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(°°)~ Tlolocaust Episode 30 - The Grim Futures of Median Man (°°)~

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 2:41 am
by Yogus ... n-man.html

With guest and Ye 2024 enthusiast trumpman1488. gowithit made a brief appearance but dangus's ears could only take so much.


00:01:11 - No Nut 2050
00:07:39 - v0atmage gets doomed on
00:09:12 - Ngubu goes to Hollywood
00:10:23 - Alex Jones gets out-Alex Jones’d: jiggaboo wignats running buck wild
00:21:27 - counter-semitism and red flag laws
00:23:24 - JLP on Dr Phil
00:25:45 - Real boomer hours: Trump cucked, corralled, and confused by Ye/Fuentes meeting
00:31:19 - J-twatter meltdown
00:38:37 - Databases, deviancy, and democlaps: how mail-in ballots are used by the libshits to steal elections
00:44:20 - Baguette bitchslap
00:45:29 - Malicious damage control
00:46:44 - Clip rundown
00:50:25 - Nuclear tranny
00:53:39 - Jew of the week
00:58:57 - Faggotology
01:04:16 - Old school tlol drama: slowpoke AE and the npc "if it's not happening to ME, it's not happening!" phenomenon
01:16:52 - Nothing ever changes: new cuniform just dropped

Show notes: