So you just got a new guitar...

For guitar players

Moderator: 1moar

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So you just got a new guitar...

Post by 1moar »

Congrats! Some of this may/may not apply to other instruments - this does however apply to acoustics, electrics, basses, and most other stringed instruments. Afaik. I am not responsible for a ruined, vintage Red Violin.

Hopefully you have a case as well, check the pockets and such if it's used...never know what you'll find.

First order of business is changing the strings and checking the setup. Once the strings are off, and if you're as 'tarded as I am about my guitars, have some lemon oil on hand and using a spare amount and rag, rub it in to the fretboard. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO MAPLE NECKS.

String 'er up and rock.
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