Barry Diller—the CEO of InterActiveCorp (IAC)—a holding company that owns approximately 100 media companies. Among these is The Daily Beast—who write numerous misleading articles on the Epstein case. Chelsea Clinton is a Vice-Chair of IAC. And, Diller sat on the board of Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project. It’s a cozy family. Everyone is connected...

The tunnels were built when Hefner purchased the 20,000 square foot mansion near Beverly Hills, California in 1975. ..

The Central Intelligence Agency was established by the National Security Act of 1947—making it an independent, civilian intelligence agency within the executive branch. However, it wasn’t until 1953 that it became the agency we know today.
The CIA bankrolled Hugh Hefner in 1953 in the much the same way MI6 bankrolled Robert Maxwell after World War II—getting him started in the publishing business.
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So maybe Cornfeld had tunnels under his own home in LA?

Bernard Cornfeld was born in Istanbul Turkey. His father was a Romanian-Jewish actor; his mother was from a Russian-Jewish family. They moved to America when Bernard was four years old..

During the Second World War he joined the U.S. Maritime Service. Afterwards he went to Brooklyn College, graduating with a degree in psychology, and then did an MA in social work at the School of Social Work at Columbia University. He initially worked as a social worker, but then switched to selling mutual funds for an investment house.. n 1955, he left New York for Paris and started his own company selling mutual funds, using his savings of a mere few hundred dollars. The company was named Investors Overseas Services (IOS). By selling the mutual funds, mostly to American servicemen in Europe

As a US citizen he did not avoid US taxes, and the funds sold to US servicemen were US registered and based funds. In the early years the fund sold was mostly the Dreyfus Fund, which was small then, with assets of less than US$2 million. He had a close and friendly relationship with Jack Dreyfus, the founder, and when the management company of the Dreyfus Fund went public, IOS bought an almost 10% ownership in it. Cornfield and IOS fueled the early growth of the Dreyfus Fund from very small to several hundred million dollars, due to his marketing acumen, with brilliant advertising of a lion strolling down Broadway, and deft management of the fund

In the 1960s, Cornfeld formed his own mutual fund sales company, Investors Overseas Services (IOS), with principal offices in Geneva, Switzerland, although it was incorporated in Panama. He also established mutual funds in various jurisdictions, as noted below. Although the executive headquarters were in Geneva, the main operational offices of IOS were in Ferney-Voltaire, France, across the French border from Geneva.

Cornfeld owned a 12th-century chateau in France, Empress Josephine's summer house on Lake Geneva, a townhouse at 1 West Halkin Street in Belgravia, London, and the Grayhall mansion located at 1100 Carolyn Way in Beverly Hills, California, as well as a permanent suite in a New York City hotel and his own fleet of private planes..He is quoted as saying, "I had mansions all over the world, I threw extravagant parties. And I lived with several girls at a time." He had romances with Victoria Principal;; Alana Hamilton (née Collins — a model and former spouse of George Hamilton who subsequently married Rod Stewart); Audrey Hepburn, and Princess Ira von Fürstenberg.
Diane Helfin, later Diane von Furstenberg, worked as a receptionist at IOS in the early days.

Cornfeld settled in Beverly Hills and moved in a circle of movie industry people. He lived in the Grayhall mansion, built in 1909 and at one time leased by Douglas Fairbanks.[2] Bernie numbered among his friends Elizabeth Taylor, Michelle Phillips, Warren Beatty, Lawrence Harvey, Victor Lownes, Richard Harris, Al Capp, Tony Curtis, Howard Sackler, John Heyman, and Simon Reuben. Grayhall mansion doubled as the home of rock star John Norman Howard (Kris Kristofferson) in the 1976 version of A Star Is Born starring Barbra Streisand.
Grayhall mansion is in the Bel Air area which is known to be full of tunnels Image

The house was built as a hunting lodge for Harry D. Lombard in 1909.[1] The second owner, Silsby Spalding, added a ballroom to the house in 1919; Silsby went on to serve as the first mayor of Beverly Hills from 1926 to 1929.[1][2]

In 1919, actor Douglas Fairbanks leased the house and built a tunnel to Pickfair, the house next door that he shared with actress Mary Pickford. The tunnel was subsequently sealed
About this home: Silsby Spalding, the sporting goods magnate and first mayor of Beverly Hills, bought Grayhall after Harry Lombard. Spalding added on a ballroom in 1919.

The same year, actor Douglas Fairbanks Sr. leased the house and built a secret tunnel to oversee construction of what later became Pickfair, his home with actress Mary Pickford.

Over the years, the tunnel to Pickfair was sealed, the ballroom was turned into a living room and the list of owners grew to include actor George Hamilton and financier Bernie Cornfeld.
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »


https://cinemascholars.com/pickfairs-ha ... d-history/
One of the greatest homes in the history of Hollywood was Pickfair, which was originally the home of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. Over the years, occupants have claimed the house was haunted by an unwanted spirit. Here, we will discuss the history of this storied home, including its alleged haunted past.

Pickford and Fairbanks were two of the biggest movie stars of the early 20th Century. This pair, along with Charlie Chaplin and D.W. Griffith, formed United Artists in 1919. A year later, Fairbanks and Pickford would marry. They first had to get divorced from each of their current spouses.

A year earlier in 1918, Fairbanks bought 18 acres in Beverly Hills. This would be the site of Pickfair. This property, located at 1143 Summit Dr. originally had a ranch house on it. It was designed by architect Horatio Cogswell, for attorney Lee Allen Phillips of Berkeley Square. It was to be utilized as a hunting lodge on weekends.

Fairbanks and Pickford hired architect Wallace Neff. Neff also designed 1015 N. Roxbury, the former home of Betty Grable...When the couple married in March 1920, they lived on the property during the construction phase. This was the first home in Los Angeles to have its own swimming pool...

It also is said to have contained an underground running track so Fairbanks could jog in the nude.
The ridiculous excuses to justify underground constructions..
Pickfair was known for its parties of lavish decadence in the 1920s. An invitation to one was the most sought-after in Hollywood. Life Magazine called Pickfair:

“A gathering place only slightly less important than the White House… and much more fun.”

Some of the storied guests included Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Albert Einstein, Dorothy Gish, Lillian Gish, Mildred Harris, George Bernard Shaw, Elinor Glyn, Helen Keller, H.G. Wells, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Fritz Kreisler, Tony Duquette, Amelia Earhart, Noël Coward, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pearl S. Buck, Charles Lindbergh, Max Reinhardt, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Thomas Edison, Gloria Swanson, the Duke and Duchess of Alba, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and the King and Queen of Siam.

..Fairbanks and Pickford divorced in 1936. Pickford continued to live in the home until her death in 1979, outliving Fairbanks by 40 years. Pickford received few visitors in her later years but continued to open up Pickfair for charity such as the blind veterans from World War I.

In 1980, Pickfair was bought by Los Angeles Lakers owner, Jerry Buss for $5.4 million. He made no alterations to the home for the 8 years he owned it...
Jerry Buss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Buss
Gerald Hatten Buss (January 27, 1933 – February 18, 2013) was an American businessman, investor, chemist, and philanthropist. He was the majority owner of the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA),..

In 1979, Buss purchased Pickfair, the Beverly Hills estate once owned by Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks;[4] he sold it in 1987.[8]

In 1974, Buss produced a movie named Black Eye starring former gridiron star Fred "the Hammer" Williamson.

Buss was an owner of the Phoenix location of the Playboy Club.
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

The Mountbattens and the Fairbanks – a Friendship Among “Royals”
https://marypickford.org/caris-articles ... ng-royals/
By 1922, the press had proclaimed Doug and Mary the King and Queen of Hollywood and Pickfair the castle from which they reigned, so maybe it isn’t surprising that they began mingling with other royalty – the European kind that came to their titles through birth. As they were entertained by high society during their trips to London, Paris and Madrid, Doug developed a habit of saying something like “And if you are in California, you must come stay with us.” And so they did.

One of the first to take them up on the offer was Lord Louis Mountbatten. Two years earlier, the marriage of Pickford and Fairbanks had caught the world’s attention as throngs of fans followed them everywhere and resulted in front page newspaper coverage.


