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Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:57 pm
by Deleted User 146629
merlynn132 wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:59 pm Ok,sure. Make sure you feed them the most natural diet possible. If you can grow your own,that's best,but as purely natural as you can. And yes,teachers are equal to parents in responsibility to your kids. Very few teachers will live up to that responsibility and will gladly teach your child whatever the jews tell them to. They don't care if it's bullshit. Good teachers are a godsend. So make sure you got responsible teachers. If they show signs of laziness or bullshit you with stuff like "It's part of the curriculum tho" even if they know it's bullshit,get 'em a better school if you can. Also,bare in mind that curriculums only change if enough parents make noise. They could be asking you for help. School is good for learning social skills,but in the end,if you don't want 'em socializing with certain people,home schooling is the way to go.

Defence against degeneracy is a life long task. It's especially hard for girls cause there's always thirsty assholes who will do and say anything to get that pussy. See male feminists. As such,you should probably teach your daughter that any guy can come up and promise the moon and stars and then pump and dump. So it's probably best to treat all comers as pump and dumpers. Meaning,if she's gonna whore out,she should get all she can out of it. Cause he might be leaving after the orgasm. But the best case scenario is always getting married before you have sex cause if he decides to leave then,she can take half his shit. But she should only marry a guy she can stand to be around. Either party leaving the marriage means you both fucked up,tho.

The reason a lot of home schoolers go full degenerate when they turn 19 is they're now out in the world without mom or dad telling them what to do. So they immediately start doing what their new degenerate friends do. Don't raise your kids in a bubble. Tell them about the degeneracy and why it's bad. Keeping your kids from evil only works so long as they stay away from evil all their lives. If they come in contact with evil and don't know what it is,they're much more likely to fall for it's tricks. You gotta teach kids the world does have rainbows and kittens and lollipops but it also has rapists,murderers,and thieves as well as jews who are all three. So yeah,tell them what they're gonna be up against and you'll be doing them a great service.
The article referred to teachers as complete equals to parents, not just in regards to responsibility. Good advice, and sounds like logical advice although I will hopefully teach my daughter not to be a whore. Definitely though, I can't shield them from reality forever, the difficulty seems to be how to effectively teach them about all the scum bags in the world, without getting them too close to them.

Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:11 pm
by magpul
Congrats, but.... IN REAL LIFE do not announce pregnancies until 2 months goes by.

Many books will warn a couple to not early announce to anyone you know.

Far far too many self-aborted fetuses with absorbed cellular tissue from genetic anomalies.

After 2 months, you can have a still birth from similar issues, but that is rare unless a first time mother.

DO NOT ANNOUNCE like you did claiming...
Guess who's going to be a zoomer dad in ~ 9 months
far too early.


Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:23 pm
by Deleted User 146629
magpul wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:11 pm Congrats, but.... IN REAL LIFE do not announce pregnancies until 2 months goes by.

Many books will warn a couple to not early announce to anyone you know.

Far far too many self-aborted fetuses with absorbed cellular tissue from genetic anomalies.

After 2 months, you can have a still birth from similar issues, but that is rare unless a first time mother.

DO NOT ANNOUNCE like you did claiming...
Guess who's going to be a zoomer dad in ~ 9 months
far too early.

Noted, this is also what the Mrs said today. Fortunately no friends or family know yet. So far no problems though.

Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:49 pm
by merlynn132
I'm just saying,if she's gotta whore,she should be a smart whore. We don't know what the world's going to throw at these kids or what choices they'll be forced to make. Best to be prepared for the worst,tho. Like how anyone she sleeps with might be a deranged killer or have STDs. Same goes for boys.

I'd start with showing them real world news. They need to know how bad it can get.

Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:20 pm
by Atko
Congratulations! I hope the pregnancy goes well and you get a healthy boy or a girl.

Since you asked for advice, as someone who recently became a dad (a bit over a year ago and I also worked with a department for obstetrics for a few years so I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly sides of pregnancies), here are a few things to keep in mind:
- remind your wife to take iron and other supplements which fetus requires for healthy development
- wait at least until week 22-24 (viable pregnancy) before you get your hopes high
- if she feels something is odd or discomfort etc., don't hesitate to visit your obstetrician. Better safe than sorry.

