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WHT Lifeboat Foundation’s Bitcoin Endowment Fund?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:31 am
by kestrel9
TL/DR Humanity may not survive but taxes will /s Oh btw, that tax write off you took for LBF contribution... yeah it may be revoked at some point, retroactively, back to 2017. ... s-epstein/

June 10, 2021
Bitcoin-loving nonprofit The Lifeboat Foundation (LBF) says it’s “helping humanity survive existential risks” as we approach the Singularity — but it appears on track for its own crisis: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

LBF emerged in 2002 through current president Eric Klien. According to LBF, Klien amassed his fortune trading stocks in the 1990s and by cashing out a stake in the 2000s.

Klien currently resides in Nevada, where LBF is headquartered.

The Lifeboat Foundation says it has some of the “best minds on the planet” to enable our survival.

One has to fall down numerous precarious rabbit holes to ever wind up on LBF’s homepage.
But once there, you’ll find a heady mix of cryonics supporters, life extension advocates, libertarians, scientists, and blockchainers dotting LBF’s long list of advisors.
Named figures include the deceased child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, Tether founder J.R. Willett, and other prominent technologists.
Indeed, many of LBF’s top donors are renowned and well-known industry leaders, although most joined years ago.


LBF’s disclosed number one fiat donor is even an early Bitcoin adopter with an interest in sea-steading named Brian Cartmell.
Noted reasons for donating range from earnest to just weird. “I want to help… secure [a] future in which people… have opportunities for fulfilling productive lives,” said one.
Another gave a foreboding quote: “A self-replicating pathogen, whether biological or nanotechnology based, could destroy our civilization in a matter of days or weeks.”
The latter was written 15 years ago.

Give LBF your Bitcoin to save humanity

LBF says it wants to help preserve humanity by raising funds for projects it deems worthy.
The org’s intentions may be great, but the website itself resembles an L. Ron Hubbard book cover meets Heaven’s Gate video — incredibly mid-90’s aesthetic but with an eager and sad desperation.

Ultimately, all that seems to have paid off. In Bitcoin’s formative years, LBF launched what it called the “world’s first Bitcoin Endowment Fund.”

The Lifeboat Foundation’s website has a certain vibe about it.

LBF discloses the cryptocurrency kept in the endowment fund on its website.
The fund has accepted a raft of shitcoins over the years, including long-gone projects like CryptogenicBullion and Noblecoin.
LBF says it has raised $16 million worth of crypto. Most of the fund is Bitcoin purportedly kept in 13 different addresses across five wallets (546.9 BTC in total), but also 190 ETH ($480,000).

There’s hardly any BTC left

Protos analyzed LBF’s 13 Bitcoin addresses and found vastly different figures than those listed on LBF’s website.
LBF’s addresses have in total received 1,172.74 BTC ($43.9 million). Only 31.21 BTC ($1.17 million) remains.

The Lifeboat Foundation's Bitcoin endowment
full history chart available in article

At rough times of deposit, the Bitcoin was together valued at $1.9 million.
•Using Bitcoin’s price around the time of withdrawal, LBF has taken out $2.89 million.
•Most of the Bitcoin was tracked to crypto mixers and exchanges.
LBF projected lofty — but vague — goals for that Bitcoin endowment, and had previously mentioned it would crowdsource ideas for how to appropriately spend the crypto in the future.
Instead, the Bitcoin appears to have only been used for two purposes: buying crypto mining equipment and “diversifying the endowment fund” by trading it.

The Lifeboat Foundation Bitcoin endowment
USD inflows and outflows [chart available in article]

So, it could be that most of the Bitcoin is still on exchanges, ready to convert into fiat for humanity.
But checking LBF’s 501(c)3 status — which certifies it as tax-exempt — shows LBF struggling to preserve its ability to accept deductible donations.
Turns out, LBF failed to file the appropriate docs with the IRS for three consecutive years.
So, the IRS automatically revoked its tax-exempt status last year.

The Lifeboat Foundation lost its tax-exempt status in May 2020.

That automatic revocation happened over a year ago but LBF continues to compel donors.
In fact, LBF never stopped soliciting with a declaration of 501(c)3 status (archived) — though they did remove a 2018 Seal of Transparency awarded by non-profit reporting unit GuideStar.

Implications for donors
Dozens of tax-exempt organizations have their status revoked monthly — but most were shuttered for good.
The Lifeboat Foundation continues to have a presence on Twitter and makes frequent updates to their site.
Still, there’s at least a couple ways that a charity can deal with the situation LBF finds itself in.
They can apply to be reinstated as a 501(c)3 and pay any fines or penalties that may arise. Or, the IRS will choose to tax all the donations as income and refuse reinstatement.

The Lifeboat Foundation's Bitcoin endowment
Inflows and outflows [ffs Another chart]

However, this scenario fails to account for donors, who were promised tax writeoffs and will instead receive nothing.
What LBF donors choose to do in-lieu of of those deductions remains to be seen.
The IRS reserves the right to rule on which years will no longer be deductible at any point, so the auto-revocation could (hypothetically) affect donors going back to 2017.

In the midst of this, Lifeboat is looking for an “HQ Supervisor” whose tasks include “keeping [the] HQ clean.”
Protos has reached out to LBF for comment.

The Lifeboat Foundation's Bitcoin addresses [in a chart ;) ]

Re: WHT Lifeboat Foundation’s Bitcoin Endowment Fund?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:58 am
by Savesequim
I'm glad you're seeing some of what I'm seeing. Hopefully seasoned voaters will come to realize I'm not seeking to bring anything down, but expose what it always was.

Re: WHT Lifeboat Foundation’s Bitcoin Endowment Fund?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:59 am
by Savesequim
Savesequim wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:58 am Mhmm. And Caleb and Andrew are both on the cryptocurrency advisory board.

