EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by Truthseeker3000 »

NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY, DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU. I am still trying to get through it and I want to blow my fucking brains out. I’m sorry. PLEASE DONT READ ANYMORE OF THIS POST IF YOU ARE A SURVIVOR OR IT MAY HARM YOU.

Eyes of the Devil
By Patryk Vega

Subtitled in English with voiceover under Patryk Vega’s Youtube channel. Video has everyone’s faces blurred so nothing really to see. But the information is overwhelming, especially middle to near end with the actual trafficker.

On Youtube, polish man goes deep undercover and interviews a young woman who doesn’t give a shit about her pregnancy and baby and wants to sell it off to traffickers, a middle aged woman who deals with pregnant women and the traffickers to negotiate deals for the babies before birth, and an even more extremely hard to stomach baby and young child trafficker who puts babies and kids between 3 to 4 yeas old into 4 different CHILD brothels around Germany, Poland, Belgium and an unknown country. Girl children are called Dollys. If the children or babies are “ugly” they go for organs. Each child brothel has 7 or 8 kids between ages 3 to 10 yrs or so. After they reach puberty they are again sold to regular brothels, if they are still ok. Most do not make it. Many are eventually either sold for organs or put to death in extreme violent snuff movies sold on the Darknet, or dead after an elite pedo has their way with them. The child trafficker posts ads online on a polish website seeking women who have very young kids tries to get them to sell the kid to them promising a better life overseas for adoption, but they are sold for organs or put 24-7 in the child brothels. The brothels are actual houses with women working there taking care of the 7 or 8 or so kids living there. The kids never leave the house. The women are apparently mean to them and pull their hair and hit them because they don’t respond to their names, well obviously because they are so dissociative. They are drugged and are “completely fucked up psychotic” and self harm. Some try to kill themselves during pedo visits by strangling themselves. The pedo visits are at least 12 hours in length and the pedos who come are elite, super wealthy spending BIG money on this shit, they fly in on private jets and helicopters. There is an actual medical team on stand by to take the kid afterwards as they are then sacrificed for their organs because they are ruined. Just fucking sick. The traffickers make huge money on their organs. If someone wealthy is in need of an organ they will sacrifice one of the brothel kids. Some kids cannot be age 8, 9, 10 because of all the drugs in their system. Each kid in the brothel is generally booked once per week as they need time to recover if they are not killed. A lot of these vile sick fucks beat them and torture them and the trafficker claims they will end up with broken arms and legs and hips pulled out of their sockets. I fucking HATE this shit I want to scream. I want to find these people who do this it’s so horrific. The trafficker doesn’t care at all no remorse. At the end he claims he slit his wrists because he thinks the interviewer thinks he’s a pedo and he claims he’s not. More so it is because he is caught discussing it. He doesn’t care at all. One small bit near the end they interview a polish woman who had her boy child kidnapped over 20 years ago says he is in the USA and was given a medal by Obama for the military. It sounded a bit far fetched at the beginning of her story but she tied a lot of pieces together and it absolutely could be him. This was though some other hospital in Poland. Sounds like the USA was getting babies and toddlers in from Poland.

What I want to know from this is what the fuck can we do to prevent this kind of horrific tragedy of kids mutilated, raped, tortured, etc from happening. The only strength we really have is to expose the elites paying the 100k euros to fly in and do this but who are they. I know a post in here talks about Axel V loving to rape 6 year old boys so he’d be a candidate for sure. Just sickening and I’m just FUCKED from this. I’m sorry for this post but it has to get out there.
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by Monarch981 »

It's a very sick thing isn't it?
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by darkknight111 »

Link to vid?

As unpleasent (understatement) as it is, this video NEEDS to spread.

Only way to wake people up to the horrors of human trafficking.
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by darkknight111 »

Things from the video. At the 31 minute mark so far.

1. Tri City (refering to Poland) has one of these “brothels”.

2. The “disposal” means kill the child. Often via snuff film. Commonly death by suffocation during rape.

3. Muslims are often involved in operation of these “brothels”. Islam is indeed a pedophile religion. Always knew Donkey was a shill for muslims.

4. Merchandise is code for boys. Dollys is code for girls.
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by NinaSparrow »

I just finished watching this documentary. What an absolute horror show 😭 I am sick from it. But I did share the shit out of it & some friends of mine are sharing it, as well.

It's f*cking terrifying that it's so easy to buy these children in the first place. What the hell is wrong with these mothers!? 😭🙏

So did anyone hear what the "two words" the trafficker said these Satanist elites say to each other as a greeting? The guy wouldn't say them "on camera", so he turned it off. But don't believe he ever revealed what they were.
Anyone catch it?
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by Truthseeker3000 »

NinaSparrow wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:28 pm I just finished watching this documentary. What an absolute horror show 😭 I am sick from it. But I did share the shit out of it & some friends of mine are sharing it, as well.

It's f*cking terrifying that it's so easy to buy these children in the first place. What the hell is wrong with these mothers!? 😭🙏

So did anyone hear what the "two words" the trafficker said these Satanist elites say to each other as a greeting? The guy wouldn't say them "on camera", so he turned it off. But don't believe he ever revealed what they were.
Anyone catch it?

Nina, yes that’s what I also wanted to know about the code and he never said it. Thank you for sharing it I know it’s tough but I wish people would wake up to this. All we hear about is racism, politics, protests and trannies. This is far more crucial than the divide and conquer nonsense we are bombarded with everyday.
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by NinaSparrow »

Aww bummer, im very curious what those two words are. Darn it.

We should ask in the comments & see if he answers.

And of course, I always share these. I've woken up many, many people. I agree 10000%!!!! We have to.

Many blessings to you dear one 🙏
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Re: EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING, real child trafficker interview

Post by Jiggggg »

Watched this last night. Holy shit man. It really makes a lot of things make sense though.... this was exactly what was going on at Epstein Island. That was just one location we know about... there's places like this all over the world. They really are satanists.

Thanks for posting. I told my buddy about it last night.
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