First trimester:
- in case of increased NT, make sure to get a NIPT to confirm
- only go for invasive diagnostics if both NT and NIPT point to issues (a friend lost a pregnancy this way)

Second trimester and onwards:
- don't get your hopes high until you clear organ screening (every organ is examined thoroughly for development issues via US)
- ask your OB-GYN for for DICOM files of your Ultrasound (don't just take JPEGs), both CINE and stills
- once born, monitor your baby for bilirubin issues for the first few weeks
- and finally, don't worry too much about it, your instincts will kick in once the baby is born and you'll be on autopilot
- make sure to get some sleep whenever your wife/baby is sleeping, nights will be long for the first few months

Good luck!
p.s. yes, this is really me. Hi!

Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:57 pm
by OneOfTheBoys
Congratulations! Use search voat or searx for links and further reading, I've posted most of this before.


Ultrasounds are good for spotting problems, which can be vital to know (in my case if I didn't do any my 2nd would have died but we were prepared and had a plan). I recommend the 20 week scan as the first one unless you really have no idea about date. Before 20 weeks they are pretty useless and after same after unless an issue is spotted. There is not a lot of evidence they are safe and some that they cause harm. Keep them short and by a professional on a calibrated machine and don't let them linger the wand on the belly in-between images (when they are typing notes etc), a really good tech will do this without you asking. Do not get those fucking novelty ultrasounds, they are usually done by novices or unqualified people.

Take good quality prenatal vitamins with folate not folic acid. I really like Garden of Life MyKind Organic 3 a day prenatal vitamins, I did a lot of research and they were the best but they don't have omega 3 so I used their vegan omega 3 as well - don't use a fish based one! Too much mercury.

Don't drink fluoride water - get reverse osmosis filter or buy purified.

Exercise is important- look up videos of prenatal exercise or get her to join a class where a trainer or physio can correct her techniques. Practice birthing positions too.

Talk to your care provider but after 37 weeks it is generally safe to collect colostrum into a syringe by hand, do it! It is gold and excellent for immunity and you only get 2-4 days post birth of it. There is a chance it can start labour but it is only small.

Drink Raspberry leaf tea or take the capsual version of it in the third trimester to make labour easier.

Vitamin K is only in minuscule amounts in breastmilk but can be supplied to and stored by the baby pre-birth, so eat foods high in VitK and/or supplement.


Watch Rikki Lake's The Business Of Being Born and the sequel to it.
Read Ina May Gaskins Guide To ChildBirth.

Midwives are way better than OBs in general and Doulas are an excellent addition if you can afford one.

Homebirth is superior to hospital unless there is an actual medical problem with mum or baby.

Get gold, frankincense and myrrh. The gifts were not for Jesus but Mary. Gold is a "push present" and frankincense and myrrh oils on a cloth or in a diffuser to inhale or in a carrier oil to rub into the belly skin in labour to help contractions, pain, healing and blood loss. Lavender goes with the other oils and smells lovely and is good for calming which is important. Clary sage smells foul but is great for speeding up and bringing on labour. Use on a cloth that can be removed do not diffuse lol!

Birth upright or on all fours or maybe side lying, do not let people encourage or force her on her back!

Delayed cord clamping in hospitals usually means anything other than instant or 30-60 seconds. WAIT FOR WHITE! You want the cord to finish pulsating and turn white, which is usually around 5 minutes. In an emergency is can be milked to speed this time up. A baby doesn't need to breathe if the cord is attached and pulsating. Resus can be done with the cord attached if needed.

Baby on to mums chest and undisturbed for an hour at least if possible before weighing and measuring. Unless baby is covered in poo do not wipe or wash off the vernix (cheese varnish) rubbing in is okay, leave it a few days or a week if you can.

