James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by brwn »

was I not suppose to archive ?????
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

brwn wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:54 pm was I not suppose to archive ?????
What's wrong, did someone tell you not to archive? Everything we do here should be archived.
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

brwn wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:54 pm was I not suppose to archive ?????
Do you mean my downvote that I've turned into upvote? Sry for that if that's what u mean. I was clicking fast and accidentally hit downvote. All is good. Thank you for archiving!
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by darkknight111 »

I’ll have to pull it up, but Wes Craven (culprit in the Twilight Zone incident of the Judith Barsi case) is a regular at Martha’s Vineyard.

Steven Spielberg is also the man who put Martha’s Vineyard on the map with Jaws (1,2, and The Revenge were filmed there).

Martha’s Vineyard likely being one of the places where Judith Barsi was raped during filming of The Revenge.
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Additionally to Alice Waters, there are also parents of David Henry Gerson - Allan Gerson and Joan Nathan Gerson mentioned in credits of the Automatic at Sea occult movie, they are thanked when it comes to locations - we know they settled there on Martha's Vineyard so it makes sense.



Joan Nathan and her family described closer here in other topic:

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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Matthew Lessner deleted his "Satan" post and another one beside it so it looks like it never existed, what a clown he is.
In October 2014 he posted "Satan" writing picture just after he posted his "Automatic At Sea" post on Instagram:
https://archive.is/jGaDZ/b61e8429943d43 ... 925197.png
https://archive.is/d98wa/668c558728f9ed ... fa46b1.png
Source of quote above: https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?p=9645#p9645

Now it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/uTKnzII.png

Source: https://www.instagram.com/montelomax/

As visible this one promoting Automatic at Sea was posted on October 31 2014:


And so was the deleted one with "Satan":

https://archive.is/d98wa/668c558728f9ed ... fa46b1.png
https://www.instagram.com/p/u1OBhAmwUv/ [he deleted it]
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

I dont think I posted this one but in previous year the research done here and on reddit was combined into nice video by friendly movie reviewer, its titled:



Basically review of Automatic at Sea from the Pizzagate angle and connections. Enjoy and share.
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

I know Im late with this one but Lessner site promoting Automatic at Sea and Chapel Perilous with left hand symbolism and one eye seems to be pretty telling.


https://archive.is/NqLb3/e2af379d314778 ... 95efcf.jpg

Left hand path is widely known to be associated with malicious, dark, evil occultism:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-ha ... -hand_path
In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic or black shamanism, while the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic.
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Interesting music video recorded at the location of a suspect pedo-network operator, James Alefantis, published April 2016, some time before people started to suspect something:


A slightly strange text in the context of later findings:

Didn’t you know they'll lie right to you

They will say that it’s all in your mind

Get a soul. Get a sign. How do you

think you’re ever gonna beat em’

you never learn to read your lines.

The criminals are casual

cause their behavior’s everyday, so never you mind

It’s the punctual that's crucial

once you bring it to the border line.

Didn’t you know I look right through you

It’s insane what goes on in your mind
At 2:36 you can see the symbolism of the left hand, which represents the path of the left hand in the occult:

https://archive.is/zHnpE/dcba09c031af93 ... 5869b9.png

The symbolism of the left hand was promoted by occult films produced by James Alefantis, Matthew Lessner and David Gerson (together with James they know Nora Maccoby, who has been in a close relationship with Anneke Lucas, the person who claims to be a victim of "satanic ritual" abuse ")

I know Im late with this one but Lessner site promoting Automatic at Sea and Chapel Perilous with left hand symbolism and one eye seems to be pretty telling.


https://archive.is/NqLb3/e2af379d314778 ... 95efcf.jpg

Left hand path is widely known to be associated with malicious, dark, evil occultism:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-ha ... -hand_path
In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic or black shamanism, while the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic.
Going back to "Unusual As Usual", this guy wears a fez hat ... what is he even eating ?!

https://archive.is/TVn1I/84766a00c8fcab ... 2399a8.png

Fez is used by freemasons:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fez_(hat) ... nal_orders

One such organization has already been linked to the human trafficking scandal:

In 2008, four public officials from Western New York, including a State Supreme Court Justice, two retired police officers and a law clerk, were convicted of human trafficking for transporting a prostitute for the Royal Order of Jesters.[5]

According to federal prosecutors, the Jesters frequently employed strippers and prostitutes at their parties, with some of the prostitutes being illegally transported over state lines for Jesters events.[5]
In the clip "Unusual As Usual", just like in Chapel Perilous, you can feel a slight bohemia twisting in strange directions:

https://archive.is/jfZmI/679a513421a97a ... 708690.png

Other songs from The Grey A? "Until They Find Us"


https://thegreya.bandcamp.com/track/unt ... -find-us-2
I am through with politics and games

Cause we need time to sit and rearrange

Cause no I don't think we'll be emancipated

They'll just drop us all and then leave

They'll just drop us all and then leave

And we're bound by the wheels and the wires

Until they break, let us steal and conspire

to tear them up and down

Until they find us

Brother, what a shame, this hopeless human waste

You think technology can free us, please explain

Cause no I don't think we'll be emancipated

They'll just drop us all and then leave

They'll just drop us all and then leave

You know I don't think we'll be emancipated

They'll just drop us all and then leave

They'll just drop us all and then leave

And we're bound by the wheels and the wires

Until they break, let us steal and conspire

to tear them up and down

Until they find us

You know I don't think we'll be emancipated

They'll just drop us all and then leave

They'll just fuck us all and then leave

And we're bound by the wheels and the wires

Until they break, let us steal and conspire

to tear them up and down

Until they find us
Here is The Grey A's response to the conspiracy accusation in the lyrics of their songs, which were supposedly meant to serve as a political manifesto.
"Unusual As Usual" is a single piece of an 11 song politipop opera and album that tells the story of a country divided by partizan fights, an undemocratic election system, greed of the elitist classes in both parties, inaction on deadly climate change, and the economic strangulation of the working poor.

