Law and Ethics: The Bahnsen Conference 2022 Thursday November 17th [8:43:30]

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Law and Ethics: The Bahnsen Conference 2022 Thursday November 17th [8:43:30]

Post by doginventer »

Law and Ethics: The Bahnsen Conference 2022 Thursday November 17th [8:43:30]
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9.00 - 16.30
Intro: Jason Gallagher
16.30 - 1.04.00
Lecture 1. Rev. Christopher Neiswonger JD MA: "An Introduction to Theonomic Ethics" (the way it was understood through Christian history and in the confessions of faith.)
1.21.00 - 1.56.00
Lecture 2. Pastor Chris Neiswonger: "An introduction to the nomological thought of Greg Bahnsen in "Theonomy in Christian Ethics.”
2.32.50 - 3.43.00
Lecture 3. Dr. Joe Boot: “The Relationship between Biblical Law and our Contemporary Politics”
5.03.40 - 6.05.30
Lecture 4. Dr. Joe Boot: "Thinking Christianly"
6.19.20 - 7.23.10
Lecture 5. Rev. David VanDrunen: "Using the Natural Law and the Noahic Covenant to tutor the nations in ethics"
7.23.10 - 8.42.40
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