Now it was the wedding of Mountbatten on July 18, 1922 that was capturing international attention. Christened Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicolas and called “Dickie” from an early age, Mountbatten was a great-grandson of Queen Victoria at a time when her progeny were high placed throughout Europe. And his bride, Edwina Ashely, was dubbed “the richest woman in England” due to the recent death of her maternal grandfather, the financier Ernest Cassell.

King George V, Queen Mary and many of the extended royal family were in attendance at their London wedding. The Prince of Wales served as the best man. (After they traveled together on diplomatic trips for over a year, the Prince considered Dickie his best friend.) Thousands gathered outside the church and the press followed as Dickie, just 22, and Edwina, 20, set off for a honeymoon tour of Europe. Three months later, they were still honeymooning as they boarded the Majestic for two months in America. In New York, they took in a Yankees game, posed with Babe Ruth and rode the roller coaster on Coney Island a reported nine times before slowly crossing the country. It had been publicized that they were staying at Pickfair during their week in Los Angeles, but they arrived the third week of October, just as Mary and Doug were getting to New York for the premiere of his biggest film to date, Robin Hood.

Doug had insisted the Mountbattens make themselves at home at Pickfair even if they weren’t in residence. It was fully staffed and with Charlie Chaplin assigned to play host, the Fairbankses didn’t really think twice about their personal priorities. It had been three years since creating United Artists and then their own studio; if they weren’t hard at work making films, they were busy promoting them. Usually they traveled with Mary’s mother, other family members and maybe a Fairbanks brother, but this time Mary and Doug were off on their own, training up the coast to Canada and taking several weeks for stops at Lake Louise, Banff and Montreal before heading down to New York for the October 22 premiere. Both Doug and Mary needed the rest and the uninterrupted time together.


Mountbatten didn’t need much convincing – he was a big movie fan. He had been infatuated since his older brother bought a projector and had already accumulated “a large library of films.” He also enjoyed taking home movies. Chaplin took his hosting duties seriously and after giving them a tour of his studio on La Brea, they went over to Melrose to meet Cecil B. DeMille who showed him his sets for Adam’s Rib. Newly inspired, they decided to make a film of their own and Chaplin improvised a one reeler starring Edwina as the lady in distress. The businessman Robert Thompson, who had loaned the Mountbattens his private train car to cross the country, joined them and played one of the bad guys out to steal Edwina’s pearls. Charlie brought Jackie Coogan along and he played a small part as did Mountbatten’s valet, Thorogood. Dickie, handsome enough to pass for a matinee idol of the day, clearly had a great time hamming it up as Edwina’s worried lover. Chaplin, dressed as the Tramp, rounds up the villains and saves the day. Entitled Nice and Friendly, it was filmed entirely on the grounds at Pickfair and then given the full studio treatment with editing and insertion of credits and title cards before being presented to the royals.

..Chaplin and Mountbatten appeared to have bonded during their week together – Charlie told reporters his new friend was “such a nice, simple boy” and Dickie wrote his mother that Charlie was “the most loveable, shy and pathetic little man and yet so full of humor that he can keep one amused by the hour.”


..The Mountbattens stayed in regular contact with Mary and Doug and, on several occasions, Edwina stayed at Pickfair on her own and at least once with a lover. Dickie spent much of his time at sea and Edwina liked to be entertained. While the Fairbanks would eventually divorce over jealousy and infidelity, the Mountbattens stayed married in spite of the same until Edwina’s death in 1960. According to their younger daughter, Lady Pamela Hicks, her mother “had at least 18 lovers, but my father, to my knowledge, only had one other.

One more thing the foursome had in common: none of them used their birth names. Mary had changed Smith to Pickford for its marquee value and Fairbanks had been born Douglas Ulman, but his mother had changed her and her sons’ name in 1899 to purge any memory on that unhappy marriage. Mountbatten’s original surname was Battenberg and even though his father had served in the British Navy since he was 14, he was forced out of service and changed his name in 1914 with the wave of anti- German sentiment with the start of World War I. (It would be another two years until the British monarchy took the name Windsor that they still use today). Only Edwina changed her name the “traditional” way – by taking her husband’s through marriage.