Breast is best. Most mums can breastfeed, but it's not easy for many. Baby and mum both need to learn this skill! Baby led attachment is a good place to start. Lactation consultants can help. Baby only has a tiny stomach and unless premmy lots of fat stores to tide them over while learning, and they will lose weight. Avoid supplementing before mums milk has come in unless dire as it will lead to breastfeeding problems. If supplements are needed breast is best so if the hospital won't give you donor milk and there isn't a milk bank nearby there are dedicated websites and Facebook groups where you can buy or have breastmilk donated- or ask a nursing mother you know to donate or wet nurse! If you must use formula do not use fluoridated water to make it. Also use glass bottles with silicone teats.

Australian Breastfeeding Association is the best resource. Fenugreek supplements are amazing but "boobie bickies" (AKA Lactation Cookies) and oats with a side drink of milo is pretty awesome too. She needs to drink lots of water. 3.8 litres a day is ideal.


Everyone says babies have delicate skin and can get sunburnt easy and you shouldn't use sunscreen on them - all true but newborns especially need direct sunlight, just not large amounts of it or middle of the day in summer, great for jaundice.

Babies are just small stupid humans, but not as stupid as many people think. Talk to baby almost constantly, they understand more than you realise and the more you talk the more they understand. Tell them everything you will do to them before you do it and as you are doing it narrate what is happening. Mum and baby have a sort of psychic connection for a while that should be nurtured. Look up Dunstan Baby language, the 5 minute Oprah clip will do. Print or write up the words and put them on your wall.

Do 'Elimination Communication', Go Diaper Free is a great resource. It is basically potty learning from birth, you can and should use a diaper until they are walking or reliable with the potty. Saves poosplosions/poonamis, diapers and headaches when they are toddlers.

Do not use chemical filled nappies like Huggies. Use cotton or hemp cloth diapers in classic or modern style (Fitted is the best modern style - Sandys by Mother Ease) and a wool cover (Polish brand Puppi is amazing but hand knitted is good enough) or an eco brand of disposables but some ecos are much better than others and there are fake eco brands too.

Read up on Montessori and RIE methods of parenting styles. Stefan Molyneaux has some great parenting advice. Gentle or Peaceful Parenting are good search terms, as is Secure Attachment. Read The Whole Brain Child by Dan Seigil ?spelling?)

Baby wearing or holding baby is better than a pram and other containers but important to make sure baby gets a lot of floor time. A lot of tummy time in the early months can be while you or mum are reclined or laying down with baby on chest.

I have more advice but that is all I can think of right now.

Edit: Colic and SIDS are both lies for "I don't know why baby is crying/ died" babies do not cry without reason and very rarely die without a discernible reason. Vaccines, smoking, drinking and drugs and obestity are linked with most SIDS and co-sleeping deaths. Colic medications contain shit like alcohol and chloroform and it's not always listed on the bottle. Elimination Communication reduces crying just like changing wet diapers, feeding, putting to sleep, holding them, rocking or swinging them, swaddling them, making sure they are not too hot or cold or in pain (check for things like insect bites or hairs wrapped around toes or fingers, or ill fitting garments). Sometimes babies don't know why they are sad or are just sad because they are out of the comfort of the womb and they just need comfort while they cry. Never let a baby cry alone unless you want to shake it and noone else can take over.

Do not add food like oats to bottles it is a choking hazard. Do not sleep train, babies wake at night, it is normal, deal with it. Co sleeping bassinets or bed sharing (with the Safe 7!) Can help.

Baby Led Weaning is the best way but food before one is just for fun. There are heaps of guides but mainly you will need to learn first aid for choking whatever weaning you do (BLW, traditional or mixed) Purees should be spoon fed not sucked from a pouch or bottle to avoid choking and teach chewing. Learn the difference between choking and gagging and generally don't help if they are gagging. Do not start food before 6 months unless on medical advice. Avoid rice baby cereals. Just powder oats in a grinder and mix with breastmilk ideally to make porridge.

Re: I am going to be a zoomer dad

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 6:52 pm
by MrPancake
My kiddo is 14. Here are some mistakes I wish I had not made. 1. Do not vaccinate. 2. Do not use formula if you can avoid it and if you cannot; DO NOT use soy formula. 3. Do not snip (if him). 4. Television: none. 5. Real food; no cereal, chips, candy, soda etc. So far I do not feel I have failed him on the intellectual side; but I made some mistakes in not protecting him from environmental hazards. If only I knew then what I know now.