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Utah ritual abuse case linked to Soros and WEF.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:59 pm
by Tanngnjostr
Hi, as some of you are aware Utah county attourney David Leavitt is currently under investigation for Satanic Ritual abuse and child cannibalism! The case has gone quiet for a bit but I found some information which I believe is new to voat that I thought everyone might be interested in. Before we begin, here is the original post started by TFS for more background information.

Anyway, I have discovered that David Leavitt is funded by George Soros affiliated groups. George Soros funds the Govern For Impact (GFI) which is connected to New Venture Fund which has a component Just Trust For Action that gave money to David Leavitt. Leavitt is Republican but he is soft on crime and he outright disbanded the Special Victims Unit which prosecuted sex crimes
So just remember George Soros- New Venture Fund - Just Trust for Action -David Leavitt

But that is not where the Soros connection ends. David Leavitt runs the Leavitt Institute (TLI) which has Natalie Jaresko on the board. She was the former finance minister of Ukraine. Oddly, she is American and doesn't have Ukrainian citizenship so she shouldn't have been able to even take the role. She was given citizenship but as she was supposed to renounce her American citizenship (which she didn't do) so she gamed the system to avoid this. Credit goes to Missj75 on TruthSocial for discovering the Jaresko connection. ... 8499203860

Here are links that show her connection to the Atlantic Council, The Aspen Institute, The WEF, Victor Pinchuk's Yalta European Strategy, and The Brookings Institute.

She is involved in all sorts of corruption. She worked for WNISEF and collected $1.77 million in bonuses when the cap on her compensation was supposed to be $150,000. She also allegedly laundered money to Burisma (Where Hunter Biden worked) through Franklin Templeton Investments. ... o.pdf?dl=0 ... ullets.pdf

Her connection to George Soros? Well, it appears he selected her.

"In his letter to Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, Soros hints that he played a key role in selection of three key non-Ukrainian ministers—Natalia Jaresko, an American ex- State Department official as Finance Minister; Aivras Abromavicius of Lithuania as Economics Minister, and a health minister from Georgia. Soros in his December 2014 letter, referring to his proposal for a “big bank” privatization of Naftogaz and price rise, states, “You are fortunate to have appointed three ‘new Ukrainian’ ministers and several natives (sic) who are committed to this approach.”

One last thing:
Anon: The Brookings Institute. How evil is this organization? Is 2014 CHARGE project (combined Brookings and Clinton Global Initiative) used to launder money?

FBIanon: CHARGE was used for weapons and people. (Soros funds Brookings)

Edit: A big thank you to Memory Hold and Riss Flex for sharing this information. Oh, and Memory Hold no problem on not being able to pronounce the name. I was Tanngrisnir on Voat (off of Thor's goats) but after I forgot my password and couldn't get it reset I switched names to the vastly harder to pronounce goat on Searchvoat.