Charlie Chaplin lived in Bel Air and was a neighbour of Cecil B. DeMille

He's mentioned in this post on jesters because I think that's exactly what he was viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2902

and Cecil B. DeMille is definitely worth a revisit https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2612544
DeMille was a Freemason and a member of Prince of Orange Lodge #16 in New York City.
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

DeMille is also mentioned in this post : Marina Abramovic for Dust - have we looked enough into people who were behind this sinister photography? by @Heisenberg123
https://www.artforum.com/diary/kate-sut ... week-39650

Brown loaded up with López and the Chows to get a private viewing, but Deitch and I were due at Francesca von Habsburg’s new Los Feliz digs (formerly part of Cecil B. DeMille’s estate), where the patroness-extraordinaire was hosting a private dinner in honor of her close friend (and houseguest) Abramović.

Von Habsburg met us at the door, where we were also greeted by a rowdy Brad Kahlhamer drawing. “Is that too much here?” she grinned mischievously at the ghosts of the artist’s ex-girlfriends past. “I personally think it’s kind of perfect.”
Francesca von Habsburg aka Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza
The Apotheosis of Jack Whiteside Parsons - DOCUMENTARY by Thomas Sheridan viewtopic.php?f=50&p=10109#p10109
Baroness Francesca von Thyssen Bornemisza with her husband Karl von Habsburg Lothringen, circa 1994. (Photo by Wolfgang Kuhn/United Archives via Getty Images) .. that looks like Rothschild to the right of her..


Steve Strange and Francesca https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/1d/53 ... 1b9225.jpg

.. Strange describes the then Francesca von Thyssen as "the true love of my life". This was true love, New Romantic-style, however. "She knew I was bisexual and it was never a problem - we had an open relationship," he explains. "There was just one time that I became jealous. I came home after we'd had a big fight and discovered her in a very short nightgown, and Michael Douglas in the bathroom wrapped in one of my towels."..

.Francesca sang backing vocals for Strange's group, Visage, and went to the first Sex Pistols gig. Eventually she left him, unable to cope any longer with his drug abuse, but the party was not yet over. She dated Dodi Fayed, played elephant polo in India, and delighted in wearing outrageous outfits to dance the night away at Annabel's or the Camden Palace...

In 1978, before their success with Visage, Strange and Visage partner Rusty Egan began to make a name for themselves as a nightclub host and DJ respectively. They began organising "Bowie nights" on Tuesdays at Billy's club in Soho, before taking over Tuesdays at the Blitz wine bar in London's Covent Garden in 1979

Looks very much like the forerunners to the Club Kids of NY https://lithub.com/andy-warhols-superst ... -new-york/

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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

For follow up later : The Blitz Club and the Red Rooms , the Blitz kids , the children taken away 'to safety' during WW2 only to be returned to their parents with no memory of where they had been.. happened in the UK and all over Europe.
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

June 16th 2010 ""More Money than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"" Malloby interview at CFR
https://www.cfr.org/event/more-money-go ... ew-elite-2
Sebastian Mallaby
Director, Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies and Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow for International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations

Jessica P. Einhorn
Dean, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University


EINHORN:.. Did you know what a hedge fund was? Can you tell us now what a hedge fund is?

MALLABY: .. what I discovered pretty quickly is that hedge funds, if you put sort of five experts in a room, you'll get six definitions of hedge funds. So I had to sort of adopt a working definition.

And the one I took goes back to Alfred Winslow Jones, the first hedge fund manager who set up his fund in 1949, long before most people realized there were hedge funds. And he was an interesting character. He had operated undercover anti-Nazi missions in the 1930s in Germany..

..he was undercover. You know, he had been undercover against the Nazis. His wife at the time had operated anti-Nazi missions out of the maternity wing of a hospital. And he just maintained that method when he went into finance, didn't tell anybody, raised money privately by word-of-mouth. Often that meant between mouthfuls at his dinner table. And that's how he raised money...

EINHORN: ..) Now, let me say that what Sebastian also tells us in the book in the chapter on Jones is that in fact the idea of the 20 percent carry was thought up by a very crafty accountant who worked for him and was in fact trying to come up with a tax dodge. And because Alfred Winslow Jones felt that the IRS in those days was actually very attentive to those sorts of things, he was afraid that if he divulged it, the IRS would close him immediately.

