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KWF taken out by child grooming trans fart fetishist

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:06 am
by kestrel9
...and a mob of angry communist trannies! ... kiwifarms/
...I don’t think this has ever happened before,” one longtime cybersecurity expert told Revolver. “If IP addresses can be revoked, then the people who control them basically control the Internet and what is allowed on it.”

More broadly, the expert said, the strategy used on KiwiFarms has provided a a template that can be recreated over and over again.

“If somebody can mount a political attack to get IP allocations canceled, DDOS canceled, hosting canceled, and so on, it becomes very very difficult to operate anything outside the prescribed of acceptable behaviors,” he said.

In another Telegram post on Sept. 18, KiwiFarms announced that a hacker had penetrated an admin account and potentially taken the passwords, emails, and IP addresses of every single user on the site. To wit: the entire purpose of the deplatforming campaign against KiwiFarms was to enable a criminal assault on KiwiFarms. That criminal assault, aided and abetted by Ben Collins and NBC News, appears to have been a complete success.

To paraphrase a fake quote from Sinclair Lewis: fascism has come to America wrapped in a transgender flag and carrying a dilator.

This might sound like a sick parody, but it’s not: An alliance between Big Tech and tech-literate, highly-motivated, deeply insane transgenders has become the chief threat to freedom of speech online. What is the governing principle of this alliance? Nothing less than the idea that nothing may exist online that affronts the transgendered.

Predictably, the template for the pressure campaign on Cloudflare is already being used on new targets. Because the site’s users routinely archived tweets, photos, and other relevant materials at the Internet Archive, that site became the next target. Almost immediately, the attack succeeded, and campaigners moved on to, a rival archiving site that has thus far proven more resilient.
Clearly, the banning of KiwiFarms is significant for every American, and every single person on this planet, who cares about online freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It matters even if one finds the site and its users utterly loathsome. It matters because it demonstrates the left’s playbook for all to see, and it matters because it shows how the cutting edge of the modern regime works.

KiwiFarms’ defenestration wasn’t simply carried out by run-of-the-mill transsexuals. This act of tyranny was carried out by the most disturbed subgroup among them, a grotesque assortment of forum monsters, child groomers, pornographers, scammers, communists, and sociopaths. It is these people that the left has enthroned as the supreme arbiters of acceptable speech and ideas; a tyrannical minority who can veto anyone they please out of existence. They are the ones who can mount $10,000/day DDOS attacks with the tacit permission of the government and tech, while people like you aren’t allowed to have a Twitter handle or a PayPal account.

The Republic of Liberty is dead, and in its place we have the Tyranny of Pedophiles. Enjoy your stay.