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De Blasio made his wife an unofficial ‘co-mayor.’ Translation: The "Wife" is his 'Handler'

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 3:41 pm
by EricKaliberhall
Since the beginning of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration, his wife, Chirlane McCray, has played a high-profile, often criticized role in his administration.
NEW YORK — The phenomenon of de Blasio fatigue underpinning New York City’s mayoral race has extended to first lady Chirlane McCray.

Since the beginning of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration, McCray has played a high-profile, often criticized role in his administration. But when faced with questions over the arrangement, the mayor has doubled down, lamenting nepotism laws that barred his closest adviser from drawing a city salary: “She can’t get paid, so she is doing it as a volunteer.”
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Chirlane McCray the 'Handler' flaunts the "BoyLover" symbol for all with eyes to see.

Re: De Blasio made his wife an unofficial ‘co-mayor.’ Translation: The "Wife" is his 'Handler'

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:26 pm
by Thisismyaccount
Disgusting subhuman shit bag.