The Founder Eric Klein is...a bit eccentric.... His Oceania project IMO is a precursor to TerraMar ... by-reality

The idea of seasteading dates to 1993, when a 28-year-old named Eric Klein began dreaming of a new, libertarian society. As a successful investor annoyed with the concepts of government and taxes, Klein felt there were few places in the world he could fit in. The solution was a new country, Oceania, which would exist on a floating, man-made island out in the middle of the international seas.

Oceania would have no laws, with only a few rules listed in their lengthy constitution. Alternative marriages, open prejudice, bestiality, and renegade scientific research would be equally welcome—the only thing expressedly forbidden in Oceania was physically hurting others against their will. While predated by a similar idea in 1965, Oceania got little mainstream press and was frequently portrayed as a joke; a 1994 Miami Herald article dubbed it “Pleasure Island,” and emphasized “We’re Not Making This Up.”

Re: WHT Lifeboat Foundation’s Bitcoin Endowment Fund?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:09 am
by Savesequim

Re: WHT Lifeboat Foundation’s Bitcoin Endowment Fund?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:45 am
by kestrel9
Lifeboat Foundation color coded warning system GETAS
Humanity on planet Earth requires a Global Existential Threat Advisory System (GETAS) to provide a comprehensive and effective means to disseminate information regarding the existential threats to global, continental, regional, national, and local human populations. Present system provides warnings in the form of a set of graduated “Threat Conditions” that increase as the (assessment of the) risk of the threat increases. At each Threat Condition, divisions and agencies of the Lifeboat Foundation are to implement a corresponding set of “Protective Measures” to further reduce vulnerability or increase response capability during a period of heightened alert.

This system is intended to create a common vocabulary, context, and structure for an ongoing international, global discussion about the nature of the threats that confront our species on planet Earth and the appropriate measures that should be taken in response. It seeks to inform and facilitate decisions appropriate to different levels of societal organization and to private citizens at home and at work.
Anyone notice something missing from this history of GETAS threat assessment?
recommend looking at it on website

Threat Level History to Date
February 26, 2022
Reason: NATO members Turkey and Estonia are said to be blocking Russian military movements due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This could lead to conflict between NATO and Russia, leading to billions of deaths in a World War.

February 27, 2022 update: NATO members Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom are now also blocking Russian troops.

January 19, 2015
Reason: “Ebola outbreak subsides. Schools are reopening in Guinea after a five-month closure because of the deadly Ebola outbreak. The reopening of schools in Guinea comes four days after the UN said the number of confirmed Ebola cases in the country had fallen to its lowest weekly total since August.”

October 1, 2014
Reason: “Largest Ebola outbreak in history has spread to USA.”

October 19, 2006
Reason: “The acutely high tensions over North Korea’s nuclear test have, for the moment, converted to a drawn out imbroglio which will probably not really heat up again until North Korea’s next nuclear arms test.”

October 9, 2006
Reason: “Brazen provocative nuclear test by North Korea causing high geopolitical tension in Asia and worldwide.”

August 12, 2006
Reason: “UK terrorist plot successfully foiled. Imminence of terrorist action has abated.”

August 11, 2006
Reason: “Response to plot to detonate liquid explosives carried on board several airliners traveling from the United Kingdom to the United States.”

July 26, 2006
Reason: “Analysis of world situation at the time that Global Existential Threat Advisory System (GETAS) was activated.”

At each Threat Condition, divisions and agencies of the Lifeboat Foundation are to implement a corresponding set of “Protective Measures” to further reduce vulnerability or increase response capability during a period of heightened alert.
So.. some general guidelines as to threat level yellow (since specifics aren't available on website)
Elevated Condition (Yellow)
An Elevated Condition is declared when there is a significant risk of existential catastrophes. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Conditions, LF departments and agencies should consider the following general measures in addition to the Protective Measures that they will develop and implement:

Increasing sousveillance of critical locations;
Coordinating emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions;
Assessing whether the precise characteristics of the threat require the further refinement of preplanned Protective Measures;
Implementing, as appropriate, contingency and emergency response plans; and
Put LF space and bunker evacuees on a heightened state of readiness in terms of their ability to move to designated bunkers and space launch facilities.
Bitcoin wallets secure? okay Prepare to launch

Re: WHT Lifeboat Foundation’s Bitcoin Endowment Fund?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:32 am
by kestrel9
see these too (some linked from yours) ... ... om/ex/arki Ark I :lol: ... ngularity/ I think some of this is part of CIA long range psyop projects :lol:

Spies in Academic Clothing: The Untold History of MKULTRA and the Counterculture – And How the Intelligence Community Misleads the 99%, by Jan Irvin, May 13, 2015
‘Books differ from all other propaganda media,’ wrote a chief of the CIA’s Covert Action Staff, ‘primarily because one single book can significantly change the reader’s attitude and action to an extent unmatched by the impact of any other single medium [such as to] make books the most important weapon of strategic (long-range) propaganda.’ The CIA’s clandestine books programme was run, according to the same source, with the following aims in mind: ‘Get books published or distributed abroad without revealing any U.S. influence, by covertly subsidizing foreign publications or booksellers. Get books published which should not be “contaminated” by any overt tie-in with the U.S. government, especially if the position of the author is “delicate”. Get books published for operational reasons, regardless of commercial viability. Initiate and subsidize indigenous national or international organizations for book publishing or distributing purposes. Stimulate the writing of politically significant books by unknown foreign authors – either by directly subsidizing the author, if covert contact is feasible, or indirectly, through literary agents or publishers.
The New York Times alleged in 1977 that the CIA had been involved in the publication of at least a thousand books.[1] [Emphasis added] ~ Frances Stonor Saunders