But at it's heart the message of the record is one of unity of all peoples and the power of the collective heart and mind. The song My Country Song says, "We won't get the most out of life til we let go. As long as we detest and despise one human soul...look out below". The peoples unified voice is stronger than greedy elites fences and towers. While a few political differences exist among the citizenry, they are a SMALL percentage of the overall beliefs the citizen's of My Country share. The struggles and frustrations listed above are universal to people of many nations, not just my own, and if we join together there will be no stopping us from breaking free.

"the criminals are casual, cause their behaviors everyday, so never you mind" looks at the way the wealthy class in My Country, the USA, lets bankers who rob us go free, healthcare companies who bankrupt the poor stay in business, military industrial complex and contractors who piss 125 billion of our taxes away, and the leadership on both side of the political spectrum that smile and lie about impending danger so they can illegally invade other countries and our private lives through our own technology.

I accept all people and do not demonize those that think differently than me. That said, the lyrics to Unusual were inspired and speak strongly towards Republican leadership that stands in front of the camera's with practiced lies, that repeated, gain traction. For me it started with the middle east invasions, actions I spent years in the streets opposing. The lyric says, "think you're ever gonna beat em', you better learn to read your lines". In order to push back at practiced lies you have to have an equally practiced script and must endlessly stay on message to be heard. But don't become a practiced liar. Instead listen to truth tellers and start practicing telling truths.

As a music activist I fight for all people and am a loud defender of the working poor and the ignored. I am also a fierce activist against rape culture and sexual violence against all people, especially against children. Follow the link to learn more about my work around this.


Those that are overcome by their fear and run from understanding will be lost forever. Those that accuse from behind digital walls and are afraid to speak face to face to their "enemy" will forever be lost. I will not make you my enemy and instead extend my hand of friendship and understanding to you. Listen to the music for more knowledge and know that there is love and kindness for you if you desire it. Don't be afraid to accept it. You deserve to be loved.


There's a bit of symbolism on their homepage and FB.



https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/cont ... -Black.jpg

However, they were used to such symbolism prior to the scandal, so it doesn't seem like a provocation given the Fraternal/freemasonic reference in their music clip:

https://www.facebook.com/TheGreyAmusic/ ... 070393836/

https://archive.is/Ra4Vq/9b6a9d6caae9a4 ... 17e39a.png

Poster promoting their performance in Comet Ping Pong, a strange fascination with internal human body parts or whatever is that:

https://www.facebook.com/CometPingPongL ... 4033359280
https://www.facebook.com/TheGreyAmusic/ ... 895668619/

https://archive.is/BYmC0/e2abf0a2a9d922 ... 2c2a70.png
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Post by Heisenberg123 »

What connects Ella Dershowitz the daughter of Alan Dershowitz, the alleged pedophile accused by the victim of Epstein, linked to Lynn Rothschild, Epstein and Maxwell, with occult film about a "secret pizza" produced by James Alefantis?

Well, she's in the credits of the movie, lol.

https://archive.is/MWTWs/cd26fcd2ca88dd ... 5d4dd1.jpg

https://archive.is/acbf4/cc5db9f001b796 ... 02b0b4.jpg

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6D3jMNn3C0

https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/ne ... /686550630

Everything matches. The film was shot on the Marthas Vineyard where Epstein flew and was introduced by Lynn Rothschild to Dershowitz, who also lives there.

Here is a story about Lynn Rothschild, who introduced Epstein to Dershowitz and Prince Andrew, James was at her house, she sold her home to Epstein's people, then Maxwell lived there:


Dershowitz also tried to free the pedophile George Nader:

https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/isra ... tried-free
Dershowitz 'tried to free paedophile George Nader' to work on Israel-UAE deal
Report suggests Trump ally lobbied US and Israel governments to commute sex offender's 10-year prison sentence
And he wanted Trump to pardon Maxwell, lol:

https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.co ... 692140/amp
Alan Dershowitz, the 83-year-old Jewish-American lawyer who represented sex trafficker and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, had lobbied then-US president Donald Trump in his administration's final days to give a pre-emptive pardon to Epstein's convicted associate Ghislaine Maxwell, the Times has reported.
https://www.insider.com/alan-dershowitz ... ial-2020-7
testimony from Virginia Roberts Giuffre accusing former Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz of having sex with her while she was sex trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's direction.
If someone did not read, we have made nice analysis of the occult and cultish like Automatic at Sea movie which indicates use of coded language [secret pizza] and the occult among these people:


"Intimacys" Ella Dershowitz on Porn, Hypocrisy & Breaking Boundaries:

Intimacy's Ella Dershowitz on stripping down physically and emotionally ins Thomas Bradshaw's new off-Broadway play about three families navigating secrets and sexuality.
https://www.broadway.com/videos/155303/ ... oundaries/
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:41 am, edited 7 times in total.
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