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Is there a mystery to be solved and...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:51 pm
by kestrel9
...What does this user's (**************) psychological profile mean? (in light of current SVF events)

Some words have been changed or omitted (mostly pronouns)

"...may appear as a harmless, if slightly unnerving, individual, yet [their] sharpened mind more than compensates for their small [stature] and lack of physical strength. ...contentious, suave, manipulative and pragmatic... able to assess others quickly to get into their heads and can manipulate them to enable daunting circumstances to come out in [this user's] favour. [User] tends to keep their wits about [themselves] and maintain concentration when performing elaborate tasks, even during intense episodes of anxiety and rage. Will never allow [their] emotions to hinder steady deliberation or to cloud judgement. ...clearly possesses some sociopathic traits as [they] has no problems taking [fictional] hostages or attempting to [rhetorically] pistol down anyone [they] perceives as a thorn in [their] side. [Possesses] technological prowess [which is] fairly ------------------------------------------------ the --------------, and [their]intelligence is almost parallel to [fictional character]. As a nearly flawless tactician, it takes an experienced genius to outwit and subdue [them].