And so instead, he made up this grand plan of the Phoenicians ..

MALLABY: Okay. So, well, I mean, you know, hedge funds do attract contrarians, mavericks, larger-than-life people, people who wouldn't necessarily fit into a normal Wall Street institution. And one could start with the person who emerged in the 2000s as the highest earner of them all, and that's Jim Simons , who set out Renaissance Technologies, which was a sort of -- (inaudible) -- quant, Ph.D.-intensive mathematics fund, which wouldn't hire any economists or MBAs or anything like that. They wanted -- basically, it started with code-cracking people who came out of the which had done code-cracking for the Pentagon. And then supplemented that with some translation specialists.

..QUESTIONER: The one thing that struck me is, those are the days of the German politicians complaining about the Heuschrecke, the locusts. But when you really talk to them and you talk to some of the people around them, they really were confusing hedge funds with private equity funds. Why is that? ..

MALLABY: Yeah, it's a good question about why continental European regulators are like that. But I mean, I think it's, you know, it's just part of the context of European economic management where it's a bank-based form of capitalism. Any kind of market, sort of actively traded markets of all kinds were rather late to develop. Open contests for corporate control are very alien to Germany.

And that Heuschrecke comment came off the back of a moment, actually. It was Chris Hohn, who is a hedge fund manager, who was forcing the Deutsche Borse management to do something it didn't want to do. And I forget the details beyond that.
Chris Hohn post:

Theosophy and the Architecture of the New World Order https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagateart/2935019
Founder of (CIFF) - a top Clinton Foundation donor - "quietly" set up a new charity aimed at "helping alleviate the effects of human trafficking" - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1606990/7839106
CIFF used to be Chris Hohn's 'venture philantropy' project (aka tax-free conduit) financed by the proceeds of his hedge fund The Children's Investment Fund (TCI). TCI is a hedge fund founded by Chris Hohn. It's famously 'activist' - i.c. hiding huge financial and political interests behind genuine shareholder or humanitarian concerns.

TCI was solely responsible for the unloading, just before the Crisis hit, of all ABN AMRO's derivative losses on Fortis, Santander and RBS, all of which had to be saved to the tune of hundreds of billions of British, Spanish, Belgian and Dutch taxpayers' money.
Sir Christopher Anthony Hohn KCMG (born October 1966) is a British billionaire hedge fund manager.

In 2003, Hohn established The Children's Investment Fund Management (TCI), a prominent value-based hedge fund. Profits generated by the fund were proportionately allocated to The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), a registered charity in England and Wales that focuses on improving the lives of children living in poverty in developing countries
Before setting up TCI, Chris Hohn worked at hedge fund Perry Capital in the US

https://www.ft.com/content/851502c6-843 ... 59a58ac7a5
Sir Chris Hohn, who worked for Richard Perry from 1996 to 2003 in European special situations and now runs The Children’s Investment Fund, a hedge fund with more than $10bn under management, said: “Perry Capital made some of the most exciting and profitable investments of my career during this time . . . He was a great mentor to me over this period and an excellent investor.”
Richard Cayne Perry (born February 9, 1955)[1] is an American hedge fund manager whose firm, Perry Capital LLC (closed in 2016) invested in several companies and, starting in 2012, owned a controlling interest in Barneys New York.

Perry was born the son of Merel (née Cayne) and Arnold Perry (1925–2001).[1][3] He was raised in Chicago. His mother, who ran a small import business, is the sister of former Bear Stearns C.E.O. James Cayne; his father, Arnold, ran several firms including a book publisher and a business-machine company...

While attending Penn, his father was able to secure him an internship at Goldman Sachs where he worked directly under one of its partners, L. Jay Tenenbaum ..

He moved to the equity-arbitrage desk at Goldman Sachs run by Robert Rubin. During this time he was Rubin's teaching assistant at NYU Stern and even babysat Rubin's children. He eventually left to form Perry Capital in 1988.
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Re: " More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite"

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So, Chris Hohn's mentor Richard Perry is the nephew of Jimmy Cayne - Bear Stearns - in Jeffrey Epstein's black book


Epstein recorded 11 phone numbers and 2 addresses under this name.


Chris Hohn > Rishi Sunak's former boss
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