The Philosophical battle for the minds of Men

Moderator: TheRealSkeptic5000

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The Philosophical battle for the minds of Men

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


This will be a deeper topic in which I'll discuss the philosophical currents which underlie our modernity, and how they have their roots in Plato, jewish mysticism, gnosticism, nominalism and other ideas. I'll discuss the linear, wig theory of history, constructivism, marxism, Rousseau, the protestant revolution, romanticism vs. classicism, subjectivism, egalitarianism, scientism, etc. and will attempt to explain how all of these ideologies are the base of our modern thought, whether we know it or not. There are certain things we take for granted; such as the idea of the future as progress, and history as a process from "bad" to "good". These underlying philosophies shape the way we think and see things, and we don't know it because we've taken it for granted, as a truth so obvious that we didn't question it. By pointing them out, we can analize them more objectively and be freer; free from the boundaries and guidelines that these ideas imply.

You don't need to have any specific background in philosophy to understand this. This topic will explain the schools of thought in a clear, concise way.

Why do we have senseless and tasteless modern art?
What are the origins of feminism and gender ideology?
What is the origin of our views on love and romance?
Why do we think history is a search toward progress?

Some say we live in a battle between good and evil, God vs the devil. I think this is a lot more sophisticated than just that. We live in the clash of two worldviews; man as part of a natural order vs. man as the builder of his own destiny. Objective reality vs. Subjective reality.

It's a really interesting rabbit hole to travel. It's still very obscure and there's plenty to explore.
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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