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Sharing is caring; and fun, etc.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:20 am
by 1moar
So any Voat vets will probably remember @TheBuddha's Friday Night Guitar Thread. We'd post music and share, talk and just generally have a gas. My hope is to put something similar together, with a few key changes. No pun intended.

I'm going to set it for a month, instead of 1 night. This is to inspire a person and also allow time for them to put something together. I myself typically work evenings, especially Fridays, so that's another reason. It might also get me off my ass to do some new stuff, or something.

It will be friendly, I am not a ban-hammer sort of mod, hell I don't think I can here even...but I will not tolerate anyone being ridiculed. There's criticism, and then there's being an ass-hole. There's enough of the latter, so we don't need it here. Just be kind I guess. I want folks to feel comfortable with sharing, and it doesn't need to be guitar based either. Sing us a song! Play your hammered dulcimer whilst hammered.

All that being said, I'm going to shoot for February 1st as the start of the first one. Again, this allows time for planning and such. So get ready, dust off your acoustics and notepads. It might get loud.

Re: Sharing is caring; and fun, etc.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:38 am
by Deleted User 2149
So far it appears you're the only one here with any musical talent. There are some goats hanging out in the Goatpen. Maybe post an invite there? Cheese booger and Deshy hang out there, both used to contribute to the Friday night thread on voat.

Re: Sharing is caring; and fun, etc.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:12 am
by 1moar
Yeah, my hope is to pull some folks out of their shells. I'm also doing this for posterity...according to doctors I'm literally dying. Well, no shit...we all are.

That said, the instrument has been my lifes work and only real substantial thing to show I wasn't a completely useless sack of meat. So if I end up talking to myself, hell...I do it already lol.

But, idk if you'd be so kind as to 'splain the goat pen and where it is...I poked around a bit on here but I'm half loopy. I'll invite them, may even invite some others as I dig through my archives of those who wouldn't be completely put off by the rest of the place. Don't get me wrong, I'm 110% goat, but as a professional, I'm forced to deal with all types. Though some trolling of them might be hilarious...

Re: Sharing is caring; and fun, etc.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:11 pm
by Deleted User 2149 It was set up by a goat and you'll see many familiar names there.